Status: Back on track, I have a lot planned for this story! -Love Mallory:)

Forever 17

Only Time Will Tell

Chapter 10: “Un timorious wiladrious tellis.”
**Destree’s POV**

So, a couple hours later I’ve gotten Dakota all calmed down and I’m making her dinner. This is going to be her first time trying blood. I intended to take care of Dakota now to the best of my ability, since she was (according to our world) technically mine now, and since I turned her I was gonna make sure that I taught her the vampire rights from wrongs. There were a lot of rules, and I was gonna have to do everything in my power to teach her these things so that maybe they wouldn’t execute us. It’s a good thing I had people send me fresh supply from Vantria each month, and considering I enjoyed most blood, I had different types.

“Now Dakota,” I said, coming down from my room with blood packets, she was sitting at the small kitchen table, “This is gonna be a weird experience, but human food is no longer going to taste as good to you, so you’re going to have to find out what blood type you prefer the most,”

“Destree, what is that smell? I’ve never smelled anything like that in my life,” she looked at me in amazement.

“Well, you also have amazing senses now, so you have a super powerful sense of smell. And sight, do you see why I keep it so dark in here now?” I sat down across from her at the table.

“Everything about you is starting to make more sense Des,” she looked at me with a smile. I loved that I could truly be myself with Dakota now, it was an amazing feeling.

“Now,” I spread the packets out on the table, “I have O+, O-, A+, A-, B+, and B-,”

“No AB+ or AB-?” she looked at me.

“Hell no, do you know how expensive that stuff is? AB- is the most rare blood type on earth, and AB+ is still a rarity but has the nastiest taste you’ll ever experience in your life,”

“What does AB- taste like,”

A shudder ran through my body. I could not possibly describe the taste of AB- blood, it is the most amazing thing you will ever taste in your life.
“The most amazing thing you’ll ever taste. Ever,” I said.

“Did you ever taste my blood?” She looks at me.

“No, of course not,” I looked at her.

“Did you ever want to?” She said.

I turned bright red. Of course I had wanted to.

Before I could answer her the phone rang.

“Hello?” I said.

“Destrius,” a light, angelic voice said.


“I’ll be right back D,” I said to Dakota.

“Okay,” I used my speed and rushed to my room.

“Sister? What is it?”

“Destrius! Oh thank heavens! I thought I wasn’t going to be able to reach you from Vantria! Destrius, it’s horrible, Damion is trying to accuse you and get you executed for changing that girl without her permission and permission from higher authority! Destrius, he’s putting in the execution form, they‘re going to kill you and eat your friend!! He’s going to try and take over Vantria!”

This infuriated me. This time Damion had gone too far.

“Oh no,” I said, “This is all happening sooner than I expected, I honestly didn’t think they’d know for a couple more weeks, what did mother and father say?”

“Father didn’t say much, which isn’t anything new, and I’m not sure if mother knows yet,”

“What about Uncle Demitri? He was with Damion the other night when all of this happened, is he in on Damion’s plan?”

“No, Uncle Demitri just said he was there to help deal with…”

“…I heard about Rose too…” I finished her sentence.

“Okay, but no, Uncle Demitri’s on our side,”

“Good, we’re gonna need enough people on our side to win this case,” I sighed.

“Destrius, I’m sure you had a good enough reason to change her, I told everyone that,”

“Thanks sister, and I did, Dakota’s my everything here in the human world, nothing means more to me than she does,”

“Okay, Destrius,”

“Thank you for calling and warning me Silveira,”

“You’re welcome brother, now, I must be going, I don’t have very good reception here, but soon I’ll make contact with you, one way or another,”

“Okay Silveira, bye,”

“Bye, brother, I wish you the best of luck,”

“Thank you sister,” I said.

“You’re welcome,”


“Bye,” and with that, my sisters voice was gone. What did she mean that she’ll make contact with me later one way or another?

I went back down stairs to Dakota. “Hey,” I said, I looked up at her, she already had the blood packets open and had helped herself to sampling all of them. “Sorry,” she looked down. “The smell just starting burning my nose and throat, but it was more of an… urge,” she says.

“Oh, yes, that’s called being thirsty, your body wants blood, and that’s about the best there is, is there a specific type you liked better?” I asked her, sitting down across from her at the table.

“O-” she said. Ew, O- was my least favorite. I only kept it as a last resort. But everyone has different tastes.

“Okay,” I said, well it’s good that you have your type picked out.

“What’s your favorite type Des?” she asked me.

AB-, but like I was going to tell her that. “A-,” I said.

“Liar,” she said.

“What?” I looked at her.

“It’s AB neg. isn’t it?” she looks at me.

“Why would you ask that?”

“Because… I think I just… read your mind,”

How in the hell? And then it hit me. My venom. Dakota was changed by me, therefore any power that I have Dakota could inherit.

“Destree,” she bursts out laughing “I’m just fucking with you, I didn’t read your mind, just the look on your face,”

“You bitch,” I laugh.

“Got ya!” she laughs. “But for real, is it really AB-?”

“Yeah… it is, it was the first thing I ever had to drink, and nothing can beat the taste,”

“Do I still have my blood type?” she looked at me.

“Yeah, why?”

“You could feed off me?” she says, more of a question.

I turned bright red… “Um, that’s more of an intimate thing among vampires,”

“Oh…” her face goes red as well, “Sorry,”

“It’s okay, there are many things you do not know yet, there are many things I have to teach you about being a vampire,”

“Like what?”

“We have rules, just like human society has rules,”

“Such as?”

“Well, for one, you can’t feed off someone who is underage, it’s like statutory rape, except statutory feeding. But like a lot of rules, there are loopholes,”

“For feeding on people?” She asked.

“Yes, if the vampire were to glamour the human into letting them feed on them and the human not remember, then that’s completely legal,”

“Glamour? Like on Tr-”

“Don’t bring up True Blood at a time like this,” I laughed, “And yes, like on True Blood,”

“That’s so cool! I wanna try, except for the feeding part,”

“We’ll get to that later,”

“Okay. So what other rules are there?”

“There are only a few really important ones; no feeding on the unwilling or the underage, not revealing your true nature to any human, no changing someone without permission from higher authority, I, myself have broken two of these,”

“So there’s not many rules?”

“There are, just not many of major importance,”

“Oh, I see,”

“Yeah, but only time will tell what’s going to happen in the next six years,”

“SIX YEARS?!” Dakota exclaimed.

“Yes, time passes very fast in Vantria,”

“So how long do we have in Human Realm Time?”

“About six months,”

“Okay,” Dakota nodded.

“Un timorious wiladrious tellis, (own tie-more-E-us wuh-laid-dree-us tell-is)” I muttered, speaking Vantric.

“What does that mean?” Dakota asked, (I knew that her knowledge, understanding, and ability to speak the Vantric language had not yet developed).
“Only time will tell,” I told her.

“Of course,” she nodded.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you liked it! :DD
-Love, Mallory :D