Carnivals Aren't Always Fun



I made sure to remind Mom about Dad. So what if it was two years ago. I don't think you should sweeten up dads death. It wasn't a great way to go either, driving home, and then noticing a car behind you swerving, obviously drunk. Then to speed up, eyeing the vehicle behind him, to get hit head onto oncoming traffic. Ending in a pileup including the drunk driver. All seven people involved besides my Dad lived. He lived for a few short hours, broken back, fractured skull, but they wouldn't let us see him... They let Mom, because she's a doctor. But I didn't get to see him after that night.

The only person who was really there was Ashlynn, and her mother. Dad loved Ashylnn. He loved seeing her, and having her over for dinner. I remember our last dinner together when Dad said "you guys are going to get married..." And we all awkwardly laughed it off. Ashlynn and I had only been on and off for about a year. But I could tell he wasn't lying. He saw how much I loved her, even when we graduated middle school and slow danced awkwardly together, even in ninth grade.
Now she's seventeen and I'm sixteen (don't judge late birthday) And we are still together. Its shocking how when I think of dad, there's memories of Ashlynn. Dad would be proud.

Now take a happy drive to the hospital. Again. I say to myself while throwing my binder and backpack into the passenger seat.

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Thanks to picklezz !
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