Status: To Be Continued...

Marvel Her Beauty

Lets Stop Wasting Light, Lets Learn To Fly

Ginger sat on a worn stool, still recovering from the massive drain she had experienced the day before. Her eyes were leering on the sleeping body that seemed to continuously twitch, causing numerous false alarms to be cast throughout the whole group. Hours had passed and still the mahogany orbs of Hank McCoy had yet to reveal themselves. Every 5 hours the group would switch and keep watch to know when Hank was finally awake, but, as more time passed, the thought that she had once again failed seemed to grow.

"Did you know Mutation took us from single celled organisms to being thee dominated form of reproductive life on this planet," Charles entered the dusty room with a glazed expression and a happy smile, "infinite forms of variation, with each generation, all through Mutation." He finished with a sigh while carefully placing himself on the vexatious rubble ground, squirming slightly to try and find a comfortable position.

"To say you’re fighting for the humans you seems oddly amazed by Mutants." Ginger replied quizzically, she couldn't deny how it made her more confounded by the Telepathic Male.

She watched the delighted expression turn to a look of pure amusement. "The Earth belonged to the Humans first; I believe the saying is 'Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers.'" A laugh was emitted through the hollow room. "So, you know our story and I believe it's only fair if you tell us your background information." Charles was trying to be nonchalant about this subject, after the first time they met he knew she was rather protective of herself. But, the others had agreed that if she was going to stay then they needed more information on the phenomenal Mutant.

She instinctively shook her head, what they didn't know wouldn't hurt them. An awkward silence settled around them, Ginger knew she could have left the room any time now that she was of duty; she just didn't want be alone and she enjoyed Charles' presence considering that he was the only one in the X-Men group that seemed to like her. Charles picked at the ground, destroying it further, finally he interrupted the sullenness by stating "I could just read your mind," their eyes connected with lightning speed and all Charles could do was send an apologetic look for using such an 'Eric-like' technique for information.

"I trust you not to through." Her face fell down to her lap as a red tint began to grow on her cheeks, the word 'trust' was not often thrown of her tongue so gently, she wasn't even sure if it was in the dictionary that resigned in her head. Trust was as impossible as her ever joining Shaw's army, it shouldn't and wouldn't happen.

"How about we do it little by little?" He offered, "We start with basic information and as our friendship grows, so does the information." Ginger hesitated, what counted as basic information? Family background? Date of Birth? Or simply just the colour of her eyes? Questions were repeatedly shot into her head, how was she expected to give information away when she was unsure of trust towards the Mutant. "We could start with information about your Mutation?"

"My Mutation?" Ginger enjoyed his persuasiveness and was glad that he had picked a comfortable subject. Any Mutant you ask will probably boast about their ability, proud of the power they possess, some would do with more chivalry while others would scream with unneeded pride, and Mutants ability was basically a person’s identity. "I can't tell you much really. All I know is that I can control Atoms, so I guess that means I can manipulate pretty much anything." The Red-Head shrugged with a small smile gracing her thin lips. Charles however, was still marvelled by the uncanny power of her Mutation; he'd heard and seen a number of different Mutations but this had to be -by far- the most sumptuous and surprising. When practised, Charles knew it could be powerful.

He wanted to dig as far as the small girl would allow him, "and how did you find out you can do all this?" Ginger could easily tell that Charles was intrigued, a giddy feeling flourished in her stomach, she was impressing Professor Charles Xavier.

The memory replayed behind her eyes. "If you’re hoping for some bad-ass tale of how I rescued someone from being murdered then you’re talking to the wrong person." Ginger giggled, refusing to admit the lame story about her powers and how she became fully aware of the Mutation in which she had grown accustomed too.

"Oh come on, Ginger, you know I'd never judge you wrongly!" The British male used his charm to manipulate her mind. Making the beautiful women beside him feel like a twelve-year-old, the way he looked at her made a tidal wave thrash around in the pit of her stomach. In a gentler voice Charles added "I promise," once again captivating Gingers heart.

She did a melodramatic sigh. "Fine! My mum made a hot chocolate, but, it was too warm so I somehow cooled down the particles. Then after the Nuclear War I was able to do bigger things." Her shoulders lifted and then fell, Gingers unspoken words being sent through sign language. Her compadre in this conversation wanted to burst out laughing, an extraordinary ability found in the most un-extraordinary ways. "What about you?" She pushed the conversation further, "it must have been scary hearing people’s thoughts." The Red-Head pondered; putting herself in Charles' position.

