Status: Active like a kid who drinks coke 24/7.

Romance & Regrets

Oh my gorgeous Arizona, here's to getting caught with you.

I woke up this morning with a massive headache and hoarse voice. I turned on the other side of my bed and grabbed my phone; it says 8:30 am. Therefore, I still have an hour to prepare for the 1pm flight from Florida to Arizona. Apparently, we have to be at the airport 5 hours before the taking. I don’t mind at all because I have my phone and IPod to entertain me.

After 5 minutes of pondering whether to get up now or just lay in bed, I decided to take a lovely shower and enjoy the last hours I have inside this house. I studied every part of the house; hallway, rooms, living room, kitchen and porch. This is the house where I grew up for the past 20 years, and just like that, I have no choice but to leave it and move on. It just came to me that, we’ve got to accept that some things are just never meant to be, no matter how much we wish they were.

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The non-stop honking of the car snapped me back to reality. Our good neighbor, Mrs. Thomas bought my mom’s SUV and as a sign of gratitude she volunteered to drop us off at the airport. I hurriedly made my way to the front door and grab my bags. With one last look at the house, I shut the door and hastily went inside the car.

“You guys ready to go?” My mom asked as she turned her head to the backseat, looking at me and Cailey with a proud smile on her face.

“Yeah, Definitely. Can’t wait!” I heard my sister said in a vivacious tone. I can’t believe how she can act so joyful right now; it’s barely 10 in the morning and I’d do anything to go back to bed. I realized that there’s no chance I’m sleeping inside a moving car so I put on my headphones and let the melodic voice of Ben Gibbard fill my ears.

It roughly took us 30 minutes to get to the airport. Leaving us with 2 more hours to do nothing so I thought of the best way to kill time, and that is to sleep. It's not that I'm addicted to sleep but times like these you don't have the permission to complain. God has given you the time to rest and I'm not taking no as an answer.

After my 2 hour sleep, I woke up with the tickly feeling on my feet. I groaned when I saw Cailey on my feet with a devious smile. oh, she surely knows how to piss me off. I looked around the airport and saw people getting ready to hop on the plane. So I brought out my passport, carried my bags and patiently wait for my turn to get inside the plane. I'm sure as hell stuck in another 4 and a half hour travel.

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“Arizona. The Grand Canyon state welcomes you.”
Those big words written as a signage passed by us as we enter the scorching desert. Sweats became visible on my forehead within the minute, making me want to take a shower as soon as we get in the house. I can already tell I’m going to hate this place. With the heat and the lack of nightlife, it’s tough for me to survive. It's not that I always go to parties or whatsoever, but drinking helps me relax or loosen up a bit; I drink because I like the way it makes me feel, especially when I drink to excess. I black out and do and say things that needed to be done or said that I would otherwise not do or say. Liquid courage, for lack of better words.

The car stopped in front of a big color brown house with a blue gate, leaving me in trance with my thoughts. This must be the neighborhood. I quickly looked around the houses and sidewalk -- It looks passive and safe. There are lights surrounding the sidewalk, an Old man walking his dog and teenagers playing skateboard. This actually feels like home.

“And we’re here! Let’s go and start bringing the bags in! I’m starving!” mom said as she paid the cabbie and started taking the bags inside.

Cailey and I went to the boot of the car and took our luggage. I was halfway done taking in my bags when I heard a voice behind me.

“You do it man, just ask if she needs help.” Someone said in a low voice.

I chuckled at the guy's fail attempt to speak lower. I turned around saw 2 looking shy boys with an awkward smile on their faces, each carrying a skateboard and If I'm not mistaken, they both looked the same age as mine.

“Uhm, hey. Do you need any help?” The green eyed boy with a sandy hair asked as he stared down at the bag I am carrying. I smiled to myself at how kind this guy is. I guess Chivalry isn't dead.

“No, It’s fine. This is my last bag, anyway. So no worries.” I said with a grin. I wanted to go back inside but of course, being the new girl in town, I should be nice to my neighbors. So, I stood there feeling awkward while waiting for them to open a conversation.

