Should I Go on With This Arranged Marriage?

Dominique, you're in a deep shit.

“Tom, can we talk?” I asked him as soon as I see him waiting outside the gym, where I was having my P.E. class, waiting for me.

“I think I do too.” he smiled.

We walked out to his car, carrying my bag for me. He opened the door for and I gladly sit in. He then climbed on the driver’s sit and we took off.

“Where are we going?” I asked when he turned to the left, which is not the way to our houses.

“I’m taking you for dinner, first.” He replied, smiling. While I gave him the identical smile.

We stopped on a nice diner, climbing out of his car, and then entered the diner. We sit on the side of the window, where usually I loved really the spot.

“I’ll just have burger and fries.” I smiled to the man, like my age, which walked to us, to take our order.

“I’ll have the same.” Tom said. The man walked away from us.

“How’s your Christmas vacation, baby?” I asked, not wanting any silence between us.

“It was always good, to be at my homeland.” He flashed a genuine smile. “Just felt different, because, I thought, I was missing someone.” I smiled on him, knowing who’s that someone is. “Yours?”

I think of the whole time happened on New Year’s eve, Brian, Michelle, and probably the kiss. “It was…. Great.” I smiled. “Except that I miss someone too.”

He smiled again and it makes me feel like I’m killing him, with every words coming out of my mouth and he believes me. “I got something for you.” he said.

“If it’s something expensive again, I won’t accept it.” I replied.

“You’ll know it, later.” He smiled.

The waiter who took our orders came back with a big, circle tray in his arm. He gently puts down our food. “Anything else?” he asked, never letting the smile away from his lips. It’s not like the smile, like he wants to hook up, but I think it’s part of his job.

“No.” Tom shook his head.

“Thanks.” I said. Then he walked off.

I started eating my fries. I know I should eat the burger first. But I want my fries hot and crispy, so I eat it first. I took another fries and this time I feed it to Tom. I finished my fries, and I’m already full. I haven’t touched yet my burger. Tom eats fast and he’s almost done to with everything. I looked out and saw an old man, who’s obviously greasy and homeless. I think where I should put my burger.

“Tom, I’m full. I’ll just have this wrap.” I said as he sips his coke.

“I’ll get you another order, if you want.” He suggests.

I shook my head. “Not necessary.” I pointed out the window where I saw the old man, sitting on the gutter. “I’ll give this to him.”

“Oh, sure.” He smiled.

“I always feel bad, when I see old people who are obviously homeless and don’t have a penny in their pocket.” I said watching the old man just looking from his right to left, left to right.

“Waiter.” Tom called the man who assists us earlier. “Wrap this one, please. And the charge too.” The waiter, took the plate and walked inside.

“Are you in a rush to go home?” he suddenly asked me.

I shook my head. “No.” well, I don’t have anything to do anyways.

“I want to take you somewhere.”

“Where?” I asked.

“Some place that’s not really well-known here in Huntington, I’m sure you’re gonna like it there.”

“sure.” I smiled.

The waiter approached us once again, giving me the brown bag, contains the burger, and the bill. Tom, paid for it, not bothering getting the change. We walked out of the Diner. Tom took the bag from me and he quickly runs on across the street to give the burger. I think I saw him, took something from his pocket. He must be giving him some money. He ran over me again and opened the door for me.

“Well, that was nice.” I said, as he climbs back into the driver’s sit.

“I do love helping too. Have I mentioned we’re supporting a charity at Italy? It’s a charity for abandoned kids.” He smiled.

I shook my head. “No.”

We took off somewhere I don’t really know. I think it’s kind of a shortcut. I felt my pocket vibrated. I took it and see a message. It’s from Gena. ‘Now, I know why you can’t let go of him. He looks hot.’

I furrowed my brows, thinking about her message. ‘I’m sorry. But what was that?’ I pressed the send button.

Not long enough I got a reply. ‘I was at the same diner you were at. I didn’t bother calling you. Thought you were talking about, you know what I mean.’

I started composing my reply again. ‘I’m about to do it. Wish me luck. I still don’t have the courage though, I might faint. Lol.’ I sent it right away.

‘You know it’s for the best. Sooner the better.’ She replied.

“Who are you texting to?” suddenly Tom asked.

“Jealous?” I smiled on him.

“Of course. You know I love you.” he said back. I felt my blood just drained off from my brain. How am I going to say to him, that I’m about to get engage in a month.

“Uhm.. Just a friend. Zacky’s girlfriend, Gena.” I explained. He just nodded.

I forgot to send my reply to Gena. ‘I’ll do it, I promise, but I really do feel uneasy about this. I think something’s going to happen.’ I’ve been feeling something is about to happen, since I woke up this morning. I just don’t getting the vibes if it’s good or bad.

‘Something’s gonna happen, and you’re about to do it, duh!’ her reply.

‘yeah, I know. I’ll let you know things. I’ll text you later.’ I decided to put my last reply that way.

Tom already pulled into a stop and turned off the engine. I look around. I think I know this place. It’s just that I think everything is much beautiful. I think it’s because, the snow is lesser now. Yeah, the place is familiar. The Pavilion of Romance.

“So, this is the Pavilion of Romance.” He smiled, lacing my hands with his. “Only couples do come here.”

“Ah, Really?” I asked, like I don’t know.

“Beautiful, right?” I nodded. Looking at the spot where Brian and I stood. “You’re actually the first girl, I brought here.” I shoot him a stare like ‘really?’ “Really! Believe me.” he smiled.

We walked on a pavilion, where were only three more pavilions away from that very spot.

“Tom.” I shakily called his voice.

“Yes?” he replied, looking at the pacific.

“There’s something you really need to know.”

“I do have something to tell you too.” he replied, gazing his eyes on me.

I want to hear everything he has to say. I want no words left unsaid. I’m gonna let him talk first, so if ever I pulled the guts to tell him, that I want a break up, at least I have let him say everything. “You go, first.” I said.

“No, ladies first.” He smiled.

I shrugged. “That’s a very old quote. Gentles should be first somehow.”

“alright.” He breathes deeply and looked me deeply in the eyes. “You know, I’ve never been this crazy with a girl. You don’t know how much, I happiness and Butterfly I feel whenever you’re near with me, whenever I touch, whenever I hear your voice. Its sounds too… too… cliché, but that’s what I feel, I do feel things I never thought I’d ever feel. And it’s because of you.” I could feel my eyes are getting teary. “When I was in Italy, you don’t know how much, I’ve wanted to go back here, just so I can see you, hold you and kiss you.” a warm tear already rolled down from both of my eyes. He wiped it away. “Dominique Jacobs.” He said my whole name, and it made me shiver. He started pulling out something away from his pocket. Oh my God. It was a small red box. I knew what that is about. “Dominique Jacobs.” He said again. “Will you be with me forever as my wife?” he knelt down on his one knee opening the red box.

What should I do?
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oh well. please at least comment about this one. :D

good day/night everyone.
