Should I Go on With This Arranged Marriage?

All About Pregnancy.

Dominique’s P.O.V.

“Mom, don’t make any noise.” It was almost a whisper when I heard Brian.

“You can’t expect me to stay quiet. God’s sake, I’m excited.” Amanda’s voice aired.

“Son, how long it has been?” That was my Mom’s voice. My eyes, quickly popped out hearing her.

“Mom!” I called, upon sitting up.

They were there, Mom and my Mom-in-law-Amanda, Dad, and my dad-in-law, Marco.

“Sweetie.” Mom walked over me on the bed and pulled me into a hug.

“I miss you, Mom.” I can feel the tears flowing on my eyes.

“Dominique, so do I.” she replied.

While hugging her, I look at my Dad, who’s smiling at us. He looks so happy, but it’s obvious he lost some weight.

Mom and I part from the hug. Amanda, then came over to me and give me a warm hug.

“How you doing sweetie?” she smiled.

I smiled back. “Great.”

“You never called us?” Amanda asked again,

“Sorry ‘bout that.”

She pushed back the hair hanging by my face. “It’s okay. How long?” she put a warm hand on my stomach.

Before I answer, I looked to each and every one of them. Mom, looks happy as well. I always thought she’ll be mad, because I’m just 18 to
be a mother.

“Two months.”

I heard a gasped from Amanda and Mom, while Dad and Marco burst into small laughs.

“You mean.” Marco started.

“Something before the marriage happened?” Dad finished.

“Stop it, guys.” Amanda turned at them.

Marco moved towards Brian and put a hand on his shoulder. “You can never keep your junior to your pants.”

“Dad, I tried.” I swear a grin is forming at the crook of his lips.

I rolled my eyes to him.

“Anyways, it’s already 12 in the noon, shall we have our lunch?” Amanda said.

I nodded. “Be there in a minute.

“Good.” Let’s go.” She stood up, tangling her arm with Marco.

All the oldies are gone, and Brian stayed. “Get up.” He offered a hand for me.

I grab it nonetheless and help me from getting up. I don’t need anyway a hand for getting up, but since Brian offered, I guess I want it.

“How long is your break?” I asked.

he slung his back on the headboard of the bed, clipping his both arms on the back of his head. “A week.”

“You’ll be leaving on?”

“Tuesday.” he replied.

I nodded then walk towards the door.

“you miss me, don’t you?” his question made me stop from walking.

I turned to look at him. “What if I do? what do you say?”

“You know I’m rude?” he closed his eyes saying this one.

My head shook itself. I know exactly what is the meaning of this. Simply, he’s asking me to stop whatever I’m feeling for him.

“Obviously.” I paused. “but you know, stop button doesn’t exist for me. I’m………consistent.”
with that I proceeded to the bathroom.

“You’ll get hurt.” he said again. I didn’t looked at him but stop from stepping my feet from another step. “Don’t tell me I didn’t warned you.” he added.

Inside the bathroom, I leaned my body for second in the locked-door. ‘You’ll see my worth, Brian.’ I thought.


We are at the middle of lunch. Oldies keep telling stories back to Huntington. I just attached to whatever they’re saying. At least I’m ignoring Brian’s presence beside me. And, I don’t want any conversation directing for me.

I was having a good time, eating my pork ribs, when I spotted a good part of it is still not yet cook and has it’s red marks on it.

I run from the table, feeling my stomach just turned upside down. I reached the sink just and throw up.

“Nick, what happened?” Mom’s appeared on my side, rubbing my back. the concern on her voice is clear.

“I’m fine.”

I keep throwing up, until my lung hurts, but shit keep coming out of my mouth.

“Should we bring her to the hospital.” Voice of Brian soon talked.

“No. It’s jut normal.” Amanda replied to him.

Finally, I stopped from throwing up, and clean my mouth, gargling mouthwash from the cabinet.

“You alright?” Amanda asked. I find it weird that she concerns so much than my Mom does?

I nodded my head. “I guess, I’ll just go up.” I said, making my way out of them.

“Go!” I heard Amanda’s voice from my back. She’s probably talking to Brian, now.

I reached the top of the stairs and entered the room. I lay down on my side, hugging a pillow, staring outside the window.

Why do I feel so lonely, when Brian is now present on my side? I hate this feeling I’m so used of being alone and being all to myself, except financially and morally. But emotionally, I’m stronger than this.

I heard the door crack open. Brian, it is. I can tell by just the smell of his perfume.

“How you feeling?” he sat on the other side of the bed just infront of the window I was looking at.

“I’m fine.” I said.

“want to eat something else?”

Food? Hell, yeah! What’s life without food. “I want some apples.”
he nodded. “I’ll buy you, then.” he smiled.

He slowly made his way to grabbing his Aviator, keys and his jacket.

Remembering how I was for the past few weeks, I decided to come with him. Do I still know what the outside world looks like? Bet no. I have been staying inside this house for too long,

“Can I come?” I sat up immediately. Wrong move! My eyes close, feeling completely at daze for about couple of seconds.

“You stay.” he commanded.

I get up from the bed. “Sure, let me drive.” I said, grabbing the key from his hand and quickly walked out of the room.

I reached the ground floor and saw Amanda and Mom, in the living room, making some changes with the furniture. While Marco and Dad is on the pool having some glass of alcohol.

“Thought, you’re getting some rest.”

“Gonna buy her some apples.” Brian, speak from my back.

“And you’re going to drive?” Mom asked, looking at my right hand, holding the key.

“She insisted.” Brian said back.

“And you let her?” Amanda asked.

I feel guilty, that with my every move Brian always gets the blame.

“Please?” I pouted to both of my Moms.

Amanda sighed. “Fine, be careful, though.”

“yay!” I cheered and headed to the car.

Soon as me and Brian is in the car, I started the engine and took off.

“I miss them, Bri.” I muttered while driving.

“Wanna go back?”

“A visit will do me real good.”

“We’ll go home tonight. With them.”

I looked at him and smiled. “Thank you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay! got to update again.
Another one tomorrow.
