Status: To Be Continued...

Marvel Her Beauty

Have Faith In Me


The kiss was sweet, the way their lips moved together just felt right in a way. It had been long awaited and now that Ginger and Charles were finally embraced in each others arms, it just felt right. Weird, but right. Inside their minds it was all smiles and rainbows, who would have predicted that from Charles' chivalrous actions, him saving her would lead to such a golden moment.

They're eyes remained closed as they both moved away from each other, their lips ghosting over each others as both eyes began to flutter open. They didn't know what to say to each other. As good as the kiss was, it was still unexpected. "Guys," a females voice called, "help would be really nice right about now!"

Charles whipped his head around while Ginger leered over his shoulder, Raven stood - naked after taking of that horrid sequin dress, unable to move around in that vulgarity called 'clothing'. She had also transformed back to her natural form, at least her blue skin covered more than the average Human could cover - with a large piece of metal weighing on her body.

"Of course." Charles rushed, taking hold of the heavy metal and lying it far away from their working space. Now that it had been removed the group could now mess around with the wires in order to make the machine react to Ginger’s power differently. There were many changes they were making to the machine, one was that it wouldn’t target specific Mutants, it would simply change any Mutants that Ginger finds, Human. And more importantly, now the machine won’t kill the humans straight after they have been changed.

Charles began to pull out a multitude of multi-coloured wires, handing them to Raven who then began to switch the wires they were attached. The result of her work being quite astounding for a girl who wasn’t familiar with most technology. While Raven set out doing that, Charles began doing his own fondling with the wires that couldn’t be removed for the machine.

They had managed to get the blueprints of the machine from Wolverine after he made one of his special visits to Shaw’s mansion. The resistance put their heads together and figured out how they would make the machine do what they wanted it to do, not what Shaw had made the machines do. The blueprint had then been given to Raven and Charles who spent days mesmerizing every detail. All that was left to be done was for the resistance to hope that Charles and Raven do it right, or it could jeopardize the whole future for the Human race.

Ginger awkwardly stood to the side, watching as a sweaty Charles rubbed at his forehead. She didn’t know what to do and with Charles suddenly ignoring her because of the aftermath shock of their passionate exchange; she felt rather useless.

She didn't hold a grudge over Charles for his reaction however, she just didn't beleive it was a good time to have this sort of reaction, it probably wasn't a good time to kiss either however. For some reason she just couldn't find herself to ever feel any sort of negative emotions towards him, maybe this was love.

She shook her head slightly, amused at the bittersweet idea of her mind being tricked in to beleiving such things. She had witnessed the three types of love that exist, the moronic love; the involuntary love and the consoling love.

Moronic love would probably be a label given to couples such as Erik and Raven, she thinks such a man is capable of love. He may be capable of doing a kind action, or at least his definition of a kind act, but being able to love is a bit of a stretch. Stupidity is what flows through their relationship.

Involuntary love is what would be given to the emotions Shaw shared with Ginger, whereas Shaw was influenced by the dream of a beautiful world, Ginger was stuck in a relationship she would do anything in order to escape from.

Comfort love was the most popular connection between numerous of Mutants nowadays, it was a way of coping between two depressed Mutants that needed someone to hold on to at night. That was the category she placed her emotions for Charles, love nowadays was simply a myth.

Charles looked up for a second, examining her expression and the way she stood, not having to read her mind to know that she was feeling rather useless at the moment. "Ginger," his accent drawled, calling the red-heads attention back to the crouching gentlemen. He outstretched his arm which held some more wires, "can you please hold these while I work on the wires?" It may not have been much of a job, but it was a duty that would distract her.

She formed a gentle smile and took hold of the large amount of wires, the weight being surprisingly strong and causing her to have to hold it with two hands. Ginger leered over the telepaths shoulders and watched him go to work, he detached wires from their matching colours and swapped them around so they were fitted with a colour that contrasted against the shade of the original colour.

Raven was doing the same in her place, and throughout the process both Mutants would continuously throw wires into Ginger’s hands.

