Should I Go on With This Arranged Marriage?

Hurtful Truth.

‘I need to talk to you. There's something you should really know.’ I was arguing myself for a while if I should let this conversation start with Tom. I’ve been staring on the screen since I snuggled inside Brian’s shirt and sat on the chair beside the mirrored-wall and watched the sun goes down.

I’ve been receiving a lot of text from him and Jasmine, but I just ignored them. I just want to be with no one this time. Just want to freaking think things. I know what the right thing to do is, but I just don’t want it. So, here I am again, stone as ever if I want something.

I close my eyes and send the message. I put my cellphone down on the chair as I stand then run onto the bed, not wanting to see any reply from him. I buried my face down on the pillow and clogged my ears with my two fingers from left to right, not wanting to hear any sound from my phone too.

I don’t know how long I have been holding that position, but suddenly I feel someone pulled down my shirt. I looked over my shoulder to see, Brian holding Peach.

“Next time be sure, you’re wearing shorts.” Oh, the shirt must’ve been pulled up when I jumped on the bed, leaving my underwear visible.

“I will.” I smiled.

“here.” he said putting down Peach and I sit up; Indian sit. “Pinkly and Peach we’re so noisy, together.”

I took Peach from the bed and played on him. “Hi, Peach, we’ll get you and Pinkly, playing some other time, when nobody rude will take you away from Pinkly, okay?”

“Hey, I’m not rude.” Brian said, but I ignored him.

“How about you put Pinkly here, so you won’t be distracted.”

“Peach is the boy one, he must be the one going to Pinkly.”

“Have it your way.” I put down Peach on the floor and petted him. “Hurry, Peach. Go to Pinkly.” Peach runs fast to get out of the door.

“Hey!” Brian called. I just smiled like I won over him. “Anyways, why were you digging your face on the pillow.” I stayed silence, coming up with an answer. “Your phone was ringing or something, when I entered.” He added.

“Oh, right!” I just smiled awkwardly.

“Aren’t you even going to see who, it might be?”

“Yeah, Of course I will.” I replied, not bothering standing up, or moving. I just stared at the phone.

“You look odd.” He sat beside me.

“I’m not!” I replied.

“Oh, really?” he stood up again and slowly steps his feet.

“I’m super good.” I smiled again.

He then reached the chair I was seating. “if you don’t want to see, then I will.” He said, picking my phone up and started

I started running for my phone to reach it but too bad, he already glued his eyes on the screen, he started murmuring words, that's he's reading from my phone.

"Give me my fucking phone." I jumped as high as I could to snatch it from his hand. Luckily, I did.

"Sounds serious." He said.

I look at the phone and said. 'I do too. Something really serious' Tom replied. Is he going to the same thing I got in my mind? I didn't bother composing another text and just left the phone on the place where it was.

"Need a help?" Brian said sitting from my bed.

I shook my head. "I think I can handle this." I said faking a smile.

"You two got a problem?" He asked again, raising an eyebrow. I stayed silent debating if I should tell him "I get it!" with that he gets out of my room.


I was lying on my bed, ready to sleep when my phone started vibrating. I turned the music off and turned the vibration on, earlier. I looked at my phone and see a text from Jasmine. ‘Hey, that was a party of my life. Thanks. ’ I didn’t bother replying but instead I decided to call her.

“Jasmine” I said as she answered me on the second ring.

“You sound lonely.” Jasmine said. Did I sound like one?

“Do I?”

“Want me to come over?” she sounds concern.

“I want to, but I’m at Haner’s” I replied.

“Oh, why not come over here?” she offered.

“Cabs are really rare here, but I’ll try to get one.”

“Alright. Be careful, Nick.” She said again.

“I will.” With that we hang up.

I started putting on my jacket and slid on my sweat pants. It’s still cold so might as well, warm my body. I made sure I got enough money for fare before leaving.

I get out of my room and stirred down the stare. Amanda is still at the living room watching some movie with Marco lying down on her lap.

“Going out?” Amanda asked.

I nodded. “Yes, but I promise I won’t be long.”

“But it’s too late.” Marco said sitting up. “It’s dangerous outside.”

“I’ll be careful.” I smiled.

“I’ll take you.” I looked at my back to see Brian, zipping up his jacket.

“Then I guess we don’t have a problem.” Marco smiled and laying down back at Amanda’s lap.

“Thanks.” I muttered to Brian.

He smiled and pulled me out of the house to his car. He opened the door for me and climbed in. I put my seatbelt on; knowing riding his car is not really safe.

“So, originally, where are you going?” I asked as he settled himself in.

“I was bored, bored as hell. I heard your door. I looked out to see you going down. I figured out to come with you.” He answered.

“But you seriously can’t come with me.” I replied.

