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Skin and Bones


“How do you do this shit without crying?” I laughed over at Garrett who was trying to chop up onions for that night’s dinner. It had been three days since I had told Karen about Ed. It wasn’t easy to ignore him but knowing Garrett was aware of Ed made things a lot easier. I had no clue as to why; maybe knowing I wasn’t alone gave me a kind of confidence. We were cooking dinner for Garrett’s parents as a kind of thank you I suppose. It was my idea to cook, since the idea evolved into doing it for the whole Nickelsen clan Garrett got roped into helping. We were only making spaghetti bolognaise but Garrett was struggling, his idea of cooking was out of a packet or using a phone.

“Suck it up,” I giggled ferociously while pounding on some garlic. I enjoyed cooking, if I could enjoy that I could enjoy eating it again. I wasn’t a lost cause and was beginning to understand what Garrett and Karen had been saying to me all along. Martin had contacted me over the past three days but I found myself too busy with Garrett. The previous day we cleared out my house, throwing away anything which held bad memories for me. Karen advised me to do so, a new chapter meaning new everything. Due to it only being a few days it was too early to tell how effective it was but it made me feel a lot better at the time.

“Right now what do I do?” I looked over at my best friend who looked pleased at what he had done, I checked it over and laughed.

“Garrett we can’t eat that they’re too thick it would taste too much of onion.” I bumped him out the way with my bony hip and went over his work, cutting the onion more finely.

“Bass hands baby, I need to protect them.”

“Don’t make excuses you just suck at it.”

“Well that’s impossible! Give me a task I can do!” His ADHD was kicking in as he huffed. I was trying not to laugh; I found his immature nature quite charming.

“You can fill the pan with water, the one for the spaghetti.”

“I know what a pan is Eva I’m not completely clueless.”

“Could have fooled me!” I said in a sing-song voice trying to remember the last time I was truly happy like I was in that moment. I had a new lease in life and had to grab it by the horns while I could.

After dinner which was regarded as a huge success I decided to stay in Garrett’s room just like the early teenage years. Things got a little awkward when Garrett got a girlfriend so when Trey wasn’t around I used to steal his room for the night. I was a fidget anyway, so I think Garrett appreciated the space. We were watching a movie, Garrett decided on Ferris Bueller’s day off while I was in the bathroom. We were only fifteen minutes into the movie when my phone cried out. After a quick scramble I answered, not checking the caller ID through fear I would have missed it.

“Hello?” Garrett tried not to snigger from next to me; he always found my phone voice hilarious.

“Hey Eva its Martin you okay?” I was a little annoyed he was interrupting my time with Garrett. I couldn’t focus on his problems; I had to be selfish if I was going to beat this thing.

“Yeah I’m just watching a movie you?” I was asking through politeness.

“Feeling lonely, want to do something?” I looked over at Garrett who looked like he was about to burst at any moment. His face made me giggle, I couldn’t stop.

“I’m kinda busy right now maybe another time?”

“What’s going on there?” He sounded a little frustrated; his voice was a little louder than it was.

“I’m with Garrett at the moment he’s just making me laugh sorry.” I hit the bass player lightly as he was now in hysterics.

“Remember what I told you the other day.” I shuddered at how menacing he sounded.

“You’re wrong.”

“Did he make you eat?” What does eating have to do with Garrett?

“We made spaghetti bolognaise, it was yummy.” I was starting to get frustrated; Garrett could tell by the way I was pinching the bridge of my nose.

“You can’t let Garrett rule your life with food.” He wasn’t even making sense; I was in control of my eating with Garrett around. The only person who was controlling me was Ed but I was trying hard to faze him out of my life.

“I’m not, look I’m sorry but can I call you back?” We were watching a movie and it’s unfair on Garrett to keep it paused.”

“Okay call me when it’s done.” It sounded more like a demand which I didn’t like one bit.

“Actually I was thinking more tomorrow I’ll be with Garrett all night.” I tried not to smile at how the last part sounded.

“You STAY there?” I sighed, what was it to him?

“Yes since I was a kid now I really have to go bye.” I didn’t give him a chance to respond before hanging up and throwing my phone randomly on the bed.

“Let’s watch.” Garrett said nothing and restarted the movie, that I was grateful for.
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Sorry for the delay but feedback makes me update faster.