Status: On hiatus.



I woke up at around 10:30 A.M. and went straight to the kitchen. It wasn’t a surprise to see my mom cooking for lunch.

“Hey mom,” I said while heading to the refrigerator.

“Hey. Good morning. How was sleep?” she turned and asked. Right then, I realized that we were okay with each other. I smiled, opened the refrigerator to get yogurt, and sat down in our small table.

“It was fine. How was shopping?” I asked.

“Good,” she said.

“Um, could you please pass me a spoon?”

She grabbed one, walked over to the table and gave me the spoon. “Thanks,” I muttered.

I started eating my yogurt while watching her cook.

“I bought you new boots,” she said.

“Mom,” I whined.

“What? They were on sale.”

“Yeah, but I really don't need boots. Plus, it’s not even winter yet and you know how it is in Florida. We’re barely freezing.”

“Oh, trust me. You’re gonna love it,” she said.

“Fine. Show me when you’re done.” I chuckled.

We went upstairs to see all the things my mom had bought. The items were resting on her bed and it looked like she went to a thrift store and just bought a whole rack. There were several shirts and shorts that I liked, so I asked her if I could borrow them. She said I could keep them. She finally got a box that was accidently hidden underneath a pile of clothes. She handed them to me and said, “Here. Open it.”

I smiled and obeyed her orders. I opened the box and was literally shocked to see that they weren’t just any boots, they were combat boots. Combat. Boots. Oh my gosh. I have been asking her to get me these for months!

I remember when we went to the mall one time to look for a dress because one of my aunts was getting married. We passed by a store and I saw the most gorgeous combat boots ever. So, being stunned, I asked her if we could take a look or maybe even try the boots. Gladly, she agreed. We went inside and I asked for a size 6 and a half. To my disappointment, they didn’t have that size. I was so pissed that day, we decided to look for a dress the following week. What a brat.

I was screaming and jumping at the same time. Then my scream turned into a squeal. I couldn’t contain my emotions; I was all over the place. Regardless, I still managed to thank my mom.

“Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! You’re the best mom in the entire world,” I said.

She hugged me and said, “You’re welcome.”

I ran downstairs and went into my room. I locked the door and immediately tried them on. Not to be vain, but I would say we fit perfectly. The better news is that they belonged to me now. I owned them. I changed my clothes at the same time and tied my red locks into a fishtail braid.

I went outside and saw my mom sitting down on the sofa across my room, reading a magazine. Of course, she was expecting me to try on the boots and to ask her opinion about it.

“So.. what do you think, mom?”

She glanced up and gave me a deliberate look. She smiled. “It looks great on you!”

Knowing that she’s supposed to say that mostly because she bought it and she was my mother, I still felt happy.


Someone knocked at the front door. Who could possibly be knocking at our front door at 11 in the morning? I mean, we had a doorbell. What's so wrong about using that?

“I’ll get it,” I said.

I walked to the front door and opened it. To my surprise, it was Riley.

“Ry, hey. What’s up?” I asked.

“Great. You’re dressed up.” He took a hold of my arm and tried to pull me towards the outside.

I yanked away, “Where are you taking me?”

“You have too many questions.” He pulled me again and laughed.

“Tell me or I would scream and everyone in the neighborhood would accuse you of kidnapping me.”

“You wouldn’t dare.” He squinted and held his stare.

“Oh, it is on.” I squinted as well. I was so used to playing this game with Riley. For some reason, we just got used to staring at each other with squinted eyes whenever we had an argument. Whoever blinks first or looks away, loses and obeys the side of the other. Meaning, if I blink or look away, he would get away with taking me to who-knows-where.

My mom, being a worrywart, went to the front door. I could almost imagine the look on her face. I immediately understood that she was confused. I mean, who wouldn’t be? Wouldn’t you be confused too if you saw two teenagers staring at each other in a weird manner? Considering that one of them is your child?

“What is going on? Riley, what are you doing here?” She finally asked.

Victory. The question was directed to Riley, therefore, he had to break the stare first.
“Hey, Mrs. Lockhearst. I just wanted to talk to Delly.” He said. He then turned to me and sighed.

I laughed and said, “Yeah, mom. We’ll just talk outside.”

With that, Riley and I went outside and my mom closed the door.

“Seriously. What do you want from me?” I asked while kicking him a little.

"HEY WAIT. Are those combat boots?" He knelt down and touched it.

"Aren't they beautiful? It's a good thing you noticed or else I'll smack you. In the face."

He got up, straightened his shirt and said, “Happy for you. So yeah. We want you present during our band practice.”

“But I’m not IN your band.”

“No, you’re not," he said.

“So, what now?”

He pointed my car with his lips.

“Oh… you little bastard. I’ll get the keys.”
♠ ♠ ♠
saturday! woop.
please comment. :)