“Please?” he said pouting his lips.

“That won’t help.” I replied.

“I won’t be a bother, I swear.”


“Fine! Since you don’t want me to come with you and the boys are not answering my calls. I’ll just go to a strip club and drown my fucking lungs out until I can no longer drive and crash myself. I think that sounds fun.” I know he’s not serious about it.

“Sounds like a real fun.” I smiled on him.

“Oh, please!” he rolled my eyes on me. “Just this once. And I’m giving you a ride, a little pay back won’t hurt.”

“But I didn’t ask you to give me a ride.” I said sticking my tongue out on him.

“but without me, Dad won’t let you out.” He replied sticking his out too.

“Fine!” I finally gave up.

“So, where are we heading?”

“Just three streets, away from my house.”

“Whose house are we going at?” he asked frowning.

“Jasmine, my bestfriend.” I replied.

“Know what? I’ll bring you somewhere else.” He smirked.

“No!” I said. “She’s waiting for me. And besides I don’t wanna go to a stripper’s club.”

“I won’t bring you there. I got a good place to go to. Call her, tells her, I didn’t allow you to.”

“And how did you know she knows you?”

“You just told me, she’s your bestfriend. I supposed you told her everything.”

“You’re pretty smart.”

“thanks.” He smirked.

I dialled Jasmine’s number and waited for her to pick up. “Hey, Jas, I can’t---“I stopped as the phone has been snatched from my hand.

“Hi, jasmine. This is Brian. I know you know who I am.” He paused and chuckles a bit. “Yeah, I’ll just take Nick away for a while, hope you won’t mind she’s not coming with your house tonight.” He stopped and chuckled again. “You can say that.” Another paused. “Alright. Thanks Jasmine. Good night and sweet dreams.” He gives the phone back to me and smiled.

“What did she tell you?” I asked looking at him.

“Nothing.” He replied.

“Of course, there’s nothing.”

“She squealed when I told her I’m Brian and she won’t mind if I kidnapped you at all. You sure you’re bestfriends with her?”

“Don’t doubt our 15 years of friendship.” I replied, confidently.


“Oh my god!” I whispered to myself as I look outside the window.

I don’t know what place we are, but I’m sure as hell, it’s my first time here. There are trees all over the places that got colourful little lights hanging all over the places. It doesn’t really look like what Tom showed me, but this one is a bigger place, and the place is more romantic. I also see several couples here, hanging and being all smooches with each other under like an old oak roof. They all were being sweet with each other. One couple really got my attention.

“Look at that one.” I said pointing at a guy is on his knee, infront of a girl, that’s holding a little red box. Obviously he’s proposing.

“They call this place Pavilion of Romance.” Brian said, also looking at them.

“Really?” he just nods. “Come on.” I said getting out of his car.

I scanned more on the place and go to one vacant pavilion and look at the scenery. Honestly, the view is dark, but not enough for me to see that it’s the pacific. The moon is shinning right on the water.

“I don’t know there’s such place like this around Huntington.” I said, not taking my eyes away from the pacific.

“That sucks.” Brian replied.

“I know.” I paused. “Thanks for bringing me here.” I smiled on him and he just smiled back. “How did you know this place?”

“Val and Matt, set me up on a date with Michelle here.” he replied.

I looked at him while he stares on the pacific. I still feel sad and bad about Michelle, leaving. “Brian.”

“This place really means something for me. Tonight also is our fifth anniversary.” I could see the tears that are about to fall from his eyes and by the way he took deep breathes, I can tell he’s refusing to cry.

“Brian” I said, quickly putting my arms around his neck and hug him. “Just cry it out, please.”

He deeply breathed out before talking. “Last year, before I even met you, I originally planned on proposing to her at this very night.” I finally hear him sobs. “Now, she’s gone. She left me. All my plans for us are gone. Gone with her.” his sobs turn into cry. I rub his back, though I know it will never help to comfort him.

“I’m so sorry, Brian.” I said, also tears staring to roll from my eyes.

“I don’t know how long this last will.”

“I’m on your side, Brian. All of us, Jimmy, Zacky, Matt and Johnny.” I said pulling him from me and looked into his eyes.

“I’m sorry. I’m dragging you into so much shit.” he said wiping his tears. “You’re not even supposed to be here just to cry.”

“Shhh. It’s totally fine with me.” I said, helping him wipe his tears.

“Jesus Christ! I cried so much.” he said faking a smile and I smiled along with him.

“It’s okay, but people are staring at us. I think they recognize you.” I said looking at people looking at our way, but basically at him.

“I think we should leave.” He said, pulling my hand and his hood up to his head.

We climbed in at his car as soon as possible and sped off.
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HI... :D

sorry for not updating, fast.

enjoy this one guys. :)