The Rules of Attraction

Such A Thing of Wonder in This Crowd

Jensen returned a few moments later, fully clothed unfortunately, and completely over exaggerating the amount of pain he was in. A rush of colour swept across my usually pale cheeks as his gorgeous green eyes followed me over to the coffee maker, something i wasn't accustomed to, usually i made cute guys blush not the other way around.

"Could we maybe start over?"

i smiled sheepishly, intent on making up for the lousy first impression i'd made. Jensen returned my smile warmly as i handed him his coffee, his finger swirling around idly in the gathering of cream at the top of his cup.

"You just want to see me in that towel again don't you?".

Jensen replied, his southern twang creeping through as he smirked at me self assuredly.

"Am i that transparent?".

I asked, my voice dripping with sarcasm as i slowly came to the conclusion that in a few days we'd probably look back on this and laugh. The next few minutes passed in silence as we sipped out coffees, shooting subtle glances at each other every few moments from behind our coffee cups.

"So how come you're living here? Shouldn't you be at home with your wife or girlfriend?".

I enquired casually, briskly changing the subject to more important matters, like whether he was single or not. Jensen's head snapped up sharply in a bid to convince me he wasn't checking me out when he thought i wasn't looking.

"This place is closer to the set and im er not seeing anyone right now".

Stated Jensen, not even slightly buying my attempt at being subtle.

"What about you, what brings you to this neck of the woods?"

He added, his long eyelashes sweeping his cheeks as he gazed at me intently from across the breakfast bar.

"Well someone needs to kick Tom out of this post-divorce depression hes got going on".

I explained confidently, narrowly avoiding answering the boyfriend question. Although i was pretty sure Jensen was aware of Tom's nasty habit of scaring off any guy who dared to come within a five feet radius of me.

"And you think that by sorting his life out, you'll be doing yourself a favour by getting him to butt out of yours".

Jensen finished my sentence for me, causing me to smile in disbelief at how accurate he was.

"Yeah, pretty much"

I smiled softly, wondering whether Jensen knew more that he was letting on or if this was merely a very creepy coincidence.

"Im a big brother myself, i know how it works"

Jensen elaborated, his lips parting to form a reassuring smile. My reply was cut short by a loud knock at the door, followed by a set of heavy footsteps making their way up the hall.

"Jen you home? i'm here to pick up the dogs".

Drawled a heavy texas accent. Jensen smiled apologetically for the interruption as he exited the kitchen to greet our visitor, returning a few seconds later with the hunky brunette extra from earlier. The brunette halted abruptly as he entered the kitchen, glancing suspiciously from me to Jensen a few times.

"Sorry dude, i didn't realise you had company".

Muttered the brunette, turning to leave as he swiped the two dog leads from the counter. Jensen and i exchanged amused glances at the brunette's apparent misunderstanding, letting him sweat for a few moments before clearing things up.

"Jared this is Tom's little sister Francesca, Francesca this is my good friend Jared".

Jared grinned embarassedly as he extended his hand which seemed giant compared to my own tiny frame.

"Call me Frankie".

I insisted, returning my attentions to Jensen as i withdrew my hand from Jared's grasp.

"I'll leave you boys to it, i'll be in my room unpacking if you need me".

I excused myself, shooting a meaningful glance in Jensen's direction. I paused momentarily as i left the kitchen, Jared's loud words suddenly catching my attention.

"Dude she is smokin".

Gushed Jared, a playful grin occupying my face as i listened avidly for Jensen's reply. Jensen nodded his head in agreement with Jared's statement, my smile fading as his eyes flickered towards the kitchen door forcing me to jump out of sight quickly.

"Yeah, too bad i can't do anything about it".

The confused expression Jared wore was similar to mine and i narrowed my eyes inquisitively as i waited for them to continue.


Pressed Jared, blinking slowly as he waited for Jensen's response. Jensen stared back at Jared blankly as if he should know what he was talking about.

"You know the rules"

stated Jensen matter of factly with what i was sure was a hint of disappointment in his voice. Although there was one thing Jensen appeared to have forgotten, all rules are made to be broken right? A few hours later i was still replaying Jensen and Jared's conversation in my head as i unpacked my stuff irately, wondering where Tom got off thinking he made the rules about who i could and couldn't date. My thoughts were interrupted a few seconds later by a low thud followed my by room door swinging open.

"Need a hand with that?"

Offered Jensen, looming around the doorway cautiously as i threw my swimwear and underwear into the nearest drawer.

"No i can manage,wouldn't want to go against Tom's rules now would we".

I muttered, avoiding Jensen's gaze as he scratched the back of his head nervously.

"You heard that huh?".

Jensen laughed softly, a little embarassed at being caught out by the looks of things.

"Every word"

I replied, forcing a smile as a blush crept over Jensen's cheeks.

"So you got the part where i said that despite the rules, i still think you're hot"

Enquired Jensen, a playful smirk playing over the fullness of his lips as i nodded in agreement. I returned his smirk as i kicked my suitcase under the bed and proceeded to leave the room, pausing at the door to murmur in his ear.

"Lets just be clear on one thing Mr Ackles, Tom doesn't make the rules here i do" i purred seductively.
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Hope you all enjoyed the update :) i know it's been a while but i'm still figuring this thing out so please bear with me.