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Skin and Bones

Thirty One

I was never one to get hangovers when I used to drink but I was one for memory loss. Waking up the next morning it was hard to know whether I wanted memory loss or not. I had to admit it was nice having Garrett’s head nuzzled into my neck. We always cuddled when we shared a bed but we seemed to be even closer than usual.

“Morning.” My neck vibrated as Garrett spoke against it before planting two swift kisses on it.

“Morning,” I replied with a smile, amazed at how calm I was being about it all.

“I don’t want to clean up,” he whined pulling me closer to him when I didn’t think it was at all possible.

“John’s doing it remember, wait what time is it?” I asked panicking slightly.

“Eleven,” he replied with a yawn, I let out a small scream and threw the covers off me.

“I’m late for work,” I shrieked feeling insanely guilty but Garrett pulled me to him again preventing me from moving anywhere.

“It’s Saturday love,” he replied with a soft chuckle. I blushed partly through embarrassment and partly through the pet name and snuggled into him again, we laid there in silence for a while.

“No regrets?” He whispered as I was falling back asleep.

“Nuh-uh,” I managed to reply before drifting off completely.
That was pretty much how the rest of the day was spent; in bed fully clothed mind you just lazing around. Sunday we went out to dinner, I decided to wear a dress and heels and Garrett made an effort with a shirt and shoes. I almost didn’t want to go back to work, Monday morning I found myself forcing my body out of Garrett’s bed.

“Looked like someone had a good Friday night.” Penny winked when she walked into work as I sitting at my desk.

“It was fun but John’s idea of clean is nothing like mine.” I almost had to go over everything he had supposedly done.

“I was talking about you and Garrett looking very cosy when I went to say goodbye Saturday morning,” she said smirking looking through her appointment book for the day. I went the brightest shade of red and coughed trying to think of a come back.

“We sometimes share a bed and…what do you mean Saturday morning?” I asked hoping to either get some gossip or pull the attention away from me.

“I slept in your bed since it was empty, I kicked John out of it on the basis you love me more and didn’t want a smelly boy ruining your sheets.” I loved her bluntness, I used to be like that.

“By that I mean wanking over me,” she added before walking away leaving me choking on me breath, customers giving me weird looks.

“Go on man don’t hold out on us!” Kennedy complained setting hid guitar down. Band practice became all about one thing Garrett and Eva.

“I’m not holding out on anything!” Garrett defended.

“I saw you two Friday night something happened,” John added confidently.

“You’re delusional.” Garrett said not wanting to have that conversation, he didn’t want Eva to feel uncomfortable so wasn’t going to do anything without her say so. He got a bottle of water off the side and began to down its contents.

“So, her friends pretty nice isn’t she John?” Kennedy asked switching the attention over to the singer who was cooler about the situation.

“Yeah she’s nice, it’s great for Eva to have a girlfriend,” he replied shrugging.

“Why so you can finally have a lady friend yourself?” Kennedy asked wiggling her eyebrows, John simply laughed it off.

When I finally managed to get home after Penny’s taunts I was too tired to do anything, it seemed as though Garrett was in a similar mood as he was shirtless with sweatpants on the sofa playing call of duty.

“Have you eaten?” I asked throwing my weight on the sofa next to him, not really expecting a response, boys and their video games and Garrett was one of the worst.

“No and the fridge has done that annoying thing again where it empties.” He didn't even flinch or look away from the screen for a split second.

“That usually means you have to go grocery shopping G,” I replied with a hint of a sigh, he could be so lazy sometimes.

“I had band practice, can we order something?”

“You can but I really don’t want to.” I was feeling quite guilty about my food intake that day, I knew I
was never going to be completely cured it was going to be a life long struggle.

“Lets go out?” He suggested I wondered how much was him wanting to and how much was him wanting to avoid going shopping.

“I wanted something kinda healthy. It’s only six we can go and be back by seven.” I didn’t want to go on my own partly because I couldn't carry it all and partly because I wanted Garrett to stop being so lazy.

“Why do I have to go?” He whined finally pausing the game and turning his attention to me.

“It’s up to you, if you don’t I’ll just get all healthy stuff so you’ll have to go out anyway.” I argued trying to be smart about the situation.

“I’ll go put a T-shirt on.” He sighed in defeat and left the room, leaving a smiling me.
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Well we are almost at the end! I'll be sad to see this story go.