"He repeated Ginger's shrug, it soon becoming a common feature in their conversation. “It was at first, I suppose, although I grew up and learned how to turn my Mutation on and off, and as a conclusion it became less staggering. Another silence began to set itself around the two new friends; they questioned whether this meant that they had made a step forward together, had Ginger just opened up to someone? Has Charles actually found a trustworthy Mutant?

The comfortable presence between the new partners was interrupted by a blue figure with a request and a mission. Like Charles she was hypnotised the new ally. "Oh, hello Charles!" Raven gave a short nod towards Charles and then did the same gesture towards Ginger, "I was hoping one of you would come to the market with me? Yesterday I saw some things we needed," this was more of a scheme then a request, the blue Mutant knew that Charles was on watch and saw this as a great chance to confront the stranger.

"Well I'm off duty now, I guess I could come along." Were the apprehensive words that passed through Gingers lips?

"Great!" To show that she was ready to go, Mystique transformed herself into a more human-resembling creation, a blissful smile placed on the porcelain face.

In a matter of minutes they were forcing themselves through a large crowd of Shoppers. The outcome of the shopping task was a good workout which both Raven and Ginger didn't mind. A number of topics were thrown into their conversation, ranging from 'the good old' days' to their favourite ration.

"It must have been easier though, having Charles and Erik there to protect you" The Red-Head thought out loud, surely Raven would have been spared from seeing the darker parts of surviving Shaw's era. Those two men were both gentlemen - even now, after facing Mother Nature’s darkest side- and would most likely avoid wounding women mentally or physically, especially a close friend such as Raven.

"I suppose, didn't you have anyone?" The blue Mutant acquired, "A Friend? A Family?"

Ginger winced at the thought; Shaw had taken away any comfort she once owned, because she was the only Mutant in her family which meant when the nuclear missiles finally hit, her relatives were goners from the beginning.

"No." She ended the topic there, Ginger now felt both depressed and stupid. She would have foreseen the question would be thrown back at her! She continued to walk down the market, trying to replace the images of the dull clothes that were being sold.

"Oh my God." Raven whispered, loud enough for Gingers attention to be directed top what the blue Mutant was astonished by, as a consequence, Ginger was hit with the same shock.

On a wall across the street stood a number of posters, a grey rainbow mixed between the colourless images, one that had caught their full attention the most was a medley of grey which portrayed Gingers face. The more they looked, the more copies of the posters seemed to appear - all with the words 'wanted' written boldly at the top. "We should probably go." The pair turned direction towards their so called home.

Ginger did her best to keep her face down, fearing that the bright colour of her hair would be a siren and bring all attention towards her identity; Raven was just as panicked, coming to conclusion that the previous battle between Hank and Ginger had not gone unnoticed by Shaw. Once they got too abandoned path. Ginger finally raised her head, sending Raven a panicked expression.

"We'll talk to Charles," she decided knowing he was more brain then brawn. "He'll know what to do." She tried to comfort the Red-Head, but, Gingers thoughts circulated on the idea that she'd either have to forever hide in a sanctuary of imprisonment, away from the cruel world but also hidden from its beauty. Shaw had done his best to implode the beauty. But, nature was something he could never defeat. There was the sunset that set a purple and scarlet mixture to be flaunted in the sky. There was rain as well, the deep blue drops that seemed to enchant Ginger and make her want to sing and dance, to cause splashes as she crashed her feet in puddles. And she'll have to miss out on all that just so Shaw won't win.

Thoughts became more and more depressed in her mind; the only thing that seemed to brighten up the dark void was the fact that she was hopefully going to have the company of the X-Men with her. They came closer to the familiar luck at the buildings crumbling exterior, with its grey walls and boarded windows the Red-Head couldn't deny how much it resembled a prison.

She had followed Ravens path back to the room they had previously abandoned, only to find that Charles and Hanks sleeping figure had vacated the premises. Two girls looked at each other with even more panic coursing through their pumping veins. "Charles!?" Raven called immediately, waiting through a torturous silence.

"In the Kitchen!" Came his own swift reply. Although his reply seemed to form more questions, where was Hank McCoy and why wasn't Charles Xavier watching him? Both Female Mutants travelled towards the staircase which led to the desired destination.

And there, in all his - finally clothed0 glory, stood Hank. Raven was first to squeal and run in to a welcome hug, a simple embrace both creatures had missed dearly. "Hello again," The Human boy snuggled closer to the Human resembling girl, feeling a sense of comfort in Raven's presence. Hank looked up to see the other Female in the room and he was incapable of hiding his thrill, he had already been informed of the Red-Heads ability and what she had done for him, including she would hopefully do for the extinct Human Race. She gave a simple nod as hello, unsure on whether his personality was transformed as well as his genes.

