Status: On hiatus.



“Are you okay, Dellancey?”

“DON’T CALL ME THAT!” I shouted as I leaned over the kitchen counter preventing myself from passing out.

Riley was caught off guard with what I said. I mean, he was just concerned and he reassured my mom that he was taking full responsibility if ever something happened to me, but I’m really not in the mood to be called by my full name right now, even if it was by my best friend. “Ry, I’m sorry. I’m just really worn out. I need to take a rest,” I shouted over the loud music that was blasting in the house.

“It’s fine. There’s a bedroom upstairs,” He shouted back. I was glad he heard me because I’m clearly not in the mood to repeat what I just said. He took the red cup I was holding and I made my way to the staircase squeezing through a hell lot of people dancing and hollering at each other.

When I finally reached the foot of the staircase, I glanced upwards and found myself staring into space when some random girl was shoved into me. I just shrugged. Somehow, looking at the stairs made me a whole lot dizzier. But I felt the urge to lie down and sleep. As I climbed up, each step made my head spin and it made me feel worse; it made me want to throw up. I carefully reached the top of the stairs and still had the time to feel proud about myself. There was a door across the staircase and I decided to open that since it was the closest.

The door creaked a little and the couple inside decided to stop whatever they were doing before I started intruding.

“Get out,” I said. Way to speak like I own the house. Speaking of, why am I not at home? Why am I in this party full of underage people drinking? Oh, right, because I’m underage too.

They quickly got up from the bed, went out, and continued their business someplace else. After they got out, I made my way inside and found a huge bed in the center of the room. Without a thought, I lay down in the middle and dozed off.

I’m pretty sure I almost reached the end of my wonderful dream when I felt someone lie down beside me. My instincts told me to wake up and leave the house immediately, but I wasn’t quite sure if I was dreaming in another dream. Just like this movie I watched, Inception. How could I forget that movie? Leonardo DiCaprio looked rather dashing. So, being the lazy person I was, I decided to stay.

I woke up the next day feeling better, although I still felt the hint of being hung-over. I stretched in bed when I realized it didn’t feel like my bed. I sat up and patted the sheets and the pillows. Shit. These aren’t my pillows. My sheets aren’t light blue. I looked at the clock and it was ten o’clock in the morning. Oh my God. I’m dead.

I searched for my phone in my pocket. “Holy-,” I muttered under my breath. 10 missed calls. My mom’s gonna kill me. I got up from the bed and went running down the stairs. I headed for the door but a voice stopped me.

“Good morning, sunshine!”

Shoot. I turned around to see a smiling Thomas in front of me. It suddenly hit me. This is his house. I went to his party yesterday. I slept on his bed. Holy Mother of God. I managed to smile back.

“H-h-hey,” I said, stuttering.

He walked towards me. “I’m Thomas,” he said as he extended his right hand.

I shook my head as if saying ‘no’. I didn’t want to touch his hand. For all I know, he might have jacked off yesterday night when I was sleeping. “I know who you are.”

“Well, I don’t,” he said while crossing his arms over his chest.

“I’m sorry, but I need to go,” I said. I gripped the knob lightly when he started saying something again.

“How rude. I made breakfast. Considering that you owe me for sleeping in my bed until ten in the morning, you should stay and eat it.”

My stomach growled. Crap. Now, I have to really stay and eat. What if he wanted to poison me? What if he put a potion to make me sleep forever? Clearly, I have to stop watching fairy tales and fantasy movies, for that’s all I ever pick up.

“It’s easy to say that your stomach agrees.” He laughed, and went back to the kitchen.

I guess there's no way out now, so I followed him to the kitchen deciding to stay once again.
♠ ♠ ♠
hi. so this is the first chapter of my story. i hope you like it even if it's short. c:
comments would be much appreciated!