Code Name: JTMD

Donovan Knightley.

Everyone knew the name: he was attractive, a charmer, captain of the varsity baseball and soccer teams, a god in the eyes of the female student body. That is, unless you were one of his rejects, one of his tools, one of his disposed.

Gena Fortier was none of these; in fact, everything was going smoothly between the two of them since he'd first spoken to her only a week before. However, this evaluation was only skin deep: he had dated 8 other girls that same week, and even recieve a handjob only three days prior. And then he stands her up on their date to go with another girl?

No more Miss Nice Girl. Something's got to change. And Gena knows just the bitches to help her sort out her plans for Medfield High's God.

This is Operation John Tucker Must Die.

Code Name: JTMD

This story is based off of events that happened in my school. It is in no way related to the movie, John Tucker Must Die, aside from that is the name the girls had given the operation. Thank you!