"It's great to see you awake." She made a quick comment before turning towards Charles and bringing up the subject that was most important in her mind. "He knows of my ability, Shaw knows," just saying those words managed to stress her body further and caused tears to form in her ivory eyes.

"What?" Charles asked with an aghast tone, although, he had already suspected that the previous battle would cause attention towards the group.

Raven finally separated her body from Hanks to stand beside Charles. "It's true! There are like a million wanted posters for her." The Shape-Shifter added.

"Well," the Human clapped to receive everyone's attention "guess this just means we need to rebuild Cerebro quicker."

"What do you need?" Eric finally spoke up, standing straight with crossed arms. Standing like a man on a mission.

The former Mutant stood in thought, trying to recall everything they need to recreate Cerebro; he found a piece of paper and pen. He wrote down everything that could easily be found in the market. "This is just the simple stuff; I'm also going to need plenty of metal." He continued to write items down on the torn paper, "and is there anywhere I will be able to work?" Raven was surprised at the scientist courage, it was different from the Hank that clouded her memory, and the shy and self-preserved person had been replaced with a determined entrepreneur.

"There's an old office you'd be able to use." Eric suggested.

"Wouldn't be better if we used the basement?" Ginger spoke up, the thought of consequences for defying Eric not reaching her mind. "It's bigger and hidden under that slab thing," she soon became uncomfortable under all their stares - especially the demeaning look she received from the metal twister- she twitched slightly and looked down.

Charles nodded towards Hank and gave a warning look towards Eric. "Let's get on with it then."

Raven snatched the list of Hank and began to drag Eric away with her. Charles took part in the departure by leading Hank towards the hidden basement. This left the Red-Head leaning against the chipped wooden counter while her heart seemed to repeatedly break. She felt alone and weak, desperate for reassurance that the team actually saw her as an ally. Not a weapon.

What if they realized she wasn't useful, she was destined to be kicked out as soon as the plan became a failure. She knew that no one liked her, even to the good guys she was seen as a nuisance, she would instantly be forgotten and return back to roaming living hell, only this time she would be purposely hunted by Mutants. Ginger had to do something about it, something to make her more beneficial and to make her more shielded.

She began her journey around the tall building, looking into each room to find the largest space. Once she came across a room that was shaped like a large square, it had mirrors placed across two walls while the other two were a pale cream, it was probably the most decorative room in the worn out building.

She walked into the middle of the room - remembering Eric's techniques- she raised her left arm, trying manipulating the atoms. She could feel every atom flowing through the air, stroking against her skin, going down her throat. But, they stayed in place, she could do nothing.

"You need to concentrate more; right now you’re just hoping that you'll do something." Charles appeared in the doorway, examining her actions closely. She dropped her arm and turned to look at him with an ill-fated expression.

This was the first time she didn't want to be in the mind-readers presence.

"I'm trying." Her eyes could no longer bear to look at him, the way he stood showed how almighty he was. She envied the power he had control over. He entered the room fully, standing beside her.

Taking both her hands he forced the small Red-Head to connect with his gaze, "I know you are." He sent her a reassuring smile, purposely using his charm to make her attention purely on him, "just remember in other situations where you used your Mutation, it was when you’re fighting instinct had come out because you needed to be saved. What you're doing here is reaching out to the instinct without having the adrenaline rush, force it through your body," while speaking he had moved his body, so he was standing behind her.

His hand caressed her left arm, gently lifting it. "You feel all this power flowing through your veins?" He questioned in her ear, his warm breath being blasted onto the girl’s neck. In seconds she became very aware of the current that swam through her body, a slow nod was forced as she tried to pull all concentration onto the waves, which was hard when stood in a demeaning position around Charles. "Good, now I want you to collect all of it to create an energy source."

She did as she was told, pulling all the power in to hands, ignoring the grip Charles had on her arm, her hand felt warm and her fingers were tingling. None of it was a gentle pleasure though; the tingling was like a needle was repeatedly being stabbed into her palm. The word concentrate repeated in her mind as she held back a grimace.

"Ginger," Professor Xavier whispered "open your eyes." She apprehensively opened her eyes to see a red light collected in her hand, she wasn't sure whether it was nuclear or electric, and it certainly was beautiful though. As the two looked at each, their grins couldn't be bigger.
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Thank the Heaven's I finally wrote this up, took me ages to write in my book and now it took me ages to just write it up on my Computer. I'm sorry that I took so long with this, I must admit that it probably would have token longer if it weren't for all those brilliant Comments, thanks guys.

So, is there something happening with Charles and Ginger? Why does Eric hate Ginger so much? Will they be able to complete Cerebro in time?

Tell me what you guys think through Comments.

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