Status: Up and running

Skin and Bones


In their lives many people accentuate their problems; making small things like being grounded or having a test seem like the end of the world. I however was the opposite; everyone tried to tell me I had a problem but I just wouldn’t listen. Let me introduce myself; my name is Eva McGuire and today I weigh seven stone two, friends say I’m too thin but myself ad Ed disagree. Ed is my conscience almost; it’s the little voice that tells me how disgusting I am and how I need to lose weight. Ed came to me briefly when I was thirteen; my dad had just died following a heart attack and I, who weighed an obese nine stone eleven at the time found myself not eating properly for a month or so. I stupidly pushed Ed out of my life but I let him in eight years later now I’ve let him stay. My mother remained a heart broken woman after my father died so it was no surprise when she was diagnosed with cancer she refused to fight. When my mother passed I leaned on two people for support, my best friend Garrett and my boyfriend Jake. Jake became my boyfriend, I wasn’t sure how it happened; one minute he was my friend comforting me and the next we were in a committed relationship. Garrett wasn’t happy how Jake seemingly used my vulnerability to worm his way into my life. He wouldn’t leave me alone, demanding to spend every day with me even though I saw him at work. The little jabs about my appearance started four months into our relationship, whenever we went out to dinner he would joke about how much I ordered. He used to buy me clothes two sizes too big telling me to save them because I would need them soon. Jake and I ended three months ago but Ed was still with me. I finally ended it with Jake when he smashed my parents shared grave because he hated me going there so much. I was mortified, he could do whatever he liked to me but there was no way I would let him get away with doing that to my parents. Ignoring the disgusting panging feeling in my stomach I walked over to ringing phone smiling at the caller ID and picked up the device.

“Hey Garrett what’s happening? How are you?” I asked with a smile on my face, he always bought a smile to my face ever since we met when we were twelve. We were always in the same school since we were five but only started talking when I moved across the street to him and my mum asked his mum if Garrett could show me the way to school. I knew the way but it was my mum being over protective like most mothers are, it turned out to be the best thing she did.

“I have some exciting news Eva!” Garrett gushed over the other end of the line, his excitement was always infectious.

“Don’t leave me hanging.” He knew I hated it when he did that.

“We’re going to be on TV! We’re going to celebrate tonight you’re coming right? I’ll let you know all about it then.”

“Of course I’ll come you know I’ll support you guys in anything you guys do, man this is so big!” The smile could not have been any bigger I was so proud of the boys, especially Garrett.

“Great! We’re meeting at Petra’s at seven thirty.” I froze at Garrett’s words, Petra’s was the local favourite Italian restaurant there was no way I could do to a restaurant but I already said I would go.

“You know what Garrett, my car gas been acting up lately I don’t think I could get into downtown.”

“No problem I could pick you up.” Oh Garrett must you be so chivalrous?
“I wouldn’t want to put you out making you come all the way over here.” After my mother died I moved out of the family home and away from Garrett, to the other side of Gilbert. Garrett and his parents did offer me Trey’s old bedroom since he has flown the nest bit I declined. I was an extremely independent girl who thought she could do it all, no I depend on Ed to tell me what to do and he was hell bent on not letting me go to a restaurant.

“Eva please I would really like you to be there.” His tone of voice changed completely, the guilt in me was blocked out by Ed’s voice; ‘you can’t go to a restaurant you’d eat the place you fat bitch.’

“Garret please don’t make me,” I whispered so quietly I wasn’t sure he even heard me.

“For me Eva? Can you try for me?” I could imagine his face and the sight was killing me. It
didn’t last long however since Ed wormed his way back to the front of my mind.

“I’m sorry Garrett,” I replied tearfully before hanging up and setting down my phone, I had let down my best friend but Ed was happy and now days that mattered to me more.
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This story is kind of my baby, I'm looking to update it weekly. I have around eight chapters written already.