Status: writing

Love Like This

Ch. 4

When we got to the mall,Jamie left with John to go eat while I was walking around with Stephen. He was really shy and kept looking at the ground. We went to Hot Topic to look at cds and band shirts. I immediately knew where i saw him from. He was on that band poster Jamie had in her room.

"Stephen,are you in a band?" I asked,picking out a blue tank top from the clearance section.
"Yeah,The Summer Set. Have you heard of us?"
"No,but Jamie has a poster of you guys in her room"
"Really?" He sounded suprised,but excited
"Yeah,its above my bed. You signed it too"
He smiled and walked around,picking up a necklace that said 'best friends'

I didnt tell him that i thought he was cute. If i did,he would probably think i was weird. Besides,ive only known him for a half hour. Stephen came up to me,holding the necklace he bought.

"I can tell we're gonna be best friends,so i got you this" he held out a silver chain necklace with a dogtag that said 'friends'. I smiled and put it on. He put his on and smiled at me.
"Thanks,Stephen" i said,walking out of the store with him.

We went to Starbucks after the mall,and of course,Jamie sat next to John and I was stuck with Stephen. I didnt mind though,he was really nice and outspoken. Stephen looked happier than he did before,and I secretly hoped I was the reason behind it. John drove us home,but Stephen wanted to stay at Jamies for awhile,with me.

We sat on the porch swing,talking. He told me about his family and friends. I told him about my friends back home,and what Ohio was like. Stephen told me about how he has anxiety and never knows how to deal with it.
"Im sorry,Stephen"
"Its okay,i can deal with it most of the time"
"Thats good. But if you ever need anything,im here,okay?"
"Thanks,Casey,it means alot"

We sat in scilence for a while,before he got up and kissed my cheek.
"Bye,Cas,see ya later. Come see my band sometime,okay?"
"Alright,bye Stephen."

He walked down the block,disapeering around the corner. I went inside,to my room. Jamie was sitting on her bed,smiling,talking on the phone. When i sat on my bed,she hung up the phone.
"Oooh,Caseys got a boyfriend" she sang,laughing
"Yeah,hes back home,in Ohio"
"Cas,face it. Stephen likes you. And you like him back. C'mon,he bought you a necklace"
"No,case closed. You both like eachother." She kept smiling and laughing

I rolled my eyes,walking away. I couldnt be falling for Stephen Gomez. I already had a boyfriend back in Ohio.