Status: Back on track, I have a lot planned for this story! -Love Mallory:)

Forever 17

Why Are You Here?

Chapter 2: Destree

This had all gone wrong. It had all gone terribly wrong, and now, well now we were spiraling down into FuckedVille, where I am now currently the fucking mayor.

I look over at the two figures across from us in the cemetery, who were beating the shit out of someone who had decided to break the law, not the law of the United States, not the law of the state of Washington, and not the law of Seattle, where I just happen to live, but a law that when broken the consequences are unimaginable, vampire law. I feared so much for my best friend, Dakota who was with me on this night, it was pouring rain (there's a shocker) like it usually was. It was early Saturday morning (2:15 A.M. to be exact) the air smelled of the rain, cars drove by in the rain, and us, we were in a cemetery with two ravenous vampires, two ravenous vampire elders, which was the scary part, there had to be something more going on than someone who decided to feed on a child, or let their guard down over a little bit of bl- blood.

Blood. The smell of it invaded my nostrils, intoxicated me, Dakota's staring at me snapped me out of it.

"DESTREE! What are they doing over there?! There gonna kill that guy! Call the police we have to help him! Please Destree!!" She pleaded as I held on to her shoulder, partly trying to keep her in place, to calm her down. She had got the elders' attention alright, and with the elders that just wouldn't do, she had seen too much, said too much already. I knew she got their attention and I went into protective mode.

"DAKOTA!!" I shook her lightly by her shoulders, "You HAVE to get out of here!!"

"NO! No Destree!! I'm not leaving you out here for them to kill you too!!" Now, at her refusing me, like the strong girl my best friend Dakota is, I am trying not to grip her shoulders too hard, I am trying not to hurt her.

"Dakota, I can handle this! But you have to get out of here!" I noticed she started to cry, not out of fear alone, but out of fear for me, part of my wanted to wipe her tears and the falling rain away, but I saw how hard she was trying not to let me see that she was crying.

"No, Destree, please no, they're gonna kill you!" She closed her eyes and shook her head 'no', begging me, pleading.

"Dakota, look- look at me," I said in a soft tone of voice, which made her look at me, "Would I ever let anyone hurt you?"

"No," she sniffled, "But what does that have to do with you fighting those- those monsters over there!! This isn't about ME getting hurt!" I chose to ignore her use of the word monster, but this is the sad reality.

"Yes it does, Dakota, because if I ever got hurt, it would hurt you, too, Dakota, you're all that I have, we're all that each other have Dakota! You've told me so, and we both know it's true!!" I said slightly raising my voice over the thunder that followed a blinding streak of white lightning.

I let her think to herself for a moment before I say what might be, I don't know why I have a bad feeling about this, my last words to my best friend, Dakota Mason.

"Now please Dakota, you must get out of here!! Run to your house!! And DON'T try to go get help," I released my grip on her shoulders.

"Destree! Are you sure you can handle this? YOU'RE just a teenager!!" she looked at me like a mother would her own mischievous teenage boy.

"Now Dakota," I smiled, "Has that ever stopped me before?"

Hell no it hasn't. I thought to myself.

All she could seem to do was smile back.

I pull her into a wet, yet warming, protective hug, "Dakota, I'll be fine, you'll be fine, everything's going to be fine." after a minute or so I let go of her again.

"Destree , you- you're only human," she looks down.

I hold back an urge to laugh, so I just smiled and raised and eyebrow, "Now has that ever stopped me before?" she shakes her head 'no', and looks up at me.

"Now go, I'll meet up with you tomorrow!!" I screams over a loud crack of thunder. She turns around and starts to run towards the gates of the cemetery.

"Now," I turn around, "How may I help you gentlemen?" I ask the two elders who are now right behind me, with a bleeding man on the ground.