Status: still making Chapter 2 ^^

Yume to Akumu: Dreams and Nightmares

Episode 2.1: Partner!? Who said anything about “partners”!?!

“I’m heading out!” I shouted as I prepared to go to school.

By the way, today is also my second day at YuAku High. I was wearing my usual look except my hair was in a bun tied with my black ribbon with a small skull at the middle, along with my books for class. I’m too excited today! We’ll be talking about Dreams and Nightmares today, just like Mr. Maru said yesterday. He said that they would orient us first about all we need to know before we get into action. I wonder how it would go…

Just as I was about to take my leave, I saw a familiar figure standing just in front our house. I took a closer look and it was my childhood best friend. Yup, it was Len. What is he doing here? We have school, you know.

“Yo!” he greeted first as he saw me.
“Len! What are you doing here? Don’t you know we have school today?” What the nightmare was he thinking? He might get late for class if he just laze around there all morning.

I approached him and now we’re in front of each other. He was lazily leaning on the wall while I had my hands on my hips. After a second, he regained his stance and began to speak.

“And can’t you see that I was waiting for you?” oh… so he was waiting for me, never knew. Why didn’t he just knock at the door and said he would be waiting? Ah, oh well… He can be nice sometimes.
“Oh… then, what are you waiting for?” I said as I started to run off without him, “Let’s go!”

After a couple of minutes of awkward silence passed, we arrived at YuAku high. The campus was still full of people but lesser than yesterday’s. Most of them are from the lower levels just like us and less people from the higher grades. Maybe… they already started their missions? Oh, I forgot to tell you. When you become a dream catcher, you can’t just run off and catch nightmares on the street. You have to have the permission of the school which is YuAku high. There, they will give you missions where you can choose from so… you can’t exactly be a dream catcher if you don’t study at YuAku high or other schools that support the idea of dream catching or something like that.

“So what do you think will happen?” I asked Len so that the awkwardness will fade away. I don’t like awkward moments…
“Huh?” he said as he changed his gaze from the distant place in front of us to me.
“Today’s class.”
“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe…” he replied and began to think, staring off into space again.
“They said we’re going dream weaving today.” I looked at him at his reply but only got a confused look the same as mine. Then, who was that?

Len and I turned around, knowing that familiar voice was just behind us. He had the usual look and with his energetic smile, “Yo!” he greeted us.
“Hey, I was going to say that!” Len started. I glanced at him and I saw a tint of red on his face. Woah! That was a rare reaction! I must take a picture of this, except I don’t have a camera with me. Shoot.
“Castor!” I said as I turned to him and noticed something out of place, “Umm, where’s Pollux?”
“Hey, I said wait up! Don’t run off without me!”
“And there he is.” Len stated.

We looked into the direction where the voice was coming from and we could see that he was really trying hard to run. So Castor is the sporty one while Pollux is the… hmm, what do you call it? Intelligent one and has a lot of common sense. As Pollux approached us, I could see small droplets of sweat near his forehead. Woah, he must’ve run a mile or something.

“You’re so slow, Pollux.” His twin brother complained.
“It’s not that I’m slow! It’s because you just suddenly ran ahead!” Oh, so that’s why… Oh Castor and Pollux, brotherly fight… Well, I wish I also had a twin sister too so you can do all sorts of stuff you couldn’t. Like, exchanging identities to fool people, doing the same thing, doing pranks and other stuff, you get what I mean.
“So by the way, what did you say a while ago? About… dream leaving?” I asked Castor.
“It’s dream weaving, moron fox.” Len interrupted in an I-know-it-all tone.
“Oh…wait!” he said that I was a MORON FOX, “what did you just call me?”
“A moron fox.”
“Why am I a fox?”
“Well, when I think of you and your red hair, I think of foxes,” he suddenly paused and then continued when he stared at my face, “Wait, aren’t you mad?”
“Oh, I see…huh? Wait… yes! Of course, I’m mad! I’m not a moron fox!” What I said before, I was wrong. He is not nice, at all.
“Well, even if you’re a moron fox, I still like you.” Castor jumped into our conversation, more like an argument.
“And don’t you know foxes are cute? Especially you, Renai!” Castor said as he explained how cute and cuddly foxes are… even though, Castor… I’m not a moron fox!
“W-what are you saying, Castor!?”
“Hey, don’t call her moron fox! I’m the only one who can call her that!” Wow, Len. Thanks for the save. Really. Please note that I was sarcastic here. I remember when we were children. I was always the one who is saving him from the bullies, and now, he is the one bullying me. Or we can say, teasing me.
“Why do I have to listen to you?”

Well, the conversation-slash-argument continued with Castor and Len being the persons who were responsible for this. Sigh, this is going to continue like forever. It seems like Castor was getting on Len’s nerves… I hope they don’t fight too much…

“Um, hey,” a voice said and I turned around to see that it was coming from Pollux, “I’m sorry for my brother. He’s always causing so much trouble.”
“Nah, it’s alright. Len causes trouble too.”
“Umm, I’m sorry for interrupting their argument but we have to go.”
“Huh?” I asked with confusion written all over my face as I looked at Pollux.
“It’s time for class.” He said to me as he pointed to his watch which was on his left arm. I got my silver pocket watch and opened it to see that it was minutes before the bell rings. It’s almost time for class! Its 5 minutes before the bell rings! We have to hurry!
“Hey, you guys. Stop fighting and start running, its 5 minutes before class starts!” I shouted at them as I interrupted their “fight.” It wasn’t really a fight, well, it is to them. They’re just immature. Sigh.
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A/N: Hey! :D I have an announcement to make!!!! =))) Starting today, my chapters won't be sooo long but it will be divided into parts like 0.1, 0.2 and so on and on... Thank you for the advice jaredmontaco xD and i'm also having troubles with Len's personality since i don't know if he would be like the cool dude or the cheerful guy or something else =D so sorry if sometimes Len's OOC xD
Hope you liked it! ~