Status: Up and running

Skin and Bones

Thirty Two

When we got to the store I regretted making Garrett come, I forgot what a nightmare he could be; he needed a mum not a house mate.

“Can we have these?” He asked in a high pitched voice holding up a bag of Malteasers.

“You don’t like Malteasers,” I sighed pinching the bridge of my nose trying to get rid of my developing headache.

“But they’re half price,” he replied pleading with his eyes. I just shrugged but to my surprise he put them back on the shelf.
Garrett complained how long it was all taking but he was the one making the trip longer than it needed to be. We eventually got to the checkout and Garrett paid after an argument, when he could finally leave the store Garrett walked quicker than I had ever seen him walk before.
“Remind me to never do that again,” he complained once the bags were in the trunk and we were in the car.

“Gare we live alone now, we need to do these things and when I’m at work and you’re at home I would appreciate you doing house stuff.” I looked at my lap a little ashamed I was asking for yet another favour from him.

“I know, I’ll do more I promise I’m just new at this but hey, I did my laundry yesterday and nothing got ruined,” He announced proudly, I laughed and patted him on the shoulder being careful as he was driving.

Luckily Garrett had no problems putting the groceries away, I left out some prawns, vegetables and noodles and make a quick stir fry as it was quick and I was starving thanks to Garrett’s time wasting. We ate in silence and afterwards Garrett had yet another surprise for me.

“The boys said you can come on tour with us,” he blurted out even though it had nothing to do with the conversation.

“Where did that come from?” I asked remembering afterwards that he attended a band practise earlier on in the day.

“Nothings organised yet but we’ll be going soon and we want you to come,” Garrett said moving right next to me and stroked my hair, I lo0oked up to him and kissed his nose gently.

“What about work?” I asked him shakily, I didn’t want to let him down but I loved my job.

“I just want you safe,” he whispered pressing his lips to mine ever so softly and swiftly.

“I know but I can’t just leave my job, It’s like me asking you not to go.” I looked into his eyes, he was disappointed but still smiling.

“I know you’d never do that, it was just an idea,” he replied shrugging. As disappointed as he was I knew he understood.

“I’m better now and I have Penny, she’s a proper friend.” I was of course referring to Martin who had since been recalled to hospital, I wasn’t surprised he didn’t want to get better he just wanted to get out of the clinic.

“When I come back hopefully you’ll be at your goal weight.”

“I hope so, weight gain has been slow lately but I’m not losing any either.” It had seriously slowed recently but I was warned that would happen, apparently it was the healthiest way too.

“I am seriously so proud of you, I love you Eva.” Garrett pressed his forehead against mine but I pulled away sharply.

“What?” I managed to breathe out, surely he wasn’t serious?

“Eva, I’ve told you I love you before,” Garrett protested, even though he was right I couldn’t help but freak out, it was the way he said it and what I knew he meant by it.

“I know but I… this is different and… don’t worry forget it.”

“I can’t forget I’ve just told you I love you.” He looked hurt but I couldn’t help it. I was frightened, I couldn’t believe he had said it and meant it knowing how confused and fragile I still was.

“I need some air,” I managed to muttered out fleeing out the front door grabbing my phone from the coffee table on the way.

“Penny I really need your help right now… where are you?” I was curious as I heard a male voice in the background.

“Oh hey I was going to call to invite you over, well John was it is his home,” she replied. My shock grew though I thought it was impossible at that moment in time.

“John, as in my John? Why are you there? Actually don’t answer that I am mind fucked enough as it is,” I replied truthfully as I kept wondering what Garrett was doing.

“What’s happened sweetie?” I debated whether to tell her now, especially since John was there.

“He just told me he loved me and I freaked out, I don’t know what to do Penny tell me what to do.” I admitted helplessly.

“Well I can’t tell you if you do or not…”

“Penny you tell me I love him all the time.”

“But I can’t tell you to say it back. You know your feelings no one else.” I had a feeling she would tell me something along those lines, it didn’t make me feel any better.

“This is all moving around too quickly, I’m just getting my life back on track.” I started to panic, my breath was quickening, I was having an attack.

“Then tell him that, telling him anything is better than you just running from him.” I sighed knowing Penny was right and said goodbye before walking back into the room, Garrett has his heads in hands,
elbows leaning on the table, I felt awful for doing that to him.

“Gare?” It came out as a question, he looked up and attempted a smile but it came out small and sad
leaving guilt rising up through my stomach. I sat next to him and with a shaky hand took his right fingers.

“I’m sorry I panicked,” I whispered feeling slightly embarrassed about it all.

“I’m sorry about putting you in that position,” he replied making my guilt increase, he shouldn’t have to feel sorry for his feelings.

“It just shocked me that’s all. Garrett there are so many things going on in my head. All these feelings and emotions and I can’t keep track of them all.” I sighed at my pathetic excuse, it frustrated me how I was scared so much. I knew with Garrett I had nothing to be afraid of which made everything worse.

“I know and it was selfish of me to say but I can’t keep it in anymore Eva. I’m in love with you and have been for a long time I just want to be with you. This sounds cheesy or whatever but I want to treat you right, how you deserve to be treated.”

“You do treat me right Garrett and you always have done. Which is why I hate the fact I am so scared because I know I can trust you.” Garrett’s face lit up at that point, could he have really believed I didn’t trust him? I began to feel even worse, that is until he planted a soft kiss on my lips. My neglected hormones took over and before I knew it I was sitting on his lap my arms around his neck and his locked around my waist.
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Well that's it folks! I've loved this story but this is where it ends. If you're a fan of The Summer Set please check out my new Josh Montgomery story