Status: Alive

Save You Tonight

From the outside Louis Tomlinson's life was perfect. He had great friend, good grades, good looks and unbelievable talent. New kid Harry Styles sees through the lies and is determined he will save Louis from himself.

Larry Stylinson. Loads of mushy fluff, if it gets slashy (not sure yet tbh) then I've warned here! If you don't dig boy love I wouldn't read this.

Also starring Little Mix, JLS and The Wanted. This isn't real life so all of these bands are in Sixth form in the same high school and aren't actually famous...or in bands.

I don't own at all. I do however own the storyline.
  1. When Harry met Louis.
    "Guys this is Harry, he's new. Year 12."
  2. The Age of Innocence
    "Harry, all these films are chick flicks..."
  3. Breakfast at Harry's.
    "So you're gay..?"
  4. An Education.
    "He was fine then suddenly he was buckled over in pain-"
  5. Just Friends.
    "If that's straight then this whole metrosexual thing has gone too far."
  6. Brokeback Louis
    "'re not from British power."
  7. The Ex
    "So...I'm going to lose you?"
  8. p.s. I love you
    "Ay lub you toow"
  9. Louis' Secret
    "Are you okay? You look pale."
  10. Love actually.
    "I don't need you! I'm not a kid!"
  11. The Notebook
    *special chapter - one off*
  12. Say Anything
    "You smell so bad"
  13. 14 Days Of Summer
    "The tangled look was really in LAST year."
  14. Kiss Me Goodbye.
    "I'm never going to say goodbye to you..."
  15. Enchanted