Status: Just Starting (:

What we could of been

The end of the beginning

I knew what I was getting into then and I still wasn't’t quite sure as to why I did it. Maybe it was because it was something different something exciting and new but I knew that was I lie. It could have been because of his money but I knew that was a complete and utter bullshit lie, I never needed a man to take care of me and I certainly didn't’t then. I knew the real reason but I just didn't’t want to admit it not now and not ever.

I remember everything about him his dark brown hair and the stubbles of hair on his chin that showed that he hasn't’t shaved in weeks and how after every game his hair was damp because of the shower, oh and the suit that showed off every single muscle off his body and with his cologne; I still wasn't’t quite sure how I kept my hands off of him at times.

I sat on the couch in my empty house wearing a pair of bright blue sweats that read ‘Pink 86’ down the side of it along with my too tight gray shirt that showed off my mid-drift and some of my belly button ring that I got when I was nineteen. My dark black wavy hair flowed over my shoulders and down my mid back. My gray eyes were fixed on the screen as the game was on, I didn't’t even look down to make sure that there was ice cream on my spoon before putting it in my mouth.

I knew it was stupid to watch the game especially knowing that he was playing but to watch him do horrible and know that he was taking this just as hard as I was, well frankly I didn't’t really know what it did. I was happy that he was taking it just as hard as I was but yet completely sad that something like that could ruin “us”.

I’m not quite sure if I want to tell you the story, the story of “us” but I know the public and the paparazzi are soon going to get a hold of the story and just like the game whisper down the line somewhere it’s going to get screwed up and turn in to something completely different than it actually is. So why the hell not, might as well tell you my story and although I have no fucking idea what his side of the story is just keep in mind that mine is probably the better and righter one of the two, if righter is even a word. Might as well be.

Well the story, it all starts in Philly.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

To be exact…

Her Outfit
♠ ♠ ♠
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I would love to know what you thought of my first story on here and i hope the "mystery" man keeps you guessing even if you do know who it is (;
Well hope you enjoyed and i'm sorry it wasn't much but it's the beginning so you can't really blame me!