Around the room the resistance was falling against the superior Mutants, Wolverine still running through the crowd with his claws tearing off limbs. Banshee was fighting back to back with Jubilee, the way they moved in synchronisation just showed the connection they shared for each other. Ginger couldn’t blind herself from the horror that took place, millions of fallen mutants that lay on the ground as blood poured out of their body.

It stung her heart that everything had to end this way, with all the violence. No one deserved such a horrific ending, no one deserved to die before their rightful age. But then again, the humans never deserved to be extinguished from the planet.

A hand suddenly clasped around hers, the fabric of his fingerless gloves letting her know that it was Charles. “I promise you I will do everything in my power to stop this,” he whispered softly in her ear, comforting her as much as he could by rubbing his thumb across her palm. “Come, we need you to weld the metal back in to place.”

It was a simple request that only needed a simple amount of energy to do. She kneeled down, not caring about the dust and blood that would mess up the beautifully designed dress. A red light began to shine from her hands, a warm sensation spreading through the whole of her right arm as she set of f to work. The metal sizzling as they joined together neatly, the metal looking almsot like it had never been removed in the first place.

Through the process Ginger felt a slight pain spread through her body, the spot where Shaw had hit her suddenly burning. She audibly gasped, jumping back and clutching her chest in pain. “Ginger? Charles, what’s wrong with her?” Raven jumped to the red-head’s side almost as quickly as Charles did.

“S-Shaw hit me before, it’s just a minor scratch. I’ll be fine... is the machine ready?” She shook off their questions, trying her hardest to stand up and not look as weak as she felt.

Of course Charles wouldn’t let her off so easily, he put two fingers against his forehead and scanned her mind for the truth. He quickly shook her head when he learnt the truth, “no Ginger. You’re too weak.”

It was Ginger’s turn to shake her head, they had come too far to end this all now. She grabbed on to his wrist and looked him dead in the eyes, “Charles I’m fine,n please, we can do thi-”

Charles interrupted her with a yell, “Ginger if you go through with this then you’ll die! And I am not letting this happen.” He mirrored the same dead-panned look as she had expressed on her facial features.

“Awww, well ain’t that just the cutest thing you’ve ever seen.” A girly giggle came from behind them, though as they turned around they found a rather skinny latino male stood behind them. “I almost feel bad that I’m about to kill you all,” he whimpered, though the menacing grin on his face said otherwise.

“We’ll see about that now won’t we,” Raven stood in front of the pair, her blue skin gleaming under the main halls lights, making her blood red hair even more potent. She had had enough of sitting on the sidelines, she wanted to be a part of the fight. She didn’t belong doing wriing, she hsould be out there defending her dreams and ambitions.

The latino smirked, letting out a mocking giggle. As soon as he finished laughing he threw himself towards Raven, arms set ablaze as soon as he came in to contact of her skin. “Ow!” The blue female hissed as a scald mark was burnt in to her wrist. She flicked her wrist so the firey arm scalded the enemies own face.

He fell back in surprise, Raven using the momentary distraction to wrap her legs around the mans body and flipping the both of them over. The nemesis decided to use the same technique in a much more decorative way. While Raven clasped the male on to the ground - her arms stopping him from struggling - he set his whole body aflame, scorching her legs and arm and as a consequence leaving her immobile.

"Enough!" Charles yelled, causing the male to turn his head in surprise at the sudden intrusion. "Sleep!" The telepath called out, managing to make the Latino fall instantly on to the metal ground.

Charles turned his head to check on Raven, but he suddenly noticed the disapearance of his beloved Ginger. “NO!” He yelled in protest at the realisation she was stood by the controls, putting on the helmet and preparing herself to end this war.

She didn’t even turn to look at him, as he ran towards her to try and stop her from going any further she simply used her ability to make a force field that blocked him from getting any closer.

His arms consistently hit the force field with no victory of getting through, she turned around and Charles finally saw the streams of tears that fell across her false smile.

She lifted her finger and placed it on the on button, not looking away from Charles at all.
♠ ♠ ♠

Okay now the important part is I don't know whether I should do a sequel or finish this, the decision is up to you! SO PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE TELL ME! I don't care if you don't even like this fanfic, but please tell me? PLEASE