On The Ledge

four - the light of the morning

Falling Away - Big Scary

Liv had talked to Sidney so many times about Mark, but he never understood because he never experienced it. She needed to talk to someone about it. She knew James would understand but he wasn't really someone she knew that well, and I don't think he's exactly ready to spill out his feelings to some write he barely knows.

Sidney was going to the rink today, but just to workout, no skating. Liv decided to accompany him, maybe in hopes of seeing James. She really didn't know.

While Sidney was in the gym, Liv decided to go and watch the open practice. She walked past the dressing room and a small body ran into her and clutched her leg. She looked down raising an eyebrow and kneeled down, "Hello"

The little one shyed away and turned in the other direction, "Sorry Liv" Dupuis had one girl in his arms and a little boy next to him, "That's Maeva, she's a hard one to keep up with" I just smiled and nodded, "It's fine"

Suddenly it was like a lightbulb went off in his head and a mischievous smile appeared, "Are you good with kids?" he asked.

"Uh...I suppose, why do you ask?"

"During practice, maybe you could watch them?" his eyes were wide in anticipation and I just nodded, "Yah sure of course" she didn't have much of a choice, he wasn't just going to leave them alone and it would only be a couple hours. He breathed a sigh of relief, "Thanks so much, I owe you one, the wife is home with a sick baby" he set the girl down and knelt down, "Zoe, Maeva, Kody, this is Liv she's going to watch you while Daddy's on the ice okay?"

"Jamie!" Kody said running towards the dressing room. James appeared and kneeled down to meet Kody, he had the biggest smile on his face. His smile was rare, but it did set off butterflies in her stomach when she saw it. It was a beautiful smile.

"Hey bud" he smiled, "How are you?"

"Good" he drew out the o's and Neal just laughed, "That's good" he looked up at Liv and cleared his throat, "Got the honor of watching these three did you?" she just smirked, "Certainly did"

"Ah, you'll be fine. They don't bite--usually" Dupuis laughed and Neal just had a smile on his face, "He makes jokes" she was never one to retaliate with a clever quip but she couldn't help herself, maybe it would cause that smile again.

"You must bring out something in him" Dupuis laughed before walking into the dressing room, "You'll be fine" James reassured her, "They're good kids"

"Can we go watch?" Kody looked up at her in anticipation, dancing around with his hands flailing around. She picked up Zoe and nodded, "Of course! It will be fun" a huge smile spread across his face while James pointed behind me, "Maeva's a runner, you might want to catch up" she smiled at him before grabbing Kody, "Can you catch up?" she asked looking down at him.

"I'm so much faster than she is" he bragged.

"Then go catch her" she set Zoe down and ran behind her while they all ran after Maeva.

He kept his focus on the practice, but he found himself occasionally glancing up at the seats to see Liv with a big smile on her face, while she bounced Zoe on her knee and Kody and Maeva both vyed for her attention. She turned Zoe around to face the ice and pointed to the ice, "There's Daddy! Wave to Daddy!" all three of them waved and he winked and waved in response before going back to a drill.

Liv found herself catching James' eye now and again but it never really led to anything. She just smiled at him but he looked away and never looked in her direction again. He felt something in his gut when she smiled at him but he refused to think anything of it. Not her. Not now.

He felt a nudge from behind and he turned to see Dupuis, "She's quite a girl. Kids seem to love her already"


"I'm not stupid" he replied, "She's been eyeing you since she saw you earlier. You better be taking advantage of your time together. She's a good catch James."

He shook his head, "Can't do it."

He shrugged, "Well...make sure you make that clear to her"

"She knows"

He just laughed, "Knowing you, I doubt she does"

He sighed and skated off at the end of practice followed by some other teammates. He sat for a moment and watched as she came in with the kids surrounding her and meeting Pascal. She gave him a quick smile and James felt this feeling in his gut again while he watched her. Suddenly the wedding came to his mind and he fought off the idea because he didn't feel like he knew her well enough to invite her to something like that. But he had this urge to take her along, almost like he needed to take her. But why?

"Liv!" he stood up and followed her and she turned around to face him with a genuine smile on her face, "Yah?"

There's that gut feeling again.

"I need to ask you something"

She nodded, "Okay sure"

Like he was asking her out on a first date he was nervous and swallowed hard before he spoke, "I was wondering if--well--I need someone to come with me to my brother's wedding"

"You want me to be your...date?"

"Uh...I suppose you could call it that. I just--I need someone to go with" he wasn't sure if this was coming out right or not but he stopped talking in hopes she didn't take it wrong but she still felt like he was only asking because he needed to instead of wanting to. She did want to though. She was drawing a blank with her article and maybe this would help with knowing a bit more of who he was.

"Sure" she shrugged, "Why not?"

He had a nervous smile on his face and nodded once, "Awesome. It's next week..."

"Oh...okay, well I'll have to take work with me...is that a big deal?"

He shook his head, "Whatever you need to do."

"Are you sure this is what you want James?" she knew she was asking more than how it sounded and he wasn't exactly prepared to answer.

"What are you asking?"

"If you're trying to spite her...I can't be a part of that" he had never really thought of his motive behind asking Liv, but spiting Summer sounded kind of nice, "Because I think you're better than that" he looked at her in surprise and she just laughed, "I'll still come with you, just don't expect an act"

"Of course" he said with a shrug, "We're just friends anyways" the words did sting but she fought through it and smiled, "Of course"

"Thanks so much" Dupuis' accent came behind her and she just turned around and smiled, "They were so much fun" she replied, "It was my pleasure"

"I hope you'll come by sometime, because they'll be asking for you again"

"I'd love to, you name the day and time and I'll be there. I'll have to come to practices more often too"

"You're going to take me shopping, right Livvy?" Maeva asked, "Like you promised?"

She smiled and James was in disbelief in how she was able to win these kids over so quickly, "Definitely! We will plan some Saturday when you're not in school"

"You're quite the charmer" Pascal said to Liv, "They didn't even warm up this quickly to James"

She shrugged, "I have a gift I suppose"

He just smirked and chuckled, "Okay guys, we have to head out, say goodbye to Liv" all three of them grabbed her by the legs and she squeezed them before they let go, "Bye guys, see you soon!"

She turned back and realized James was still standing there, "I thought you left" she said.

"You're amazing with them" he said still in disbelief, "It's like you're a natural"

"I wouldn't say amazing, but I always loved kids. Mark and I--" she stopped talking, realizing how deep she was getting and shook her head, "Nevermind, I'll see you next week"

"Liv" he grabbed her arm and spun her around, "What was that?"

"Not your business" she snapped. Suddenly this happy-go-lucky girl turned cold and she spoke again, "Maybe during that wedding weekend, I won't ask questions about your personal life if you don't ask me" she pulled her arm away gently.

He just nodded, "Deal" he saw her wipe away a stray tear and he cleared his throat, "I'm sorry"

"Thank you. So am I" she found Sidney finishing his workout and kept her tears back, "You okay?" he asked.

She nodded and slipped on a fake smile, "I'm good"