Status: Back on track, I have a lot planned for this story! -Love Mallory:)

Forever 17

Wrong Place, Wrong Time

Chapter 1: Dakota

"Dakota!! You HAVE to get out of here!"

"NO! No Destree!! I'm not leaving you out here for them to kill you!!" I shot back as my best friend in the entire world shook my shoulders in the pouring rain, I could feel how he was trying not to grip me too hard, trying not to hurt me.

"Dakota, I can handle this! But you have to get out of here!" I started to cry now, and I tried to make it as less obvious as possible, ya know?

"No, Destree, please no, they're gonna kill you!" I closed my eyes and shook my head back and forth, whipping my wet, dark hair against my face. The cold rain hit my face even harder, stinging with every drop.

"Dakota, look- look at me," he said, now in a soft tone, making me look at him, "Would I ever let anyone hurt you?"

"No," I sniffled, "But what does that have to do with you fighting those- those monsters over there!! This isn't about ME getting hurt!"

"Yes it does, Dakota, because if I ever got hurt, it would hurt you, too, Dakota, you're all that I have, we're all that each other have Dakota! You've told me so, and we both know it's true!!"

He's right, I did say that, and it's true, besides my friends at school, Destree is all I have. He had been there and protected me from day one.

"Now please Dakota, you must get out of here!! Run to your house!! And DON'T try to go get help," he let go of me.

"Destree! Are you sure you can handle this? YOU'RE just a teenager!!" I looked at him straight in the face.

"Now Dakota," he smiled, "Has that ever stopped me before?"

All I could do was smile back. No, no it hasn't Destree.

In the middle of my thoughts I am pulled into a hug, "Dakota, I'll be fine, you'll be fine, everything's going to be fine."

"Destree , you- you're only human," I look down.

I see Destree's bright white smile in the rain as he raises one eyebrow, "Now has that ever stopped me before?" He puts emphasis on the word 'that'. I shake my head 'no' back and forth, and look up at him in the rain.

He's also right on that note, it hasn't, if anything has ever been throw at Destree, he's dealt with it with unimaginable strength and intelligence.

"Now go, I'll meet up with you tomorrow!!" he screams over a loud crack of thunder. I turn around and start to run towards the gates of the cemetery, a few feet before the gates my shoe catches something and I fall, not having enough time to put my hands out I hit my chin on the wet pavement- hard, but I have to keep going, pushing myself up with my hands I try to get up and I realize it's more than my chin that hurts, I look behind to see my right ankle bent at a quite unnatural angle and blood pouring from the top of my Converse Chuck Taylor's shoe.

"Oh, perfect," I cry softly, I have no choice but to military crawl my way over behind some head stones and hope that Destree, or someone finds me, before things get too bad.