Status: To Be Continued...

Marvel Her Beauty

Don't Panic Under A Paper Moon

Has anyone thought that maybe Earth is God’s purgatory? That Heaven and Hell do actually exist and God initially made Earth to be purgatory? He created Humans and we ended up being these horrid mistakes so he threw us down here? And that’s why life is so horrible, that’s why there is so much pain here. Because we are the fuck-up’s God made and the fuck-up’s he didn’t want. But we transformed from what he originally made, evolved and began to make more fuck-up’s. And as such he needed to create Heaven and Hell. Then when we die, if we prove to not be the horrid cynical bastards we were created to be, we are allowed to go up to heaven. But if we stay the same and transform in to the accidents that flows through our bloods, then we are sent to hell with another chance. We all say that God is a good person, may I remind you that Hitler was seen as a God to some Nazi’s.

A grey cloud hovered over the camp that day; casting a gloomy aura over the camp that awaited death they knew would come. Soldiers spent their morning cleaning all weapons while trying to rid the vicious hangovers. The night had been a success for them all; they achieved the goal of reckless behaviours with no worries.

Charles watched in dismay as a numerous group of people cleaned out the lengthy guns, making sure they looked perfect for when it is used to shoot down any bastard Mutants looking for a fight. Even nowadays when Shaw had taken Charles most precious item, his hope, he still hated the idea of murder. Charles was always the type of person that preferred the natural way of living and dying, the type where you die at old age. If you give a person a life time, half the stuff they incorporate in to that life will be bad. And then the other half will be good, it’s a simple factor that no one seems to realize.

“Charles, get over it.” Eric knew exactly why his old friend was acting weird, he had spent so many years with the telepath, and how could he not know?

Charles and Eric were wishing Raven and Logan good look, believe it or not but the ruffians had managed to form a plan for this whole mission, apparently deciding that barging in would not be a good idea, the small army knew that Shaw would have the place surrounded with the finest protection and the only way to get in would be from the inside.

It was Raven and Logan’s job to enter as guests and then they would open the doors and let in the army, after that the plan was basically capture. A sense of distrust was knowledge throughout the group and as such most members of the army knew that probably half of the men they capture that day would end up dead through revengeful hands.

There were two kinds of people in this army: The first one had morals and even though they wanted to kill all members of Shaw’s posse, they didn’t want to seem as bad as the carnivorous mutants that followed their ‘king’. The second half were people filled with so much hate with minds set on revenge, they gave no consideration to morals.

“Are you sure you can handle this Raven, no one will judge you if you want to back out.” Charles tried to reassure his friend, always looked with a pessimistic view on the world. Meaning he was very worried for his long-lasting friend’s safety.

Raven shook her head with a sweet smile on her face, she pulled the telepath in to her arms and gave a tight squeeze to answer his question. “You and Eric are always the ones in the battlefield, it’s time for the girls to run the world.” She moved away from him so she had enough time to transform in to her cover identity.

In seconds she had become Afanasi Grigori, a Russian mutant who powered immortality. Of course a few years back Wolverine encountered said princess and had cut off her head. Stopping her powers and killing her straight, this news hadn’t reached anyone yet because everyone thought she was still alive, being immortal and all. As a conclusion they had decided that Raven would use her as a cover to get in to the ball room.

Logan helped the horrifically dressed shape-shifter in to the cart, trying not to look at the hideous pink sequined dress. A truly haunting sight. “Oh,” she turned around quickly and looked straight in to Charles’ eyes, “my name is Mystique, Professor X.”

The telepath couldn’t help the smile that appeared on his firm lips, he waved goodbye to the fake Russian and then left to ready himself.

Raven watched the ruins past by through the window, not being able to find any resemblance of the fields that once covered the planet. Now they were just open spaces of burnt down ash and dust. The once colourful planet inhabited by extraordinary creatures was now a grey shadow filled with demented monsters.

“You okay?” Logan finally spoke up.

She nodded her head, not caring if he was actually looking at her at that point in time. The ride was silent and mostly awkward. This whole thing was just awkward, why couldn’t they just go back to the days when Mutants were anonymous and the Humans lived their destructive lifestyle. Why did Shaw have to rush the extinction? With the wars and ways of the Human’s it was obvious that soon enough they would destroy themselves, sure it would have taken a long time. But that doesn’t exclude the fact that it would have happened. Now because Shaw rushed it, the unnatural event had destroyed everything. And Raven highly doubted that they could bring all that beauty back to life.

The pair soon arrived at the mansion; the building was probably as big as Shaw’s ego. Once again Logan was first to step out and help his damsel outside of the cart, he was a bit tempted to ask Raven to change. Not only was the bright pink shade hurting his eye sight, but it was also achieving plenty of attention from over pedestrians. Then he realized that if he did then it would go against Afanasi’s personality and that could lead to being uncovered.

