Teenage Hearts


I was 6 years old when I met my best friends. Their names are Christopher, Alex and Kathryn. Their dads name is Caesar, their moms name is Christy. Their older sister’s names are Vanessa, and Rachel, and the now youngest sister Isabella. In order of age. Caesar, Christy, Vanessa, Rachel, Alex, Christopher, Kathryn, and Isabella.

My name is Casey McDuffie. My mom’s name is Kim, step dads name is Ron, and little brothers name is Dylan. Were kind of what you call a “normal” family, but at the same time we are really not “normal” were actually really “weird”, but in a good way though.

You know those moments when you love your life now, but want to go back to the past to experience those moments one more time? I get like that all the time. I’ll tell you why in 5...4...3...2...1...

I remember when Christopher, Alex, Kathryn, and I were younger; and we took blankets and put them in my “fort” (swing set) and say we were going to sleep there for the night. The sad thing is once we were done, we would get called in to go inside. Or when Kathryn would annoy us, so we would hide in a wood house that was in my backyard. It stunk because she would throw a temper tantrum and go inside and say the guys were being mean to her, and the guys would haft to go inside.

I would get stuck playing house with Kathryn. It was fun then, but I’m older now and I don’t like playing games like that anymore. Honestly, I don’t think I liked it then either, but since she’s my friend I put up with it.

I also remember how during the summer Alex, Christopher, Kathryn, and I would be in the pool. How the guys and I would wrestle to see who they could push in the pool, without them getting in also. Obviously I get pushed in first! Because I would wrestle with the guys.

But things don’t stay the same forever. Now Vanessa moved out, is married, with a child. Rachel moved out also. Alex doesn’t talk to me anymore, if he does see me he doesn’t talk to me, he just stares at me. Christopher and Kathryn are the same.

That’s what happens. But this is my story, and I’m going to tell it how I would want it to go.
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Everything you see here is 100% true. Nothing is a lie. Hope you like!