Status: writing

Love Like This

Ch. 2

Jaime told me about her boyfriend,john. He was 19 years old and in a band. She also told me about her friends,local bands,and the best place for parties.

I told her about my boyfriend Jordan. I promised him that a long distance relationship would work out. As soon as i said his name,my phone buzzed on the floral bedspread. It was him. 'Hey Cas,are you in PHX yet? Skype date later? Love you' i smiled,texting back "yeah,see you then" love you too'

After dinner,i had a skype date with jordan. I introduced him to Jamie and her mom. He thought they were nice. Jordan looked upset,but he still cracked the same dumb jokes to make me laugh. The date only lasted a half hour,before he had to go. When the date was over,i got a shower,and changed into a cutoff with shorts.

"We should go shopping tomorrow" jamie said,laying on her bed
"That sounds great" i replied
"Okay,we can leave at 11,is it okay if i invite john?"
"Of course its okay! I want to meet him!" I said,straightening my hair

Jamie fell asleep before me,so i was laying in bed,just staring at the celing. Honestly,i was scared to go to school on monday. I didnt know anyone,and im not good around new people. I finally fell asleep after an hour of over-thinking.
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This is a short chapter,but I promise the story will get better :)