Status: writing

Love Like This

Ch. 1

I stepped out of the Phoenix airport,looking for a blue Jeep. Dragging my cheetah print luggage behind me,i walked the rows and rows of parking spaces,no luck finding the Jeep. I started school at Arizona State in the fall,but for now i had to stay with some girl who lived off campus. When school started,i was free to either stay with her or stay in a dorm.. I took out the piece of paper that listed her info on it,and where to meet her. I was exactly where i was suspossed to be. After a couple of minutes,i saw a neon blue jeep flying down the road. There was a girl inside,I noticed she had blond hair and glasses.

"Are you Casey Moore?" She yelled out the window
"Uh,yeah,are you Jamie Martinez?" I asked,looking down at the info sheet
"Yep! Here,lemme help you with your bags" she got out of the car,grabbing my luggage.
"Thanks,!" I said,getting in the car

We drove for about a half hour and ended up at a small,one story house with a huge porch.
"Aw your house is really cute" i said,smiling
"Thanks,its the perfect size for two people"
"Yeah,its only me and my mom" she parked the car in the garage,and helped me with my bags
Before i said anything,Jamies mom opened the door to the basement.
"Hi,you must be Casey" she said,giving me a big hug.

I walked up the steps,to find myself in a small,yellow and white kitchen. There was a table on the side, a fridge next to a counter cluttered with papers.
"Your room is down the hall,first door to the right. " Jamies mom said,smiling.
"Okay,thanks" i wandered down the hall,peering in the room. There were two beds,one with a black bedspread,the other a pink floral bedspread. The room was painted white and pink and had band posters all over the walls. Jamie walked in,sitting on the bed with the black bedspread.

Above my bed,i noticed a poster with autographs on it.
"Oh my god,how'd you get The Maine to sign this?!"
"Long story,ill explain later" she laughed a little,and turned on the TV

I saw another poster with 5 people on it,4 guys and a girl. The one guy on the poster,had dark brown hair,he wasnt smiling,but he had a smirk on his face. He looked shy,almost nervous. He was really cute,but the last thing i needed was to drool over someone i didnt know.