Status: Back on track, I have a lot planned for this story! -Love Mallory:)

Forever 17

A Meeting

"Quiet!" Erick, the planner (Erick was the one who scheduled meetings, dinners, balls, and such things in royal Vantria, if it was an event, Erick organized it and did a damn good job of it), said to all the other vampire council members who were seated around the huge stone table in the meeting room. He lifted up a stack of paper and began to read. "This meeting has been called to an order to discuss the issue regarding our own... Destrius Morgan," he looked up, "Damion, Demitri, what is this about?" he looked at the two vampire elders.

Damion rose from his seat. "Members of the council, I have some..." he paused, trying to find the correct words, "... rather unpleasant news that I must bring to your attention. It seems that our heir to the throne, and the future leader of Vantria, Destrius Valentine Morgan, has turned a human girl, age 17, without permission from higher authority, that is what we have come to discuss today," sounds of disbelief and complete and utter shock emit from the vampires sitting around the table.

At this the room bursts into life with the sound of 30 vampires' voices. "Now..." Damion began, but no one could hear him, for the room was still filled with the conversations of panic and disbelief.

"QUIET!" Alexander Ravena said. The room was immediately quiet.

"How do you know?" William Morgan, Destree's father spoke up, his eyes shining.

"Ah, as you all know, since Demitri and I are the ones who were given the order to watch Destrius when he sent to the human world under the care of Sue Mason. We came to know because the human girl he turned is the granddaughter of Sue Mason,"

"Dakota," a vampire with long flowing black hair and glowing eyes known as Elizabeth gasped quietly to herself.

"What was that Elizabeth?" Damion asked.

"Nothing," Elizabeth smiled.

"What are we supposed to do about this?" one vampire spoke up, "Destrius is our only heir to the throne,"

"Well, as you all know, the penalty for this is death," Damion said, doing his best to look upset about this. The council members looked at each other, they could not believe what they were hearing.

"Wait, wait, wait!! I'm sure Destree- I mean Destrius had a good reason for all of this, it's not like him to not abide by the laws!" Silveira spoke up, all eyes were now on her.

"You will not refer to Destrius by the name that those human scum call him,"

"I'll call him by whatever name I wish Damion, you need to learn your place," Silveira shot back.

"Silveira!" William Morgan said in a sharp whisper. "You shouldn't say things-"

"No father, I don't believe anything he's saying! For how many years has he been trying to-" Silveira stopped mid-sentence, but not by her own will. Demitri had used his powers to disable her ability to speak. She looked at Demitri in anger and tried to yell.

"Thank you, Demitri," said Damion. "I'm sorry to say, but in the situation we're in I'm going to unfortunately have to put in a request for an execution." Once again the vampire all exchanged looks.

"Meeting adjourned," Damion said. The vampires all rose with unbelievable speed, some bolting out of the room immediately, some choosing to walk out of the room. Demitri got up and grabbed Silveira by the arm and like that, they were gone.

They stopped in the hallway where Silveira's chambers were located. Silveira grabbed Demitri's arm and took him to her room.

"What in the absolute hell was that, Demitri??!!" Silveira shouted, she knew no one would be able to hear her.

"I'm sorry Silveira, I just couldn't have you finish what you were about to say, he would have had your head delivered to him on a silver platter,"

"Don't you think they deserve to know!!"

"Yes, but then was not the time nor the place and neither is now, just calm down, everything is going to be fine,"

"Calm down? How can you tell me to calm down?" Silveira said through her teeth. "This is my little brother they're talking about executing!!"

"You don't think I know that, this is my nephew they're talking about executing!" Demitri said, trying to keep calm.

"Let me ask you something Demitri... why were you with Damion that night? Are you with him on this?"

"We were... dealing with a man who was involved in your sister's murder..."

"Rose..." Silveira's eyes grew wide and her being filled with sorrow.

"Yes, our dear Rosaline...,"

"So are you with him or not?"

"No, I refuse to let this happen again,"

"Okay," Silveira said, breathing a sigh of relief, "That's all I wanted to know," and with that, Silveira turned to walk out of the room.

"Where are you going?"

"I've got to warn Destrius,"

"Good luck, it's almost impossible to get cell phone service to make a call to the human world,"

"I have my ways, Uncle,"

"I'm sure you too child, but what if you aren't able to reach him?"

"Then I guess I'll travel to the human world,"


"And would you mind not telling anybody about this Uncle?"

"Vampire's Honor," Demitri held a hand up.

Silveira smiled. "Thanks, Uncle Demitri,"

"You're welcome, remember, you're my favorite niece," Demitri said as she walked out of the room.

"I'm your only niece,"

Now, Silveira thought, time to get a hold of Destree.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you enjoyed it!! I finally started working on this again and I plan to continue to do so, now if you don't excuse me, I have some ramen to make.
Til Next Time, I Love You Guys,