Status: Complete

Choking Hazard

Drifting From The Path

It didn't take long for Sunday to roll around and tensions to rise. There was a perception throughout the waters of Bikini Bottom that something wasn't quite right that day, but no one who wasn't involved in the hijinks that were soon to happen could put their finger on what it was.

Those that were in the know were too busy to take much notice themselves. They were far more interested in finalising plans, organising backup procedures and even running through a quick role-play of the scenarios that they could be faced with.


Spongebob, after a long night of cookie contemplation followed by an uneasy sleep wondering if that bag he'd finally opened was the right choice, was up bright and early. His usual (annoying) cheerfulness was down a notch or two, much to the appreciation of the rest of his household.

Gary had only crawled his way into bed about an hour before Spongebob rose, happy that he'd have the house to himself for most of the day. Sunday always was his favourite day to go through Spongebob's belongings and mess up the house. It was cheap entertainment, and while Spongebob was busy cleaning up Gary got some needed quiet to get stuck into his bookwork.

Most bosses got lackeys to do that kind of work for them, and Gary was no different, but he also kept a series of records for himself, just to make sure he wasn't being cheated. The system seemed to work, and after the fist two or three fraudsters were laid off no more problems popped up.


Zacky and Jimmy had made plans to meet up with Evie and Spongebob an hour before the meeting was to take place. Their rendezvous point was a block away from the dungeon, just far enough away to not raise suspicions if anyone cared to pay attention to them.

They'd chosen to spend their day off relaxing, getting in a few rounds of paintball to soothe their itchy pain receptors. Yes, they liked to deal out the pain, but both liked to receive it too. Firing the small pellets at each other was like therapy, without all the mushy crap - unless you counted the paint as mushy crap.

Waiting for the hideous yellow Porus Ltd van to turn up they noticed a dirty black Volvo parking a few spots behind them. A small hobo looking man exited, carrying a case with him as he disappeared down an alley. Thinking no more of the stranger they noticed the van pulling up across the road.

Thankfully, Spongebob was left to wait in the van, just in case a speedy getaway was needed. The other three made their way closer towards the dungeon, taking up position in the café next door. Theirs eyes were fixed on their surveillance equipment, watching Shadows' men set up. There didn't look to be any suspicious activity going on, so coffees were ordered to keep themselves occupied during their wait.


Krabs was pacing nervously around his office. It was a regular occurrence for him, but usually only on the days his safe was emptied of its profits by the bank. Today however, being a Sunday, was not one of those days. His employees sensed his uneasiness, but wanted to steer clear of the crab's infamous temper.

It was three thirty, a half hour before the meeting was scheduled. He still wasn't quite sure just what would happen there. He knew it wasn't safe for him to be anywhere near the dungeon himself, but this one time he couldn't hold back his curiosity. He knew the place had been bugged with cameras, it would be easy enough to just watch the action going down on those.

Yes, that's what he would do. Locking up his office he gave some quick orders for his assistant manager to take charge before scuttling away to his car and racing into town.
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Sorry it's shit Evie!