Status: On hiatus.


seven. part 1.

“In Eliezer’s memoir Night, what did the furnaces foreshadow?” Mrs. Bergondo asked the class.

Riiiing. Riiiiing. Shoot. Why would my phone ring now? Should I answer it? I looked at my phone. Unregistered number. I should answer it. It might be family emergency. I put on the headphones and my hood. I placed my phone on the desk and answered it. I put my head down to pretend I’m sleeping.

“Hello?” I whispered.

I felt a tap on my right shoulder and I raised my head slightly to see who it was. Oh damn. Mrs. Bergondo was one sneaky teacher. Her left hand was extended and I had to give her my phone. Along with that, she sent me to the main office. While I was walking down the hallway, I heard another ring. Where was it coming from now? It became louder and louder as I reached my locker. What was going on?

Riiing. Riiiing. I tried to open my locker and a huge red telephone was inside. What the hell? Should I answer it? Riiiing. No. Riiiing. But it won’t stop. Riiiiing. Riiiiing. Riiiiing. I closed my eyes and scratched them.

I opened my eyes. Dead silence. Thank God it was just a dream. I have never been to the main office for misconduct. Riiiing. What?

I reached for my phone beside the lamp on the bedside table. Thomas.


“Good morning sunshine. Too early?” He asked.

I glanced at the clock. 12:23 P.M. Wow, I’ve been sleeping all day.

“Shut up. I heard, I just wasn’t excited to talk to you, that’s all.”

“Delly, your tone is a giveaway. You just woke up.”

“Fine, fine. What do you want?” I asked.

“Don't you remember?”

“Thomas, I’m still bothered about the big red telephone nonstop ringing in my locker, okay?” I laughed.

“If you really don’t remember, just put on some decent clothes and I’ll come by before 1 P.M.” He hung up. Wow, he hung up. I guess I have to get dressed or else I would look like a hobo.

I got out of my room and quickly grabbed a yogurt and a spoon from the kitchen. I went back to my room and changed into a floral sleeveless shirt, high-waisted shorts and some sandals. I put my hair up into a messy bun and started eating the yogurt while waiting for Thomas.

Soon, the doorbell rang. I went out and yelled, “I’ll get it!” incase my mom planned to run downstairs and get the door. I opened the door and saw Thomas in a white and green tank top and khaki shorts. Also, with his trademark black sunglasses and his dimpled smile.

“You look…” He hesitated. “Nice.” He continued.

“Wow, that’s such a generous adjective. I wish I could say the same.” I said sarcastically.

“Hang on. Let me just grab a few things.” I continued.

“Sure.” He said.

I ran to my room and grabbed my small purse which had my phone, a pack of gum, my keys and my wallet. I ran upstairs and knocked on my mom’s door.

“Mom, you in there?” I asked.


“I’m just gonna grab lunch with a friend. I’ll be back soon. I’ll call you.”

“Okay. Take care, hun.”

I ran downstairs and met Thomas at the door. I quickly locked the house and went straight to my car but Thomas was walking down the street.

“Where are you going?” I asked.

“We’re walking.”

“Are you insane? Under the sun? I’ll pass out before we even cross the street.”

“You’ll be fine. Go hard or go home.”

I took that as a challenge. So, I ran to where he was and started walking beside him.

“Do you want me to carry you?” He offered.

“Not if the whole human race depended on it.”

He stayed quiet. Why wasn’t he saying anything? “Oh my gosh, was that harsh? I’m kidding.” I laughed.

Still quiet. I looked at him and he just kept on walking without looking back.

“Hey. Did you hear me? I said I was kidding.” I tried to punch the hard rock muscles on his arm.

Success. He looked at me but he was still serious. He stopped. Then he smiled. “Race you to the plaza.” And then, he ran.

“Wait, what?” Confused, I tried to keep up with him but he was too damn fast.

At last, we arrived at the plaza. We went towards Taco Bell and he opened the door for me. I went inside and told him to get the Doritos Locos Tacos. I grabbed a table with two chairs and patiently waited for him. After about 5 minutes, he went back with the order and we started unwrapping.

“Oh my God. Hold up. I want to take your first picture ever while eating the savory taco.” I said.

He posed as if he was to take his first bite and I took his picture. He got out his phone and did the same for me.

“I probably look like shit. Delete that.” I said.

“No, souvenir on our first date or whatever you call it.”

“Excuse you. This isn’t a date.” I said, while eating the taco. “Mmmm. This is so good.”

Thomas was on his last bite and he cleaned his hands and mouth with a napkin. “That guy right there is checking you out.” He said while using his lips to point.

“Where?” I asked.


I took a small glance to my left and saw a cute guy staring at our table. “Shut up, he’s gay. He might be checking you out. He likes your guns.”

He tried to flex while looking at the guy to his right. I think I heard a small giggle escape from the cute guy and he looked away.

“Holy shit. Watch him come up to our table with his number written on the receipt.” I teased.

“How much do you want to bet?” He asked with a shady smile on his face.

“Another taco.” I said.

“Deal.” And we shook hands to seal the deal.

"I'm getting that taco." He said. He got up and went to the cute guy’s table.

“Hey, where are you going?!” I asked. Oh boy.

The cute guy stood up as well. Shit, are they going to fight? Thomas was smaller but still. Nah, he was just about to leave. Thomas made him leave? What? Thomas went back to our table.

“What was that about?”

“Turns out, he wasn’t gay. And he was just staring at the walls, daydreaming and fantasizing probably about a girl like an idiot. And he said he was late for their date so he had to leave.”

“Wow. Gay.”

“He didn't give us his number. Now go get me that taco.”

I went to the counter and bought him another taco. I got back to the table and he said he was just gonna save it for dinner. We walked back to my house at about 3:30 P.M. and we got there at 3:50. I walked towards the door and faced him again.

“Hey, you want to play Call of Duty at my house?”

“I’ll pass.” I said.

“A pass is only applicable for a few hours.”

“Whatever floats your paper boat, Thomas. See you.” I said while opening the door and stepping inside.

“Thanks for the taco.” He raised it up and walked away.

Oh Thomas. If only my pride would allow me to admit it to myself. Admit that I really like you.

“Mom?” I called out.
♠ ♠ ♠
so i decided to cut this chapter into half because it's really long! and i feel like i might punch out your sockets so... yeah. part 2 might be up in a few days!
some comments would make me put it up tomorrow ;) if that works. but anyway, enjoy!