Status: On hiatus.



“So, what can you say about it, Delly?” Connor asked.

“So far, so good. You guys are great. I’m shocked why you guys aren’t big yet.” I chuckled.

“Just wait and see,” Braiden muttered.

I watched them put down and pack up their equipment. After doing so, they all sat down beside me with Riley on my right and Braiden on my left. We all sighed in harmony.

“You guys want to go to the plaza to get some Rita’s? I’m burning,” Riley suggested.

“Great idea,” Thomas said as he stood up from the couch and headed for the staircase. We all followed in a swift motion and before we know it, we were outside.

They all took a hold of their skateboards, and being the odd one out, I wasn’t quite sure on what to do. First of all, I didn’t have a skateboard. Second, I didn’t know how to. And third, I am not, I repeat, am not capable of learning. They were all ready to ride their boards when I decided to speak out.

“Uh… guys,” I said.

“What’s the matter?” Riley asked as he turned around.

I just stood there and eyed his skateboard.

“OHHHH!” They said one at a time, finally getting what I mean. I could tell that they were all thinking of a way to solve the problem.

“It’s okay. I got you,” Thomas finally said.

At first, I felt my cheeks become red. But then, I denied that to myself and said it was just too hot that I felt like passing out. I walked towards Thomas and asked, “What do I do?”

“Catch you there, Tom,” Connor said and the three of them headed for the plaza leaving the two of us behind.

“Alright,” he said in return.

“Can you sit still on this side of the board and face forward?” He continued while pointing which side.

“Sure, I guess. But I think I’m too tall.”

“No, you’re fine. Go on.”

I felt like an idiot sitting down while he was awkwardly trying to skateboard. It was the most uncomfortable five minutes of my life. Those humps and rocks just had to be on the road. Just our luck. We finally arrived to the plaza and saw the three other guys sitting down on the curb of the side walk munching on their Rita’s.

I got off the board and complained, “My butt hurts so bad.”

“My left foot hurts so bad. Can I get you anything?” Thomas asked.

“Yeah, I’ll have Mango.”

We went our separate ways as I sat down on the road in front of Braiden, Connor and Riley.

“What took you guys so long?” Braiden asked.

“Oh you know. A green ogre with a talking donkey tried to stop us in the middle of the road. Typical situation,” I answered sarcastically. He snorted.

They cheerfully went on with their previous conversation as I waited impatiently for Thomas to get his ass back and give me my Mango-flavored water ice. At least about three minutes later, he went back with an almost empty cup and another cup which was still full but already melted.

I stood up and grabbed the full cup. “You prick,” I said.

He laughed and tried running away. “Sorry, babe. Couldn’t help it.” I wanted to punch this boy in the gut so bad.

I sat down once again, but this time beside Riley and started drinking the melted water ice. “Now, I won’t be able to use the spoon anymore.”

“Happens all the time,” Riley said as he took his last sip from his own melted water ice.

I chugged it down immediately because I couldn’t take in all the hotness. I got up and asked for their cups and spoons so I could throw them out. They willingly gave it to me and I eyed the nearest trash can. It was just beside Subway, which happens to be beside Rita’s. I walked over and threw them away. As I was coming back, the boys except Braiden began to stand up and carry their skateboards. They went directly to a big empty parking lot space and started playing with their boards.

I sat down beside Braiden and asked, “Do you happen to be here all the time?”

“Yep. Pretty much.”

“Why aren’t you skating with them today?”

“Eh, just didn’t feel like it.”

I didn’t know how to respond to that so I just watched what they were doing. And also, I realized, he wasn’t much of a talker. Or maybe, we just didn’t know each other too well that we still find it unusual to talk to one another. We remained silent for a few minutes until he murmured something.

“Thomas thinks you’re pretty.”

“Don’t we all?” I laughed. I didn’t know what else to say. I didn’t know what to feel. I was in a mixed state of condition. I was feeling all kinds of emotion. I don’t know.

He just snorted.

“You gotta stop doing that.” I chuckled.

“But seriously. Non-stop talking yesterday.”

“Are you for real?”

“I swear to any human being that has ever walked this planet.”

“What did he say about me?”

“That’s for me to know and for you to find out.”

“Aw, c’mon Braiden.”

He motioned with his hands as if to zip and lock his lips. And then, he threw the imaginary key away and shook his head from left to right.

I smiled. This time, I knew for myself that it was genuine. It wasn’t a smile that was an exchange for something. It wasn’t a smile that was forced nor fake. It was a small smile that will lead to bigger ones in the future.

Connor and Riley came running to us and I saw the panic on their faces.

“Hey, sorry guys, but we both need to go. Family emergency,” Connor said.

Before we could even say anything or ask if everything was fine, they were on their way to their house. Thomas got to where we were and suddenly, Braiden’s phone goes off.

“Hey mom.. yeah, I understand.. no, I’m listening.. okay.. I’m on my way.. I’ll see you.. Bye,” he muttered on his phone.

“Sorry, I have to go. Grocery duties with mom. Catch you later,” Braiden said. And then, he was off to his house.

Ladies and gentlemen, once again, I am left alone with Thomas Silvers.
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hello, lovelies. <3
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