They finally entered the rather extravagantly decorated building, gold and silver was just thrown round the room like confetti, Shaw was obviously showing off his riches. Of course there was one certain rarity he couldn’t wait to show off in front of his guests, a certain ginger female he had ensured would look more exquisite then any jewel in this place.

The pair stood on top of the large stair case, watching over the many people that pranced around the room in large dresses and suits which had numerous jewels attached to them. This wasn’t a ball, this was a contest to see who was more beautiful and powerful. People would walk around the room and then give a little show off for their ability, making it seem like a mistake. Logan and Raven could only dream of the luxury these people had, jealousy burned in their skin.

Raven couldn’t help but think how much she would love to throw them in to her lifestyle, she was sure that would be worst torture then dying for them. She shook her head, deciding that she had officially spent too much time with Erik. As much as she enjoyed spending time with her dearest friend. He did have some sort of maniacal side that can sometimes be very scary.

The group knew they had a few minutes before the plan would be put in to action. This gave them time to misuse the riches that Shaw possessed, and they started with the buffet table. Foods they hadn’t seen in years were all stretched out on a long rectangular table. They felt no remorse when they started to dig in.

People turned around from the scene with eyes filled with hatred and disgrace, you’d think the two people had been living on the streets for the past 5 years. Of course they instantly threw that thought out their minds, trusting their leader with all the safety they had. Though it may not have been a vast amount, it was still worthy.

Here’s something everyone needs to understand, there is always another perspective. We all have our own perspective off what is good, what is disgusting and what is just down right evil. And they also have a view, to the Mutants who follow Shaw; they are simply the ones who understand that the Humans didn’t accept us, if Mutants had to accept their underdeveloped minds then Human shad to accept the higher class species. The Human government never stopped to think ‘maybe if we stop discriminating their freakish ways, they won’t grow up to hate the whole human kind and use their dominating powers to wipe us off the face of the earth’.

People like Charles viewed the Earth as it should be, united in both darkness and light. No diligence and no hatred. Just Humans and Mutants, living together. Charles has spent half his life studying Mutations, and that was the reason he hated labelling the Mutants and the Humans. A human with brown hair beholds a mutation, a human with green eyes holds a mutations. So techniqually, everyone on the planet was a mutant in their own way. Some didn’t have as groovy abilities as people like Erik or Logan, but that didn’t mean they weren’t close to being spectacular.

Then there were people like Erik, who really shared the same views as Shaw. Humans were given a chance to learn respect, they chose to be stupid and not realize everyone has potential for great things. And Mutants just so happened to behold the potential to destroy the whole Human Race. They were too underdeveloped and didn’t deserve to be on – what was once – a beautiful planet.

Raven was of course in between the two potential fates, while she loathed the normality that Human’s took for granted – she also enjoyed their rituals that a human normality can bring, relationships, family, friends and everything in between. And to her this whole fight thing was something smaller, she didn’t actually give any sort of a fuck about who ruled the world. It was who she was with at the end that always seemed to matter to her, she had always been that kind of sentimental.

“Ladies and Gentlemen!” A short man who possessed a rather large voice chimed over the chatter of the crowd, “Lord Shaw and his Lady Ginger!”

Logan and Raven’s head shot up at the sight of the two Mutants strolling down the twirling staircase. Shocked at the uncanny pair, it was like beauty and the beast. Ginger wore a black dress that was tight at the top and then flowed gracefully downward. The black made the orange curls even more potent as the brightly reflected the lights sent from the marvellous chandeliers on the roof.

You could literally see Ginger rolling her eyes at the cliché setting Shaw had managed to create. She had spent hours before making her appearance, being surrounded by stylists. She didn’t have one second when no one was touching her skin, fixing the dress so it was tighter around her curves Make-up artists had literally caked her in powder and other shit they had managed to make while in the middle of the Mutant Apocalypse, she felt like she was being weighed down by the amount of make-up on her body. And the hair stylists were the worst, they had little room and as a consequence, even though her hair looked sophisticated, she had plenty of sore burn marks hidden under the ginger locks.

Some sort of classical ensemble began to sound from within the hall while they climbed slowly down the staircase. She’d been told what was going to happen when they got to the bottom and was even taught how to dance the same morning.

Once she finally made it to the bottom, she began to repeat the moves that were taught to her by the dancing tutor she was visited by this morning. One hand was gracefully placed on to Shaw’s shoulder while the other was locked with his sweaty, wrinkly hand. They began to twirl around and around the circular hole that guests had formed to make room for the dance partners. All eyes were fixated on the ruler and his mistress.

