Status: mystery in the making :)

Endless Dreaming, Forever Sleeping

forgotten -

“Justin?” a woman said shakily into a payphone outside of Ottawa General Hospital, where a lifeless Elliot Young sleeps in a deep coma.

“Yes this is he; may I ask whose calling?”

“This is Elli’s mother, Justin; Elli was in a car accident”

His skin grew pale, his eyes grew wide and his breathing began to quicken.

“Is- Is she okay?” Justin questioned, star struck.

“I want to tell you she’ll be okay…” she paused as the tears escaped from her eyes, “she slipped into a coma Justin, there’s no telling if she’ll make it or not. We’re at the Ottawa General Hospital, just in case you want to come and see her”

Justin dropped the phone causing his phone to break on the floor. Pattie looked up from her book and she noticed her son’s expression.

“Justin, honey what is it?” Pattie questioned urgently.

He didn’t speak; he only turned around and walked towards his closet to pull out two bags.

“What are you doing? Justin, talk to me!” she cried as he threw his clothes into the luggage on the bed.

“We need to go back to Stratford, now” his voice was foreign to Pattie, it was so indifferent, she didn’t even respond, instead she made her way to her bedroom and began to pack her bags.

6 hours later

Justin ran into the hospital, his heart race going a hundred miles a minute.

“Where is Elli Young?” he questioned, and the woman looked at him strange. He mentally slapped himself in the face “Elliot Young, what room is she in?”

“420, fourth floor” the woman answered and he took off running towards the elevator. He pressed the button a million times, and waited impatiently. Justin looked around and saw the stairs. He opened the door and began to run up the stairs, his eyes focused on the number 4 on the wall and he opened the door.

He was sprinting now, looking for 420. His eyes went from door to door as he ran. Justin slammed on breaks when he came to an open door. His heart shattered at the sight of the lifeless teenage girl lying on the hospital bed. A muffled cry came from his lips, and everyone in the room looked up. Ryan, Chaz, Elli’s mother, Elli’s Father, her older brother Chase.

“How did this happen?” Justin choked out, looking at everyone in the room. Everyone stared at him funny, his face became red. “Answer me!” he shouted angrily. Elli’s mother jumped back slightly, taken aback.

“We were at my house,” Ryan blurted out and Justin moved his red eyes to Ryan’s blue ones. “We were looking for something to watch and we found an interview. About you”

Justin felt the guilt hit him, she wasn’t supposed to see that.

“Your answers, they sparked a nerve in her body and she got up, got in her car and began to drive off” Ryan said slowly “She was speeding, thinking she would make a red light before any car turned but one came on her side, the doctor’s said they don’t understand how she’s still alive”

Justin stared at the stitches lining the left side of her head. Her long brown hair had been buzzed off, and she didn’t look much like herself but she still contained her beauty. Her normally tan skin, was pale and she didn’t seem to have much life left in her. In his mind, he was begging her to open her eyes to reveal those beautiful blue orbs, but he knew she wouldn’t. She was this way because of him, because of her anger towards him. And the only thing he could do was sit there and watch her fade away.

Elli’s mother moved away from the bed, and Justin stepped forward as if offering to trade spots with Elli, but he knew he couldn’t. He’d betrayed her, and their friendship. If she ever woke up, I don’t know how she could forgive him.

Everyone exited the room, and he slipped his hand into hers. It was limp, just as he expected. Tears streamed down his face and he pressed her hand to his lips.

“Wake up for me Elli” Justin whispered desperately “give me some sign that you know I’m here, move your fingers. Do something” he crawled into the bed beside her, and carefully wrapped her into his arms. “Do you still love me Elli? I still love you. Very much. My manager told me to say those things to protect you, I didn’t want to getting hurt. But looks like out of my stupidity, you’re lying here in this hospital bed. Hurt. Because of me” he said quietly, wiping away the tears. “Please wake up Elli, I don’t know what I would do without you”

2 Years Later (present day) –

I could hear movements around me, but I couldn’t feel anything. It was hard to comprehend what was going on but I knew it wasn’t good.

“I think it’s time to take her off life support” I heard the familiar voice of Elli’s doctor and my eyes fluttered open. She still hadn’t woken up.

“Don’t you even dare” I said shooting up out of my seat. “She’ll come back, I promise” I looked down at Elli, she’d grown smaller in a way. Her hair was a mixture of blonde and brown now, and just below her collar bone. She was still pale, but it made her complexion fit somehow. Her lips were a light pink color, Elli’s mother wouldn’t let them get chapped, just in case her daughter woke up. She didn’t want her to have to be in pain because of her lips.

I’ve waited for two years for her to come back, finished my tours and came straight back to her. But she isn’t back yet, but I know she will be. Elli’s strong.

“Justin, it’s been two years” Ryan said, his blue eyes shined tears and I looked away from him.

“Give Elli time! She’s strong, she’ll come back” I shouted.

“You’ve got to let her go Justin” Chaz placed his hand on my shoulder but I brushed it away.

“No!” I shouted standing to my feet, Chaz and Ryan stepped back

“Why can’t you just do a simple thing and let her go Justin? She’s not coming back” Ryan whispered, as Elli’s parents and brother came walking through the door.

I looked at them and then looked down at Elli, tears sprang to my eyes. “Because I love her”

The whole room grew quiet, and I felt my body go numb. She began to move in her bed, and groan tiredly. Before I allowed anyone to touch her, I threw my arms around her neck.

“I knew you’d come back” I whispered into her ear.

“Okay” she said dazed, “but just one question”

I pulled away from her and waited in anticipation.

“Who are all of you?”
♠ ♠ ♠
well, she's awake... but bad news.
memory loss.
ha. yay -.-
love it much. <3

oh yeah, copy & paste this link and you'll see Elli :)