Status: Up and running

Skin and Bones


“You need to be a chef after this seriously wow this is incredible.” Garrett exclaimed between mouthfuls.

“Even better than your precious Nando’s and Wagamama?” I teased at how much he was obsessed with those two UK food places. I had Nando’s once in America it was good but I didn’t eat much, it was at the start of all my problems.

“Almost, hey better than my mom’s cooking anyway.” Garrett wasn’t a huge fan of his mom’s food and was known to make his own food to avoid his mother’s meals.

“She does an awesome pot roast though.” That was her speciality and as I child I couldn’t get enough of it.

“I’d rather have this,” he replied shoving the last spoonful into his mouth and grinned with satisfaction. I put my fork down having only eaten just over half of my food I didn’t want Garrett to watch me eat so pretended I was full.

“We should make this a thing, I want to try everything you’ve learnt.” I looked up at Garrett’s hopeful and smiling face.

“After tour,” I replied with a hunt of sadness in my voice.

“We still have a week and a half, we can squeeze one more in and make it a weekly thing,” he suggested getting up from his chair and coming over to me. It was only when he leaned down next to me at my level that I realised I was crying.

“I don’t want to leave you now I’ve just got you back, it sucks it really does but we have this time now and let’s make the most of it while we can.” I nodded and open my arms for a hug feeling silly about the while situation.

“Come on I’ll help you wash up and we can go to Pat’s they’re all dying to see you.” After splashing a few bubbles in Garrett’s face I felt much better. I had to beg him not to get out the water spray on me. He ruffled my hair instead so I retreated to my bedroom to brush it. My gaze swept towards the cloth covered mirror, Ed was taunting me and daring me to unveil it. His words pounded through my head getting louder and louder, I could feel them flowing through my ears. I approached the mirror and slowly with a shaky hand, as my fingers felt the treated cloth I was broken out of my trance by Garrett’s voice, bellowing at me wondering if I had finished.

“Just coming I couldn’t find my brush.” I lied and fixed my hair using my compact mirror. I stepped back out and walked straight past Garrett to retrieve my shoes.

“Eva are you okay?” He asked walking over to me. It astounded me how he could tell how I was just from what I did or mainly what I didn’t do.

“Peachy, are you ready to go see the idiots we call friends?” My voice was higher than usual, a tell-tale sign I was trying to sound okay. I could tell from his face Garrett wasn’t buying it, luckily he didn’t press the issue and got his coat, nights got chilly in Arizona.

“I found my knee shaking in the car ride to Pat’s and my hands were extra fiddly trying to preoccupy myself. These people were my friends but I hadn’t seen them in a long time and didn’t know what they thought about me and my situation. They weren’t people who judged but I was still scared and apprehensive about how they were going to treat me.

“Relax, you’ve known them for ages it’s just the guys.” On thinking my friend was a mind reader I unbuckled my seatbelt my hands shaking slightly. Garrett, sensing my uneasiness grabbed my hand once we were both on the driveway and the car was locked. with his free left hand Garrett rang the brass bell and we waited in silence until the white door opened and we were faced by a long haired smiling Pat.

“Hey man we’re here,” Garrett announced as if it wasn’t the most obvious thing in the world.

“I can see, how are you both?” He asked taking time to look at me and give me a smile, he spoke once more.

“Come here.” he almost ordered me, the little man pushed past Garrett and wrapped his arms tightly round me when he was close enough. I relaxed into the hug happy that at least Pat wasn’t mad at me or angry I didn’t know why I expected him to be.

“It’s so good to have you back Eva,” he said once we departed from the embrace.

“Dude what’s taking so long? I snapped my head towards the sound of the voice and saw the long silhouette of John edge closer to us. Not being as subtle as Pat as soon as he laid is eyes on me he rushed over and held me, almost squeezing me.

“You’re never to leave again do you understand? We all missed you so much and the effect on Garrett here, I…”

“John,” Garrett snapped, from above me I saw John nod at my best friend and he released me, I was confused. I had around ten seconds of free breathing until arms from behind me spun me round and engulfed me into another embrace. I looked up and smiled at the flash of red hair, Jared.

“I’m so proud of you,” he uttered making my smile explode, usually I was the one who was proud of my boys butt it was nice for the tables to be turned. He released me and I caught my breath quickly ready for the last tight hug. Within seconds I had the life squeezed out of me once more, I looked up and sure thing it was Kennedy.

“So happy you’re back, it wasn’t the same without you.” He smiled down at me as I tried not to choke up. I was an emotional person anyway but this really pulled at my heart strings. I truly was petrified the boys would be angry at me or think I was weak or stupid but that wasn’t the case, and I should have expected that. I don’t know why I thought that of them in the first place.

“Anyway, let’s get inside it’s getting colder,” Garrett announced putting an arm round me and leading me towards the door, on the way I could hear John’s booming voice.

“Hey Garrett don’t hog her you’ve already had two days with her asshole!” I laughed at how they were seemingly fighting over me, I felt so loved.

“You cleaned!” I noticed how less dusty the place was and how all the old mouldy plates had been put away. I looked over at Pat who shrugged and ruffled my hair.

“Special occasion,” he replied simply with a smile.

“Hey you noticed that but didn’t notice my banner!” Kennedy pouted, I looked up and sure thing there was a sparkly hand written gold banner which read ‘Welcome Home Aoife.’

“You used my full name,” I gushed I always loved it when people used the proper spelling. Garrett always did that in cards he wrote me, I bet it was his idea. I kept doing that, my mind wandered over to Garrett and I had no idea why.

“That was Garrett’s idea but I did the hard bit! I’m still finding glitter in my beard.” So I was right, I smiled over at Garrett first before remembering it was Kennedy’s work so I thanked him with a kiss on the cheek.

“Any more surprises? It is just me guys it’s just like you guys coming back off tour,” I explained appreciating the fuss but wondering why all the attention.

“But we love you, we just wanted to show you how loved you are,” John replied snaking a slim arm round my shoulders. I looked up at him being a foot shorter and sent him a smile.

“Nice to see you’re getting your curves back too.” He winked and nodded down, I suddenly became self-conscious of the fact I wasn’t wearing a bra and looked over at Garrett for some comfort. He was looking up at the singer with a scowl; I didn’t know why I wasn’t that upset over it.

“So Garrett tells us you’re a master chef now,” Jared broke the silence, I turned my attention to him but Garrett was still on my mind.

“I wouldn’t quite say that but I’ve learnt a few things,” I replied catching sight of a cake sitting on the back table. It looked shop bought but self-decorated with a chocolate sponge base topped with jellies, chocolate chips and what looked to be Pat’s handwriting with we love Eva in red icing or strawberry sauce, it made me lick me lips yet shudder.

“Nice cake,” I uttered hoping if I had at least noticed it they’d let me off with not eating it.

“I decorated it,” Pat smugly announced I shot him another smile.

“Do you want some?” Kennedy asked eyeing up the sweet treat.

“Maybe later, I’ve not long had dinner.” My voice wavered slightly, I was still incredibly nervous when it came to food with bothered me. I had to constantly remind myself I wasn’t going to be cured straight away. A grip on my hand made me snap out of it and look to the right, of course it was Garrett. He must have sensed my nervousness, I didn’t deserve him as a friend. It astounded me how he always seemed to know what I was feeling.
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Thoughts??? :)