Status: Back on track, I have a lot planned for this story! -Love Mallory:)

Forever 17

Over My Undead Body

Chapter 3: Destree

"Good morning, Damion, Demitri." I bowed.

"Well if it isn't Destrius, the litt-" he said, calling me by my full name, I go by Destree in the real world, but yes, Destrius is my born, my full name being Destrius Luka Morgan

"Demitri, I really don't have time for the pet names, I need to be getting home,"

"Well..." said Demitri, who has a light, joking personality, but is super fucking serious about his job as an elder.

"So, what is he involved in?" I pointed to the dead man - well vampire, to Demitri's left.

"He fed on a unwilling child of seven years old," Damion said.

"But penalty of feeding on an unwilling child is the removal of fangs... not death..."

"Very good Destrius!" Demitri clapped twice at my knowledge.

"I may not live amongst my relatives but I am aware of the law of our people," I said it like a complete smart ass.

"He was also involved in the murder of... Rosaline," Damion said quietly.

"What?" I looked Damion in his blood red eyes, "He- he was?" hate filling my entire being.

"Yes- "

I slipped into thought, after all these years they found the man who- my thougt was cut off by my ears picking up a smack in the distance, and someone crying out the words "Oh perfect" ever so softly. Dakota. Suddenly the air was filled by the scent of her, of her sweet blood. Oh shit. I looked up at the suddenly even more ravenous elders, whose eyes were almost literally glowing in the night.

"Damion, are you picking this up?" Demitri said, his voice sounding happier, like he completely forgot about just finding and killing the man who had killed his neice, Rosaline, years ago.

"Yes, it seems to be, AB- and they seem to be of seventeen years of age," Damion answered.

"An extreme rarity, indeed," Demitri took in a deep whiff, "delicious,". That crossed the line, right there. They must have seen my eyes widen, because then they had the same thought as I did. I had to make it to Dakota. I turned around to run and flickered to her. She had drug herself behind a row of headstones, she lie on her back, breathing heavily, clearly in excruciating pain. Then I saw her ankle, and last time I checked ankles aren't supposed to fucking bend like that, I bent down to scoop her up to get her out of here.


I shushed her, "It's all gonna be over soon, Dakota, I'm gonna go get you help, just hang on!" I start for the gate with all the speed I can manage to keep up, I reach the gate and in a flash Demitri and Damion are in front of me, I am hit and go flying back, I quick let go of Dakota's legs while she screams and I wrap both my arms protectively before we hit the wall of the mausoleum, my back hitting a window sending us into it, we land in a scatterde pile of shattered glass.

"What's happening?!" she screamed frantically while gasping for air, the impact had knocked the wind out of her.

"Hold on, take you shoe off!" I said letting go of her, I got up and very quickly took off my hoodie and my shirt off, starting with my shirt I tied it around Dakota's ankle making her a tourniquet, next I tied the arms of my hoodie tight around the wound. "Hang tight I'll be back!" I said.

"No, we figured we'd come in here, since it's raining and you're with out a shirt," say Damion appearing in front of me.

I gasped, not expecting them to come in here, I fell on my ass right in front of Dakota, and quickly while I had my hands behind my back I grabbed the black sharpie marker from my back pocket and drew two dots, one on my middle finger and one on my index finger.

"Give us the girl, Destrius," Damion said fiercely.

"No, she's mine, she belongs to me," I said sternly.

"Really? Let me see the bite marks," Damion demanded. I helped Dakota up and placed my fingers on her neck, leaving the black dots there,"

"See?" I resist smirking. They can't feed on her if I have claim on her.

"We'll get you for this Destrius Morgan!!" and with that they were gone.

They were gone, and I hope they took that dead vampire scum with them. I hope they took away the man that murdered my sister, Rosaline.