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Skin and Bones

Twenty Five

“He kissed you?!” I sighed as Penny squealed so loud she disturbed the baby waiting for his first pictures with his mother.

“I knew it was a mistake to tell you,” I groaned while going over the days appointment sheets.

“Tongues or no tongues?” I hadn’t known the girls for very long but due to her brashness and confidence she had no issues with asking personal questions.

“I told you the story it really wasn’t much of anything. If I were you I’d call the woman with the baby into the studio before she floors you with that look.”

“Okay but we’ll talk at lunch, we need to go through ideas for the project anyway.”

“Can’t wait,” I replied sarcastically before turning my back.

“You kissed her?” John exclaimed with his mouth open, Garrett sat in the corner playing with his fingers nervously.

“I…I don’t even know if it counted, I… I mean it was only in a friendly way.” His voice was meek and he was stuttering all over the place his shy side coming through.

“Did she kiss back?” Kennedy asked flinging his guitar over his shoulder ready for practise.

“No but it really wasn’t long enough to… I’ve told her I like her but I don’t know if to…”

“Wait, you didn’t tell us this before!” Jared exclaimed patting his friend on the back.

“Well it was private I guess. I always assumed you all knew I liked her but pretended not too and didn’t rip me about it.”

“We did all kinda guess but never thought you’d do something about it.” John gulped down half a bottle of water in a couple of mouthfuls.

“You’re being quiet there Pat,” Kennedy commented. Pat sat behind his drum set wondering if to repeat the things Eva had told him in confidence but Garrett was his best friend and it sounded like he needed help.

“I…I think she likes you too I m…mean she talked to me the other week and seemed to think she had some sort of feelings but wasn’t sure what they were. If you ask me I think she does like you she’s just scared you know?” Garrett looked at his drummer and nodded. He understood Eva had a lot going on in her life right now and needed to focus on herself before she could think about anything else. She knew how he felt all he could do was wait until she was ready.

“Did you tell her to speak to me?”

“Yeah she was all confused about her feelings, I assume she did.”

“She told me she was having all these feelings, I told her what I felt and she didn’t run away so that’s something.” Garrett missed more notes than usual in practise since he was distracted.

“I’m going to post crap through your letter box if you don’t stop.” I was growing ever more frustrated with Penny as all through our lunch break she would not stop talking about Garrett. It made me not want to eat.

“The boy is so obviously in love with you. I’ve only seen him a few times but it’s how he looks at you.”

“How is that exactly?” I decided to humour her.

“I don’t know his eyes light up, his face looks soft. If he were a cartoon character he’d have hearts for eyes and his tongue on the floor.”

“You’re too caught up in Disney fairy tales.” Penny was obsessed with them; it was the first thing she had told me after her name.

“They’re based on true stories!” I laughed at her outburst, her innocence was somewhat charming.

“You spend all this time on my love life let’s talk about yours for once.”

“Mine isn’t interesting you have potential with yours.”

“So I was thinking for this singer’s shoot we could go to the mountains.” I purposely steered the conversation away from Garrett and I as I was still very uncomfortable with the attention. I could tell Penny was curious about my thin frame by the way she looked at me sometimes but she hadn’t brought it up yet which I was thankful for. I was waiting for the question though; we had gotten close in a short space of time so it was going to be sooner rather than later.
“Sounds sexy, we could go up there and take a few tester shots some sunny and if we can some with the sunset too.”

“Fallen in love with the Arizona sunsets have we?”

“Absolutely. I originally wanted to go to California but it was too expensive so I came here only because it was close to California but now I’m here I’ve fallen in love with the place.”

“I bet the UK is pretty special, I’d love to go.”

“Next time I go and see my family you should come, or get lover boy to take you.” I sighed; it was a nice break while it lasted.
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Short but sweet, thank you for commenting so far!