Status: Up and running

Skin and Bones

Twenty Four

Nothing much changed in Garrett and I’s relationship after the conversation we had. The awkwardness was gone; we did the same things, acted the same way except physical contact was far from scarce. Garrett and I were always big huggers but we started to hold hands in public, we gave frequent kisses on various facial features excluding the lips and were used to waking up with our arms around each other.

“Has he text you again?” I smiled and looked at my co-worker Penny. My job was going well even though it had only been a week; it just goes to show what happens when you do what you love. In exchange for answering his phone calls, organising his bookings and looking after his equipment Brian showed me the tricks of his trade. Penny was in my job a year ago and now took photos for the studio. She moved from Manchester, England eighteen months ago when she first introduced herself to me I didn’t understand a word she said. She like most people assumed Garrett and I were a couple and thought we were incredibly sweet. She said she knew when I had spoken to him because my face lit up.

“He just text me he’s taking me out for food after work.” The only person who knew about my disorder from work was Brian, as my boss he needed to know why I was out of work for so long. At Karen’s last weigh in I was seven stone three, I decided on an ultimate goal of eight stone six which was a good weight for my height. My bum and my boobs were the main places where the weight went which I was happy about. I found that doing light exercises kept my stomach and legs toned while steadily gaining weight; it certainly helped my fear of gaining too much weight.

“A hot little date?” Penny asked winking I couldn’t help but laugh, it was nice working with someone I got on with so well.

“Not a date, knowing him he’ll want to go to Rosa’s.” Rosa’s was a popular bar and grill, a favourite of the Nickelsen family. It was always first choice for a birthday or goodbye dinner.

“Aw how sweet you know his favourite restaurant,” she gushed and I rolled my eyes.

“Don’t you have some pictures to take?”

“Actually that’s why I’m here; I’ve been assigned a project doing a portfolio for some singer guy and I was wondering if you wanted to assist?” As much as she annoyed me I really liked this girl.

I was finishing the last bit of photocopying for the day, moving slowly as I only had five minutes left. The door creaked open; I was about to scream at the visitor but when I laid my eyed on the person my face broke out into a grin. I was a little taken aback by how smart Garrett looked. A brush had been through his hair, he wore a blue shirt and dark jeans, the shirt was tucked in and instead of the usual boots he had on smart black shoes.

“Are you free?” He asked with a grin on his face which was almost childlike.

“In two and a half minutes yes, is the queen coming to dinner?” I asked smirking.

“I just wanted it to be a bit special, thank God you have a dress on, and it looks really nice by the way.” I blushed a little, it was nothing special just a black wrap dress with a peach rose pattern; I was to dress up a little for work. Plus my size was still very small and my clothing options were still very much limited.

“Ooh are you kids out for the night?” I inwardly groaned as Penny walked into the reception area, she noticed my stare so left the building but not before adding a comment about being safe.

“Is that Penny?” He asked tapping his fingers on the counter. I simply nodded before getting my stuff and finally punching out of work.

“Garrett are you sure?” Were the first words to come out of my mouth when Garrett pulled the car into the restaurant park. The Vanquish was a higher end restaurant and you had to have a reservation to be seated immediately. The food was diverse and always fresh, I knew Garrett had nutritional value in mind.

“As I said it’s a special night, I have something to tell you.” I was immediately curious, what else could he possibly have left to tell me? We held hands walking into the establishment, Garrett announced the Nickelsen reservation confidently. I flushed when he pulled my chair out for me, we denied wine since Garrett was driving and I hadn’t drunk in such a long time I was certain I had lost all tolerance to it. We divulged in small talk until we ordered, salmon risotto for me and steak for Garrett.

“So what’s this secret?” I asked while we were waiting for our food.

“Someone’s impatient,” he joked before clearing his throat.

“The restaurant, the way you dress I can’t help but be a little curious.”

“The restaurant isn’t that necessary I just wanted to treat you. The news is that I’ve found a place to live.”

“Garrett that’s great! What’s it like? Where is it?”

“It’s round the block form your work actually, a two bedroom apartment on the first floor of a small complex. It’s five hundred dollars a month, kinda small but I don’t be there half the time so that’s okay, you want to see it on your day off?”

“Near work? What the one we drive past every day? The grey brick building?” Garrett always dropped me off at work, I sold my care a while ago to pay some bills I noticed the sign the previous morning.

“That’s the one; it’s only just become available so there’s no rush.”

“I don’t know what I would do without you.” The waiter placed our food down just as I said that, I thought about the impression I must have given him. When he spoke I realised I was right.

“Risotto for the lady and steak for the gentleman enjoy your food and enjoy your date.” Neither of us corrected the waiter which resulted in an awkward silence as we started eating our food.

“You didn’t correct the waiter,” Garrett commented as we were back in his car. Dinner was delicious, we both denied desert but I know Garrett was eyeing up the sundae. I assume he didn’t want to make me feel uncomfortable.

“Neither did you,” I replied a little too quickly. I knew Garrett didn’t say anything because he had feelings for me; I had no idea what my excuse was. Maybe I did and I was just afraid of it.

“We should do this again.” I could only nod a response not knowing if he even saw me, I was too
busy thinking. I knew I had some sort of feelings for Garrett, it wasn’t normal for him to give me butterflies like he did. As far as being in a relationship with him I wasn’t sure if I wanted anything like that, not immediately anyway.

“I thought you’d be happy I’m sorry if I overstepped the line.” I looked at Garrett confused; we were finally home when he spoke again. I don’t know what caused his choice of words so I asked; his response confused me all the more.

“You’ve just been quiet that’s all.”

“It’s not about the place I think that’s incredible I was just thinking about something else.” I couldn’t possibly tell him I was thinking about him.

“Anything you want to talk about?” He grabbed my hand and I felt the tingling sensation through my body.

“No it’s nothing to worry about it was just about… getting me life back on track.” Garrett smiled at me which made my face break out into its own grin.

“I really am so proud of you.” Garrett moved his hand from mine to my left cheek and my heart moved up to my throat. I kept my gaze on his beautiful blue pools occasionally glancing down towards his lips.

“I owe it all to you Garrett,” my sentence came out no more than a whisper. I stared at Garrett for a few seconds longer, his face jolted forward for split second but he pulled it back as if he was hesitant about doing something. I was just about to question him when his lips for the briefest second came into contact with mine. I don’t know if it counted as a kiss because of how brief it was and I didn’t kiss back. I was wondering if it really happened or if I imagined it. We didn’t speak a word about the kiss, instead choosing to go up to bed; I drifted off in a peaceful slumber his arms wrapped securely around mine.