Status: Back on track, I have a lot planned for this story! -Love Mallory:)

Forever 17

A Flashback

Chapter 4: Dakota:

If there's one thing I can remember from my childhood, it's... well, it's Destree. Almost every memory I can bring back either has to do with Destree, or Destree is included. Ever since I was little he's been there...

"Hey, whore," Frank Bently said, pushing me up against the metal lockers, making me drop my backpack on the tile. I sighed and kneeled down to pick up my bag, but just as I reached for it it was snatched away, by another bully, James Campbell. He unzipped my bag and turned it upside down, making all my notebooks, my english text book, my poetry book, and tons of loose paper scatter everywhere. There was nothing I could do, there was two of them, and they were huge football players, and only one of me. I had no choice but to start grabbing my papers, and gathering them up.
"Oh no you don't princess," Samantha Briggs, my mortal enemy came out of no where and kicked me so hard I hit the lockers. "Where's your little boyfriend to come save you now princess?" she spat. By 'little boyfriend' she meant Destree, for some reason everybody thought we were dating... maybe it's because we're practically inseprable... yeah, that's gotta be it, we were always together.
"What do you want from me?" I said, my head down, looking at the tile like I'd never seen something more interesting.
"Just waiting for Dess-treee to come save his princess," she said his name with acid on her tongue... like she almost hated him for being so close to me, but I knew Destree wouldn't come, he was out sick today...
"SO come on PRINCESS, where IS HE?!" she kicked me in the chest, knocking the air out of me. I looked down, hating myself for not being able to defend myself.
"Somebody looking for me?" I could hear the smirk in his tone, when I looked up, Frank was on the floor and James was just hitting the floor, I turned my head to look at Samantha, whose eyes were huge in shock.
"Des-Des-Destree, please don't hit me, none of this was my idea, it was all Frank," Frank made a little choking noise behind Destree as if to say, 'nuh-uh'.
"I don't need your excuses, and I'm not going to hit you, I was raised better than to abuse animals, but if I ever see you lay a hand on Dakota again, the consequences will be unplesant for you," Destree said holding eye contact with her. "Do you understand what I am saying to you?"
She nodded at him with fear.
"Ahh" Destree cried out, jumping at her, she fell on her ass with a scream, then got up to run away.
"Heyy Dakota, how ya doin'?" he turned to me, asking sarcastically, I was almost done picking up my papers.
"Oh my God, my day has been surprisingly wonderful," I said back just as sarcastic, it's like a game we play, "By the way you're timing is impeccable," I nodded at him, "Thanks,"
"No problem kid," he knelt down to pick up my poetry book and handed it to me, then he stood up and offered a hand, I took it, and he pulled me up as I slung my backpack over one shoulder. We started walking to lunch.
"And I thought you were sick today?" I said, more of a question.
"Ah, I figured I'd come, I was actually just skipping but I got bored,"
"Well, next time invite me," I gave him a playful shove.
"Okay, by the way, are you okay?" his hand brushed mine and I swear it felt like the tile I was gasping for air on a couple of moments ago.
"Yeah, at least they didn't break anything this time," and yeah, I said this time, this has happened before, and last time a kick in the face from Samantha left me with a broken nose because I retaliated, I decked her in the face, left her with a black eye.
"Okay, let's go get some of that totally delicious food that they provide for us," Destree says, more sarcasm.

That was my freshman year, by the end of the year, Frank Bently moved to a different state, and James Campbell transferred schools, all because of how intimidating that Destree was, but Samantha, she still goes here, she still stares at me with hate in the hallways, but since it happened, she hasn't said one word to me.

What was happenening? Is Destree in some kind of trouble? And why the hell did those guys call him Destrius? What the hell is going on here? And how was Destree moving so fast, all while carrying me? There were all these question, all of them I had no answer. None of this makes any sense, am I dreaming? No, I can't be, I would have awaken by now, and no dream is this damn painful. What the hell is going on?!
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What do you think so far? :D