Life Inc.

Chapter 20

“Louis, would you at least just look at me?” Harry pleaded desperately, clutching at his limp hand while the older boy continued to stare out at the dusky scenery flashing past the window in stony silence, crystal eyes firm and as dark as the night that wrapped around them as they sped towards their destination. Zayn, whom Harry was sandwich between him and Louis, glanced worriedly at the pair.

Harry’s brow creased further – yesterday had been so perfect. They had spent almost all day with just the two of them doing absolutely nothing but talking and kissing lazily. Now Louis hadn’t spoken, or looked, at any of them since he had discovered moments before they got into the car that Harry was coming with them. He was livid that no one had told him. He refused to listen to Niall and Zayn’s protests that they hadn’t known. Liam hadn’t said anything, only told everyone to pull themselves together and focus.

“Lou, please, I have to do this,” Harry sighed. All he wanted was the potentially last journey with the boy he loved to be a fitting goodbye if that’s what it came to. Even Liam and Niall were showing rarely displayed affection in the hands that were linked together between the two front seats.

“How could you do this to me?” Louis suddenly hissed, turning to him. Harry jumped slightly, hand tightening around Louis’.

“You know how and you need to stop acting like such a martyr all the time. This is my responsibility too now. It became mine as soon as you saved me.”

“I wish I hadn’t,” Louis muttered harshly.

“Shut up Louis, that’s a lie,” Harry scowled, hurt in his eyes. Louis’ eyes softened when he saw this.

“Yeah, it is,” he sighed, taking Harry’s other hand in his own.

“We can do this,” Harry smiled slightly, leaning forward to kiss him softly. “I can do this. Trust me Lou, please?”

“Of course I trust you. What happens if you switch?”

“It’ll work out, I promise. “ They shared another kiss as the car pulled up in a London side road, a couple of streets away from their destination. The building was piercing the skyline and sent a shiver down Harry’s spine.

“Promise me you’ll be careful. Don’t be a hero.”

“Wouldn’t want to take the satisfaction away from you,” Harry teased, earning a small smile. Everyone climbed out of the car and the two boys hugged tightly, both trying to memorise how the other felt, just in case. Then Zayn kitted them out with all their equipment, testing their communications.

“Right, is everyone okay with the plan?” Liam asked as they stood in a loose circle. There was a murmur of agreement. He fixed an extra hard stare on Harry who nodded firmly. Zayn watched curiously. “Right, let’s go then.”

They walked at a reasonable pace to the headquarters, slowing down and getting more cautious as they neared the front entrance. Weapons were brought into a defensive position, Zayn got his tablet out, which held the changing codes of the doors.

“Okay, we’re up Lou,” Liam said solemnly, looking at the three guards stationed outside. Louis gave Harry a final kiss.

“Don’t judge me or think differently for this, okay?” Harry nodded, afraid of the pained look in the crystal eyes that where locked on his own. Louis took a deep breath, reassured and then crept out with Liam, taking out the three guards in quick succession. The other three hurried after them when it was clear, Zayn instantly getting to work on the door.

When they had gone over the plan, it occurred to Harry that surely the guards must have ways of getting through doors. Zayn had explained that the doors were all controlled from inside the building. For employees to get in or out or into a different department, it required a signal to be sent and their chip to be read. Only people with power had the codes.

The door opened and Liam ushered them in, starting to lead them through the maze of stairs and corridors he’d memorized from the Doctor’s plans. They encountered a couple of guards on the way, who Louis swiftly disposed of. They knew their presence wouldn’t go unnoticed forever and they were all wary.

It was Niall who heard it first – the harsh beat of army-issue boots coming ever closer from the sterile corridor behind them. Harry felt his chest get tighter and the thought of what was about to happen and wiped his hands on his trousers to get rid of the clammy feeling and gripped the handgun Liam had trained him to use.

“I’ll go,” Liam said suddenly. “I’ll hold them off. Harry knows the way.”

“No, don’t you dare,” Niall said fiercely. Liam took his hand and squeezed it, pressing a kiss to his lips. “No, no, no – together; you promised together!” Liam began to pull his hand away but Niall hung on tightly. “Will you at least say it?” They all knew what he was talking about. Niall wanted Liam to tell him he loved him. Liam just shook his head.

“I’ll catch up with you in a minute,” he reassured.

“And if you don’t?” The sound of boots was getting closer. Louis and Zayn shared a worried look. Liam kissed Niall and then he was gone. Harry had to hold Niall back and pull him along until they were a safe distance away as he fought to go and help their leader. The blond scrambled for his handheld in his pocket. Each of them was wearing a watch which monitored their pulse and sent data to Niall. He watched Liam’s quickening pulse with fear as Harry led them on. As minutes went on, he started to relax; he should have more faith in Liam, of course he could do this. Then, out of nowhere, it flat-lined. Liam was dead.

Niall slumped and Louis caught him, catching sight of what was on the monitor and hugging him tightly, his own eyes welling up. He shook his head slightly at Zayn, who turned away in grief, slamming his hand into wall. Harry watched the sobbing Niall with a sick feeling. His eyes met Louis’ and his fear grew.

“We should keep moving,” Harry said quietly. Zayn glared at him darkly and Louis squeezed Niall tighter, shooting a desperate look at Harry to give him a minute, considering what he’d just lost. Niall pulled away though, nodding, wiping his eyes.

“Lead the way,” he said, sniffing

“Are you sure Niall?” Louis murmured gently.

“We need to finish this, for him. There will be time for mourning and regrets after.” They took a couple of seconds to pull themselves together, then carried on moving, even more alert than before, Louis and Harry even more aware of what they had to lose.

They encountered a few more small pockets of guards as they continued along the path Harry had learnt, easily dealing with them between the four of them. They had to pause quickly so Niall could patch up a gash on Zayn’s arm. It was taking almost all of his energy to keep his grief inside. Liam had always thought that not telling each other that they were in love would make it easier if one of them was killed, but Niall knew now that it didn’t, it only filled him with a great sadness on top of his grief that Liam had died without ever hearing him say ‘I love you’. Stupidly, Niall had fantasised about a life together after this hell was done with. They would have had a house together. A proper one that felt homely and wasn’t some uncomfortable underground bunker. The others would visit; Louis and Harry still happy and madly love, Zayn with some pretty girl, or maybe a wife. He and Liam would be content, maybe would have adopted a couple of children they could dote on - a girl and a boy. And now that stupid dream was in tatters because the love of his life was dead.

“Niall, you still with us?” Zayn said quietly, snapping him out of his reverie. Niall wiped away the few fresh tears and nodded. Zayn nodded his thanks for the bandaging up and they moved on. There was no doubt now that their presence had been noticed. They picked up the pace.

Soon, they were close to their destination – the main control room – and they all began to vaguely hope that maybe their mission was actually possible. That was when they were gassed, falling swiftly one after the other and Louis met Harry’s green eyes one more time before he passed out.
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I am so very sorry that this took so long, I promise I'll be better with the next chapter.