Except the mistress, no, her eyes were swiftly moving around the whole room. Scanning every face and detecting every atom in hope to feel a familiar one. Of course she found Logan, that wasn’t the same because she knew he’d be here anyway. She wanted to see Charles and Raven, heck, even Erik would cause a massive grin on her face at that moment in time! That’s all she wanted, before she committed the most horrific crime.

“They’re not here; I have the top security surrounding this place.” Shaw whispered in to her ear with an evil grin on his face. He was kind of upset that she still fought against the relationship that they were meant to have, how could she not want to be the queen of the new era, the greatest era?

Raven used this distraction, not planning on it actually happening but being very grateful that it did. She shuffled her way through the crowd, kind of glad she didn’t wear a humungous puffy dress like most of the guests were wearing. Those dresses making it extra hard for her to get through the bundle of people, she still pushed through using perseverance as her stamina.

She pushed through two large doors in to the kitchen, quickly transforming herself in to a waiter she had seen earlier on. Through the kitchen she moved her way through to the hallways of his palace, she finally made it to the back room. It was empty of any life forms, filled to the brim with all the objects that were once inside the ball room. She directed her way around it and then found herself at the door leading in to a woodland path.

It was locked with astonishing technology, how did he manage to get this from the wreckage? Raven couldn’t help but question Shaw and how he managed to saviour all the luxuries that were destroyed in the nuclear bomb. Had he stored a massive stash and hidden it away where it couldn’t be hit by the destructive blast of the bomb?

She saw that this would only take voice and eye recognition to unlock, could he make this any easier for her? She quickly transformed herself in to Shaw and began the whole process of scanning. Thinking that she was done, she transformed back to the waiter persona she was playing.

“SORRY, YOU ARE NOT AUTHORIZED.” The voice was robotic and almost as emotionless as Erik. Raven sighed, feeling stupid for underestimating Shaw. He’ll probably have changed all the locks until after the ball, it could be anyone now.

She tried to think hard, using all her knowledge of Shaw’s background to find out who he would have put it as. He had documents on everyone, probably had the technology to recreate someone’s eye. “Dammit.” She hissed.

Then it occurred to her, one person he probably wouldn’t kill, one person he actually trusted. She knew that she was a sentimental person, but alongside Shaw they could probably write a novel of cliché bullshit. Her whole body changed in a flash of blue, her scales changing pale, her hair becoming a bright orange. She bent down and showed her now green eyes in to the camera and voice, “hello my name is Ginger.” She couldn’t think of anything else to voice.

“DOOR UNLOCKED.” At the sound of the click, the door opened slightly to show that it was finally unlocked. She opened it widely and let out a loud whistle in to the forest background.

She shut the door but made sure it wasn’t fully closed before returning back to the ballroom where the song and dance finally finished. A round of applause was spread through the whole hall, covering all the sounds of mutterings from the guests.

“Thank you, thank you!” Shaw clapped along with the crowd while leaving Ginger’s side. The door that Raven had just entered through opened once more, only this time a large object covered underneath a blanket was pushed through, it even came with a stage that Shaw stood on top off once it was in the middle of the room. “I think we did pretty well considering this morning my lovely lady had two left feet, nothing a couple of talented Mutants couldn’t fix.”

Everyone in the hall started to laugh, being nothing but a cat’s screech in Logan and Raven’s ears. “Now, I know that at first it was hard. Especially when the resistance formed but just look at us all now. Top of the food chain! None of those humans knew what it was like, feeling belittled by a race we use to trust at first, we gave them everything as children. But, then we grew up, we saw the darkness they all had and no matter what we did, there was no going back. We thought it was our fault, and was it?”

A chime of ‘NO’s’ was called from the crowd that surrounded their leader. “That’s right, it wasn’t our fault we were more advanced! So I brought you all to Justice, and I thought I’d been pretty fair. I was, right?”

Once again the crowd reacted with a positive ‘yes’. Half the room were just giving the ruler what he wanted to hear, sucking up always meant success. With that response he finally unveiled the gigantic silver machine, shining as brightly as Ginger’s hair underneath the rays from the chandelier.

“Meet the vigilantes death, if they don’t fear me as Mutants then let’s see how they stand against me when they are Humans.” He spat with venom oozing like a waterfall from his voice. “We shall have order, we shall have righteousness!”

“This isn't righteousness Shaw, this is murder.” A recognizable voice yelled from the now once again open doorway.

“CHARLES!” Ginger yelled in overwhelming happiness, not able to handle the mixture of feelings when she saw his face.
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So hi, long time no see :P I'm uploading this on Wattpad as well now. My account is called WeHaveAHulk and blah blah blah.

It's also my birthday on Monday, hating the fact it's on Monday because all my families working and none of my friends want to come out. So I'm 99% sure I'll be writing... yey...

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