Bullied into Love

Johnny Lawrence owned the universe in 1984. The universe was, to him, the wealthier part of the San Fernando Valley (and not that shithole Reseda) but it was his first and, he hoped, last horizon. High school was a non-stop carnival of Cobra Kai karate class, make-out sessions with Ali, his hottie girlfriend, and doled-out skull-bashings to any spindly nerd crossing his swaggering path.

But his universe flickered senior year. First, Ali dumped him, the sweet angel everyone thought her to be wasn't exactly innocent. Her plan was to get Johnny back, as she started making him jelous by dating different other guys whom Johnny would repeativly beat up if she did, Johnny was insanely unhealthily obsessed with her. It was an on and off relationship between the two love birds. But he was happy.

For a while. Then, a skinny, olive-skinned New Jersey bitch named Chlorinda Bruce appeared. Chlorinda had a perfect life until her father’s tragic yet unknown death happened and turned her life upside down forever. Her mother, sickened and mortified, immediately moved Chlorinda to a new school, forcing her to finish her senior year in California. She also forbade herself and Chlorinda to ever go back to New Jersey. Heartbroken, but paralyzed with sadness of her father’s death, she transferred to a new school in California and makes dangerous friends, rivals, and enemies, not only that but she is a nobody at her new school, but what happens when she runs into the Cobra Kai? What will happen if she befriended with Johnny and his friends? What happens if she starts to develop feelings for the blonde Cobra?

Oh boy, yes he liked her and hated her, all at the same time (even though she dressed like a tomboy). This new girl seemed more…but yet. Different. What were these feelings? It was too much for Johnny to understand. It made no goddamn sense. And then, as if the gods had become tired of pissing on him and had decided to start shitting, it looked like he and Chlorinda were flirting, hooking up—and he liked it! But goddamit, to get rid of these feelings him and his Cobra Kai buddies tuned up Chlorinda best they could.

Johnny took to mindlessly hoisting cafeteria tables, taking a perverse thrill in seeing people and food spilled into the ground. What was this new, sexual charge he felt around her? He was a bad boy making a big messy-poo, and seeing things splash and make a stainy-wainy made him want to torment, bully, and humiliate Chlorinda’s senior year even more. He didn’t like thinking too deeply about it.

(Rated R) for a reason. Sexual situations, violence, abuse, drug abuse, language, child abuse, ect. Don’t like? Don’t read.
  1. Chapter 1
    Chlorinda-san arrives in Reseda and checks out her awsome new digs
  2. Chapter 2
  3. Chapter 3
  4. Chapter 4
  5. Chapter 5