Status: Up and running

Skin and Bones


“How are you feeling hun?” I turned to Karen surprised by her concern. I sighed and prepared myself to speak but the glimpse of a tube to my right caught my eye and I screamed in terror.

“Eva calm down you need it.” Karen tried to reason with me but I couldn’t listen. I pulled out the tube ignoring the pain and the rip of skin. I felt disgusted a food substance had entered my body I wanted to be sick. Karen tried to calm my screaming and hysterical crying with no avail. I wanted to run, I tried to run but Karen was stronger than she looked.

“What was that?” Garrett heard screams and, ignoring the pleas from the nurse followed the noise. Someone sounded like they were in pain, the closer he got to the sound the more he realised it was his Eva. He ran through the double doors and ignored the woman shouting at him to come back.

“EVA, EVA ARE YOU OKAY?” It was his voice, the voice of the one person I despised but still longed to see. I screamed for help by this time it was Karen who had help and a dark man was trying to reattach the feeding tube. I looked towards the door in desperation as I saw my bassist in shining armour.

“Get him out of here,” Karen shouted as I felt the tube being put back in, making the bile rise up as I thought about the food going in me.

“What are you doing to her?” He asked watching the tube get thrust into my body; there were tears in his eyes. Suddenly a nurse ran in pulled him away from the room despite his protests.
The nurse pulled Garrett away from the medical wing entirely and sat him down in her office in the middle of the building. She took a seat on the other side of the beech desk and looked toward the bass player very seriously.

“She is a very sick person, even being here she doesn’t understand she has the condition. This morning she didn’t eat her breakfast and she collapsed in the group session as I explained to you earlier. After running some tests the doctor decided a feeding tube was the only option, her liver is failing Mr Nickelsen. We really did not have a choice.” Garrett sat there in shock; he couldn’t believe Eva was so ill. It hurt him to see her distraught as a stranger forced a tube into her body but he understood now it was necessary. She needed people to be tough with her which was something he couldn’t do.

I was throwing up, Karen was holding a metal bowl but I couldn’t stop myself from filling it up. This was a good thing however; I was getting rid of all the revolting food they forced into my system, when I finally stopped I was exhausted.

“Eva you need to rest, we’re not going to stop you from doing what you want to do we just want you to be healthy that’s all.” I was too tired to really listen and understand what Karen was saying to me and fell asleep almost instantly after she stopped speaking.
I was in the medical wing for five days; it took me five days to gain seven pounds seven whole disgusting deadly pounds. All I could think about was how I was going to lose it but I knew they were going to watch me like hawks. I sat in my room doing nothing but listening to Ed’s screaming when Chantelle slowly walked into my room and perched herself on my bed.

“I was in the medical wing when I first came here, I was in there for two weeks they made me put on ten pounds. “

“Ten pounds?!” I exclaimed, I found it hard to imagine that amount of weight.

“Mm-hmm I lost it all within the same amount of time. They made me eat with the group and watched me but I got round it, I can give you a few tips.” She taught me all about how to hold food in your throat and stomach so you could retrieve it once you return to your room. She said how the other girls are too busy talking they won’t notice if you slip a spoonful or two on their plate. There is one nurse, a young blonde who doesn’t care how much you eat; if she’s the meal supervisor then happy days.

Chantelle and I became close, we swapped weight loss tips, covered for each other when the other was cheating as the called it. I was too wrapped up in my own weight and image to notice how Chantelle looked. Her eyes were sunk in and she was ghostly pale. I was on my way to see her in the group therapy room; e found it was empty most of the time so we used it to hide since they started to check our rooms. I had to be very careful since I walked passed Karen’s office, on seeing her door was wide open I panicked. I was then intrigued since it became apparent they were talking about me.

“She is being influenced by Chantelle, we may need to split them up or they’ll never make progress.” I was standing dangerously close to the blonde nurse who was the one who spoke. We had always wondered if they talked about us behind our backs, now I knew.

“What makes this really sad is Eva has so much potential to get better, I think once she gets rid of the underlying issues everything else will fall into place. She’s not opening up; she’s acting exactly like Chantelle does in therapy.” That was Karen, Chantelle was the only person who gave me the time of day in here, she couldn’t possibly be bad.

“That boyfriend of hers seems very concerned too.” I was shocked, Chantelle didn’t mention a boyfriend.

“The boy for Eva? He’s just a friend but his concern is very promising.” They thought Garrett was my boyfriend, how Ludacris. To my relief the door shut and I whizzed past the room into the therapy room where Chantelle was waiting for me.

“Hey you’ll never guess what.” Chantelle literally took the words right out of my mouth, was she listening to them too?

“I have something to tell you too.”

“They’re transferring me.”

“I heard them…what?”

“Apparently they can’t treat me here so want to send me to California to a more specialised place. My parents are pushing for it.” I felt my heat pang at the word parents, I missed them

“Was it your parent’s idea?”

“Yeah and the centre are backing it.” This was insane; they couldn’t take my best friend in here away from me.

“I just overheard them saying they want to split us up but…Chantelle?” I stepped closer to her as Chantelle held onto a chair as her other hand set against the top of her chest.

“Chantelle can you hear me?” I sat her down on the chair she was trying to lean on. I kneeled down as I watched the colour drain from her face; all aspects of it transformed. Her skin, her eyes, her mouth all changed. It was as if she was hooked up to a machine which was draining the life out of her.

“Help! Someone!” I screamed and jumped up to go find help but my stupid legs gave way for the third time that day. All I could hear were my desperate screams for help and Chantelle’s desperate gasps for breath.