Status: Hello I'm try get this one going.

Love Is Hard to Believe.

Chapter 1

Angel just moved to Fork with her family's, I didn't want to come here in first place. My mother told me that we have friends here that I don't know about them they are the Cullen family's, we be meeting them soon. I let the sigh go, I walk into my room got everything good and nice. I walk down stair see my family's doing their own things in this world, my brother is been a dork none stop talking about the Cullen family's. "What so big deal talking about the Cullen?" I asked. Mother "Well dear you will like them and here so just give a chance Hun." She said. I look at her said "Fine." I walk into the kicken and drink some blood before heading to Cullen place. We walk out of our place, got in the car drove off. I look around smelling good, we got to the Cullen family's place. I got out walk with my family's to Cullen door we all walk in, I hear people's talking, I smell something else was in here too. We got to the living room, see everyone else, but there was one guy smell like mut. Everyone stop talking looking at us, Carlisle came over to us and smile. "Hello Welcome, I'm Carlisle, this is my familys." He said. My farther and him started to chatting, my mother started to talk with Carlisle wife. My brother talking to some dude, and my self is being quite but this tan mutt guy keep looking at me. "What do I look like something to eat?" I ask him. Jacob look at me, "Sorry I don't eat you, I just looking at you." He said to. Me. I laugh at him, Edward "Angel this is Jacob Black, he friend of mine and my future wife." He Said to me. "Well nice meeting you Jacob." I said to him. He look up at me smile little. "You too, why aren't you calling me mutt like that blond chicly." He said to me. I laugh at him thought that was funny. "Oh I'm sorry am I post to call you mutt, nada I don't think so." I said to him, I got up told my familys I'm going out for bit. I got up walk out side.
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Well here my other story, I know is short, but uh I'm on my iPad. I don't own any of the twilight but my character's only. Enjoy my story comment