Stay With Me in This Ugly World


Jordan Anamilia Vasquez is the youngest out of the Prodigy 4. Her older brother William Peter is a genius, mastering Math and Science, her older sister Jean Marie gaining beauty, athletic ability, modeling, and dancing. Her other older sister Jessica Madison, excelling in writing, poetry, music, and acting, is the only one that understands and is like her. In a family of outcast and populars where does the youngest lie?

"I just need to cut and bleed out all these emotions, to bleed them all out along with my blood and leave this ugly world where I am meaningless to all...."

Frank Anthony Thomas Iero, punk kid, from the wrong side of the streets, not very bright and majoring in hate, falls for the girl that hats herself, with a broken foster family, and with siblings that aren't like her, and the only one like her disappears, and he watches the painted smile run and the practice laugh scratch, can he save her from the hate that consumes her when thats all he has ever known?

"Fallen for the girl full of hate, with a girl full of pain. I want to make the smiles real instead of faded paint, and the practiced laughs genuine instead of the record that we all here. Would you stay in this ugly world if I told you that someone out cares, would you stay if I told you that I cared?"