Status: Up and running

Skin and Bones


“I am so proud of you Eva really; man my smile is so big right now my mouth hurts!” I giggled and turned around to lie on my stomach keeping my grip on the room phone. After nine days and three weigh ins I was deemed healthy enough to go home. Martin still had a good ten pounds to go, being a guy he had a bigger target than I but I was too excited to think about that. Garrett was arranging to pick me up at half eleven the next morning and was going to take me to lunch to celebrate. He mentioned IN N’ Out which made my skin crawl so I proposed Panera Bread, at least they had salads. We spoke for almost an hour until I took a glance at my open and empty suitcase before deciding I needed to hang up and get ready for my departure the following day. I got butterflies every time I thought about leaving, well every time I thought about seeing Garrett again.
Imagine my surprise when Karen pulled me into a hug as I faced her with my suitcase in hand.

“Remember I am always here if you need advice, not sure what to eat or if you slip back into old habits. You have my work number don’t be afraid to use it. Pass it on to that friend of yours too, he really cares about you never let a good one like that go.” I couldn’t help but think there was a hidden message in there about Garrett. I thanked her for everything, thanked the other nurses quickly and waved a goodbye to Martin before walking through the double doors and down the corridor. I turned right into the reception area and almost threw my suitcase down at the sight of him. I took a few steps closer as did he, when we met in the middle his arms locked around my waist and I held mine tightly around his neck. I took the chance to absorb everything, he’s slightly spicy smell, the way he felt, the tightness of his hug. I took a step back and looked at him, I studied his eyes, the shape of his nose, the outline of his jaw. It had been so long since I had seen him I never wanted to forget any detail about him.

“You look so great . I mean you’re so healthy and your eyes and smile, it’s like having you back again.” Garrett had the biggest smile on his face as he spoke, after he had finished his words he pulled me into another hug. We parted and, being the gentleman he was took my suitcase and rolled it to his bright yellow car he shared with his brother. Being obsessed with the Transformers franchise he named his car bumblebee to make it sound cool.

“Do you know what? I think I missed bumblebee,” I said as I waited for Garrett to unlock it.

“Hey you haven’t said you missed me yet!” Garrett exclaimed putting my black case in the back of the little car as I climbed into the front passenger seat, frowning as I saw my vest top had fallen down again.

“G I need new bras, I keep escaping everywhere.” I turned to face him trying not to giggle at his red cheeks. He never knew how to act when I mentioned anything girly. I vividly remember telling him I had cramps once when we were seventeen, he choked on his pizza.

“I’d go to the mall with you but I’ll leave you to go in Victoria’s Secret or wherever you go. Anyway lunch?”

“Panera Bread.” I nodded firmly. The drive to Panera was silent but not uncomfortable in the slightest. I think we were just taking the time to enjoy each other’s company, living in the moment. That’s what I was doing anyway, I was just glad to be with Garrett again.

When we were seated in Panera menus in hand my eyes immediately drew to the salad section. I was all too aware of how unhealthy eating out could be so decided on the healthiest option I could. When our food finally came, Garrett opting for a steak and cheese baguette and clam chowder I started to get nervous. I hadn’t eaten in front of Garrett for months and Ed’s critique was bashing itself into my brain. ‘He’s going to see what a greedy pig you are.’ I had to soldier on however and stuck my fork into a piece of lettuce after a quick inspection popped it in my mouth.

“Pat’s excited to see you, in fact they all are but I told them I had first dibs.” Garrett wrestled with a piece of melted cheese while talking, I smiled at the thought of seeing all the boys again but I so was glad to have some time with Garrett. His infectious smile, the way he stuck his tongue out the side of his mouth while he was concentrating, his awkwardness, the way he blue eyes lit up. I missed everything about him and he hadn’t changed one bit while I was away, so why was I getting butterflies?

“I mean I suppose we should arrange something for everyone.” He continued then dunked some of his sandwich in the liquid mixture.

“I’m surprised there wasn’t a welcome home party organised,” I replied as I tried to eat around the dressing, I knew I should have ordered it without.

“John wanted to but I talked him out of it, didn’t want to overwhelm you. I didn’t know what you would feel up to doing so…” Garrett trailed off a tell-tale sign he was nervous and didn’t know what else to say. I was so thankful to have a friend like him, he was putting my needs first and I noticed he was trying to not stare at me as I at. What did I ever do to deserve a man like him? Man? I meant friend like him of course. I left three to four mouthfuls of salad was which swarming in dressing and watched as Garrett drained the last of his soup. He ate a lot, like most young guys he could eat anyone out of house and home but he was not overweight in the slightest. In fact he was a little on the skinny side but not skeletal like John or Pat.

Unlike those two Garrett had muscle, both on his arms and stomach. He also had broad shoulders which were enough to make a girl go weak at the knees and had a great cute little ass. He was my best friend, it wasn’t wrong to think he had a nice ass was it?
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What do you think is going to happen? I really need feedback I feel like not updating.