Status: Just Starting (:

What we could of been

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Part 1)

Chapter 2 – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Hockey and football were the two sports I grew up around. While my older brother Ryan played hockey and my other older brother Jack played football which they both took the sports on professionally. I took to going after acting and dancing and was currently in the process of going through acting and dancing school to earn a degree in both. I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to do yet meet Bradley Cooper or meet Derek Hough from Dancing with the stars. It’s a tough decision.

I knew my dad wasn’t happy about my decision on acting and dancing, he always wanted me to be a Dallas cheerleader or a gymnast which I wasn’t quite sure why. It may have been due to the fact that every single one of us was an athlete and perused our dreams but mine wasn’t to be near cheerleaders and gymnasts for the rest of my career. Daddy soon began to understand that I wasn’t going to follow his wishes and he let me take on my dream of acting and dancing by going to college in Brooklyn, New York.

I knew driving straight through from Brooklyn to Philly was a bad idea but it had to be done especially if I wanted to go to sleep before 2 am. I was in desperate need of something to keep me up and something to eat badly so I decided to make a right turn off of the turnpike and headed for the rest stop just up ahead. I parked in the closet spot I could find and looked around the near empty parking lot well except for a few other cars, a bunch of trucks and 3 big coach buses parked right next to each other. I grabbed my purse from the passenger seat locked my car and stretched once I was out of my car.

I looked down at my outfit and sighed knowing that I had at least another half hour to go before I was in Philly. I pulled my phone out of my purse and let my keys just dangle in my purse allowing the Bruins lanyard to be shown as I headed inside. I made a bee line straight for the bathroom not caring if I was shoving people knowing that my bladder would explode at any moment if I didn’t rush to the stalls.

After I finished with the bathroom I headed to the line of Starbucks but not before noticing the amount of men in this place. It was something I didn’t usually see especially in a place like this. Families, friends, parents, and travelers but not 50 men gathered around tables and food joints. I was praying that this was some type of gay convention and not straight men that would hit on me at 12 am in the morning. I was grateful that the Starbucks line wasn’t long but as I looked at my next destination Cinnabon a frown formed on my face. The line went on and on forever and I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to wait that long. My phone beeped in my purse jerking me out of trance from the Cinnabon line. I saw that it was from Ryan and usually that meant he was expecting and was being impatient about it.

From: RyRy
Sent: 12:01am
Hey Selena, you almost here?

My phone beeped again before I could even start to reply to Ryan. I found the other text message belonged to a Jeff Carter and right now I wasn’t in the mood to deal with his Playboy ways. I quickly replied to Ryan telling him that I’m at a rest stop grabbing a coffee.

Tell me what you really want from me, I’ll give it to you no interruption, And tell me one time that you want me, I’ll give it to you no interruption, Name the time and place and the function, I’ll give it to you no interruption.

I hit the answer button already knowing who it was

“And would you like the VIP special tonight Mr. Carter or are we just going with the usual?” I asked smirking even though he couldn’t see me I knew he knew I was.

“Is there anything higher than the VIP Ms. Kesler?” He asked I could hear the smirk in his voice. As much as I hated to admit it, it turned me on. Don’t get me wrong I would never go out with him, but he would be an amazing one night stand and well we both had a thing for things-well rather people we couldn’t have.

“I could sure check Mr. Carter but I wouldn’t be doing the preforming.”

“Oh,” Surprise and sadness was evident in that one word “Well then I’ll just take the VIP.”

I smirked now this was where the fun came into play it was always a game between us. “I’m sorry but we no longer have that on our list.” Click.

I walked over to the Cinnabon line knowing that it would be worth it in the end and just hoping that the line would be quick.

Tell me what you really want from me, I’ll give it to you no interr-

“Jeff fucking Carter this better be worth it at 12 am in the morning.” I told him slightly raising my voice.

“Oh sweetheart, it is. You see I have this problem-” I cut him off before he could finish

“Okay so you take some tissues, lotion and a porn DVD,” The gut in front of me chuckled “Then, you take your dick out of your boxers and some lotion and you start making up and down movements with it and ta-da problem solved.” I was trying my hardest to not drop to the floor and laugh and I think the guy in front of me was trying hard too.

After a few seconds of silence on Jeff’s end and me laughing on mine, he finally spoke up.
“You so didn’t fucking go there?” He was pissed but yet amused, I could tell that much from his voice.

I laughed “Oh but I did, look Jeff I got to go I’ll text you once I get to Ryan’s.” I told him and clicked the end button not waiting for an answer. I saw the guy in front me turn back slightly and smirk at me; I just smiled back but I was lost in thoughts thinking about my already crazy night in Philly.

I really wasn’t quite sure what Philly had in store for me but I knew one thing that whatever it did throw at me I was ready for it and I was going to come back at it ten times harder.

Oh, how wrong I was…
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Well i know it wasn't very long but i decided it was another filler just to start off how see spent her time in Philly for the first few hours.
Part 2 will be out soon and that is where... Sorry don't want to spoil anything(;
Guess you'll just have to come back next chapter and see what happens.
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