"Oh, Okay, well I'm John and I live next door," he pointed to the right house beside us. I can sense that he's feeling a bit tense causing me to giggle inwardly. I was about to introduce myself when the other boy beside him spoke.

"And I'm Eric! but you can call me Halvo or whichever you prefer." he said while sticking out his hand for me to shake. He has a big smile on his face and I can already tell that we're going to be friends. I put down the bag I'm carrying and shook his hand. "I live 3 houses before John, so it's not impossible for us 3 to hang." he beamed. I can't help but to laugh at his friendliness. It's weird cause I should be the one who should be nice to them.

"Nice to meet you, John and Eric." raising my right eyebrow -- unsure on what to call him. "name is Adriana. I just moved here with my mom and sister, Cailey." uncertain of what to say next, so I stayed in silence.

"Cool! so don't be offended or anything, but are you in college?" Eric asked looking anxious on what my reaction will be. I saw John elbowed him, telling him to stop talking. I chortled at their actions and saw them look at me dumbfounded.

"haha, no it's okay. yeah, I'm going to college this school year but I don't know where." I replied coyly.

"Oh, me and Halvo are going to college too this school year in ASU! you should go there, their facilities are good." John explained and Eric nodded.

"Okay, I'll check their website later. thanks, by the way." I flashed a smile.

The conversation went on from getting to know each other to actually becoming friends. John and Eric are those type of people who you can talk about nothing and can still make you laugh uncontrollably. we are now sitting on the chairs at the porch talking about random things when a furious Cailey appeared at the door. I knew she was about to scream at me but stopped dead track when she saw John and Eric.

"Uhm, Adriana, mom is looking for you..." she raised her right eyebrow feeling uncomfortable at the two guys looking at her. she was about to go back inside when I stood up from the canopy swing and introduced her to the guys.

"John, Eric, this is my little sister Cailey. Cailey, this is John," I pointed John, who threw a big smile as he gladly stood up and waved. "and Eric or Halvo, whichever you prefer." Eric who also stood up, stuck out his hand as Cailey freely shook it.

"So uhm, my mom is calling me already. see you guys tomorrow?" I asked, unsure of what to say. Cailey knew it was her time to go inside now so I was left with them.

"Yup, of course! Actually there's a party at our friend, Max's house tomorrow night. you should come! Halvo and I would be there. so you'll not really feel awkward or out of place." John said with hopeful eyes.

Of course I would say yes.

"Yeah, sure! I actually miss parties and I've wanted to know how Arizona people throw away parties." I chuckled.

"Oh trust me, we party like grandparents... so we'll pick you up at seven?"

"Okay then! 7 it is."

The two started walking to their respective homes and I went inside the house. I didn't realize it was already 7 in the evening when I saw my mom in the kitchen cooking our dinner. I walked up to my room and started fixing my clothes, placing them inside the closet.

I was halfway done with the designing of my room when my mom called us for dinner. I trotted down the stairs and saw my mom and Cailey waiting for me at the table.

The silence we had during dinner was odd. Cailey would always be the one to talk during dinner. often times she would make a joke or just share how her day went, but this time she seemed bizarre, out of mind. I decided to let it past, maybe she was just tired.

After the unusual dinner, I went back to my room and took a long, relaxing shower. I hastily combed my hair and put on some Pajamas and a sweatshirt since the temperature inside my room is nippy. I looked at the big numbers written at the digital clock that says 8:30 pm. I am not yet feeling drowsy so I turned on my laptop and check my email.

It was past 10 when I decided to doze off. I was about to turn down the blinds of my window when I saw a light coming from our neighbors room. I looked carefully, curious on what the person inside doing.

After --God knows-- how many minutes I've been looking, I was taken back when I saw John looking out of his window laughing while waving at me. I waved back at him, as blush crept on my face and felt utterly embarrassed for getting caught.

I switched off my lights and hopped on the bed, still stunned on what just happened.

Lesson Learned: never look out of the window to avoid embarrassment.
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yeah, yeah boring chapter? please tell me your thoughts! i need your criticism! :)
comment or no update again ;) sorry.