Won't You Open Up Your Eyes? He's No Good. No Good For You.

Chapter Two

I woke up to Cassia singing loudly curling her hair. I groaned and sat up making her look at me, she smiled and put the curling iron In front of her mouth as if it were a microphone and sang loudly “It’s driving me outta my miiiind, that’s why its so hard for me to findddddd, cant get it outta my headd, miss her! Kiss her! Love her! Wrong move you’re dead.. that girl is POISONNNNNNNN” she even attempted to do the running man.

I shook my head laughing at her, she was so energetic and outgoing I loved it.

“Move over, I’m gonna straighten my hair.” I said going behind her.

“Ready to fail the test with me?” She asked laughing.

“ugh” I groaned “I hate chemistry.” My phone went off and a big smile came across my face, I looked at Cassia “That must be Nick.” I ran to my phone, she tried her best to smile. When I picked it up it was a text from Ryan. Hmm.. I thought.

Goodmorning Harmony :) Nick asked me if I could take you to school since he wont be able too, I guess he has basketball camp or some shit.

I made a face. Nick doesn’t even text me goodmorning… “Ummm, basketball camp?! Did you even know about that??” Cassia said behind me startling me out of my thoughts. “No…” I whispered then texted back.

Morning to you too Ryan (: but no ride is needed, Cassia & Kyle spent the night so I’ll ride with them… but basketball camp? I knew nothing bout that /:

He didn’t even tell you? Wtf im sorry Harmony… have you talked to him today?

No… but no worries its not your fault… it probably just slipped his mind or something

or something… want to go hang out later after school? To get your mind off of it.

“Say yes!!” I heard Kyle from behind Cassia and I both jumped.

“Gosh! You two are the most nosiest couple I’ve ever met.” I yelled.

They both smiled. “But good morning ladies. Your guys’ hair looks lovely this morning.” He said trying to hold back his laugh. Cassia and I both looked at each other and gasped and ran into the bathroom.

“I am NOT riding with you two!”

Sure (: and on second thought I might need that ride lol

Lol okay :p I’ll see you in 30 min

I finished straightening my hair and lightly applied some make up and brushed my teeth then got dressed in this.

“Well don’t you look all dolled up, is it for Ryan?” Kyle asked winking I threw something at him then grabbed my binder.

“No idiot, it’d be for Nick… maybe I’ll take a picture and send it to him…”

“Or! You could just look cute on your date with Ryan.” He teased. My phone rang, it was Taylor calling to say he was outside.

“Your prince awaits princess.” He said bowing.

“I hope a bird shits on you today.”

“I hope you fail your test.” He retorted.

“I PLAN TO! Cassia! Kyle’s being mean!” I whined and ran out the house, Ryan opened the door for me which surprised me.

“Thanks.” I smiled at him and got one in return.

“No problem, you look pretty today.”

I blushed slightly and looked down “Thank you.” I laughed somewhat embarrassed

The car ride to school wasn’t as awkward as I thought it would be. There was never an awkward silence we were either talking or laughing, I somewhat wish we never got out of the car… at least we took the long way. When he parked I spotted Kyle and Cassia getting out of the car.

“Could you reach behind your seat and get my binder and book?” He asked while taking some empty water bottles out of his car to put in the recycle bin by where we parked.

“Sure.” I put my binder on my lap and reached to get his; the door opened and I handed him his books and he held the door open for me and helped me out.

“Thank you.” I smiled and put my bag on my shoulder and moved out of the way for him to close the door.

“No problem.” He smiled back and we began walking, when I looked up I saw Cassia jaw dropped staring at us. Kyle eventually looked and closed her mouth and winked at me making me blush.

“So, does Nick usually talk to you in the morning?” he asked as we walked up to the school.

“Not really…no, he’ll talk to me when he sees me.” I admitted sadly. He shook his head and sighed.

“Sorry, he’s stupid.”

“No, he just doesn’t think about it…”

“No Harmony he’s just stupid… please open your eyes and realize what’s going on so you don’t get hurt.” He said stopping me.

“What do you mean?” I asked confused.

“He’s no good… please, please understand. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

I started to get mad. “I’m tired of everyone telling me how bad he is and no one likes him! He loves me.”

Ryan looked around because people were now looking. “Shh, don’t be so loud, but he is bad. Trust me Harmony please.” He said whispering; tears from my eyes begging to escape.

“Why are you telling me this.” I said through clenched teeth.

“Because you deserve so much better.” He looked at me with sad eyes.

“Come on Har.” Cassia said grabbing my arm softly putting her arm around me, I looked back at Ryan who just stood there staring at me, I finally had the strength to look away.

“We aren’t the only ones who see it you know.” Kyle said softly rubbing my back.

“Please stop.” I put my sunglasses on and wiped my tears. I passed by Rae in the halls and tried my best to smile, she returned it and looked down then at the people whispering as I walked down the hall.

As if today couldn’t start out any better I had that stupid chemistry test I was going to bomb today, and if that wasn’t any better, I forgot my stupid calculator to do the stupid equations. I buried my face in my hands and groaned.

☮ ✌ ☮

“Well, I failed that! But I passed in my heart.” Cassia said putting her hand over her heart smiling, I just looked at her, wasn’t really in the mood. I decided to text Nick cause I really wish he was here.

Hey baby :) I miss you < 3

Hi ;) send me a pic.. I miss u 2

I smiled and gave my phone to Cassia “Take a picture, Nick wants one.” She sighed and took a picture of me blowing a kiss and sent it to him then gave me the phone back.

oh hey harmony, hows school.

I read it and made a face.

Boring without you.. do you like my outfit? :)

yea its cool… but I g2g bye.

Oh… ok well have fun I love you < 3


I sighed and put my phone in my purse. Maybe they are right…


Once school was over, I decided to still hang out with Ryan.

“Sorry about this morning,” he said “it was wrong of me… its absolutely none of my business.”

I shook my head “No worries, I really don’t want to talk about it though.”

“Okay.” He opened the door for me, once again then got in himself. “Want to get a slurpee?” he asked.

“Yeah” I smiled “I love those, they’re my favorite!”

He laughed “Mine too! Cherry is my favorite.”

“Seriously, heaven in a cup.”

We went to the gas station and both got large cherry slurpee’s and a bunch of candy, the cashier looked at us weird but a smile soon appeared on her face.

“Looks like fun, I wish I could have fun like this!” she joked

Taylor smiled “Find someone to do it with.” He suggested nicely.

“Just tell me when you’re free.” She winked and it instantly got awkward for me.

He laughed “Maybe next time, thanks though have a great day.” He grabbed his slurpee and the bag of candy and opened the door and we both walked out.

The whole car ride to my house I wondered why he didn’t give that girl his number.