Status: Series

Perfect Crime

Chapter 1: I Know

“I know”, Chloe whispered, “But I won’t tell…”

The digital clock alarmed, the loud sound that would wake any man up. It was exactly 6:00am, the sun was just preparing to come up and take his throne up in the sky. He was drunk from last night, a little headache was in his head right now.

JD pushed the snooze button, he was used on waking up that early, and it’s a part of his job. He sat down on the side of his bed, tried to focus his mind for another day at work. He then stood up, did some stretching to jumpstart the day.

Detective JD Avila, a professional LAPD detective, considered as one of the best crime solving detective in history. His consistency and analytic thinking, solved ten mischievous crimes, in just two months, considered as the fastest man to do so. He was offered to be the Chief of Department back then, but refused it; he still wants to feel the thrill of solving crimes. Worked for the LAPD for 5 years, but later on requested a transfer to the N.Y.P.D.

He went to the bathroom, he still has 35 minutes to prepare, and he lives in upper Manhattan. The N.Y.P.D. headquarters was a 20 minute drive away from him. He took a short shower. It was the first week of October; winter is just few weeks away. The weather is starting to become shivering cold.

He then went in front of his closet. Wore his usual uniform; the jumper, khaki pants and of course, the coat that an average detective wear. He went down to his kitchen, pour a glass of milk on a bow, then poured a small amount of heart friendly cereal and started to eat it.

After finishing his breakfast, he went back to his bedroom upstairs, grabbed his gun and placed it in his holster, phone and his radiophone, but then he saw a picture frame with his picture, together with his recently ex-girlfriend, Emma Flint. He put it down; he doesn’t want to see that picture anymore.

JD then went down to his home’s garage. Saw his beautiful black Sudan. He went inside, started the engine. The sound was so smooth, then he drove towards the N.Y.P.D. headquarters.

After a 20 minute drive, JD arrived on central Manhattan were the N.Y.P.D. headquarters was located. He entered the parking area and parked his Sudan in. Then walked towards the main entrance.

“Hey JD”, Shia, the security guard opened the door for him.

JD smiled at him, “thanks, have a nice one”, he said.

“Always”, Shia said.

JD walked towards the information booth. Inside the N.Y.P.D., it was busy, plenty of police officers were walking around, ready to start their shifts. But there were some civilians, maybe they have some appointments, or complaints. New York never rests.

JD walked towards the elevator, but the information officer saw him. Her name was Rooney Siri, the officer in charge of the information booth and civilian interactions.

“JD”, Rooney shouted. It caught JD’s attention.

JD approached her, “hey, good morning”, he said with a smile on his face.

“Emma said to give this to you”, Rooney gave JD an envelope, may a letter or a greeting card.

“When?” JD said as he examined the envelope, wondering what could be inside.

“Just yesterday”, Rooney said, “around 2pm. I didn’t saw you yesterday so I wasn’t able to give it to you”

JD was still looking at the envelope, still wondering what’s inside. He had a guess that it’s not some sort of love letter. They broke up, almost a week now, but the wounds are still fresh.

“Why’d you broken up with her, thought you two were just about to go strong?” Rooney asked.

“I don’t know”, JD said, “maybe that’s why”, then he walked towards the elevator.

The elevator was just about to close, it was full. JD tried to chase it, even though he doesn’t necessarily need to.

“Wait!” JD yelled. A woman inside the elevator heard it, she stopped the elevator from closing. JD had the time to catch up to them. Until he noticed that it was his fellow detective he has a huge crush on, Chloe Billson.

JD looked at her tantalizing eyes. “Thanks”, he said.

“No problem”, Chloe said. “Third?”

“Yeah”, JD said. Chloe then pressed the third floor button again, the detectives floor.

JD had a huge crush on her since transferring to the N.Y.P.D. He always thought that she was attractive. They were friends, no more than that, and they were the top detectives of the department. JD always wanted to ask Chloe on a date, but every time JD had the courage, he often ends up nothing, even though they are working for almost 2 years now. JD was still afraid and unready to ask Chloe even for a lunch break. Meanwhile Chloe was always ready and prepared, when the time comes that JD would have the guts to ask her out someday. She always liked JD.

They’ve reached the second floor, the police officers floor. Almost all passengers of the elevator came out, leaving JD and Chloe alone. It was a perfect time for them to talk.

Chloe looked at JD and smiled at him.

“So, you working on something, recently?” JD tried to break the ice.

“Recently, um, nothing much really. I’m completely free, not that you should know”, Chloe threw the subliminal messages at JD.

“Mhmmmm”. Then JD finally had something to say, “listen”, but the elevator suddenly opened. It was already the third floor, but to extend their conversation, Chloe pressed the 10th floor button. JD saw it.

Then Chloe looked at him, “you were saying?” she asked, pretty confident to get what she wants to get from JD. JD suddenly became speechless, suddenly became claustrophobic. “So?” she asked.

“That was our floor”, JD said, he knew what Chloe did, he knew that she did that on purpose, but yet he was always acting so stupid whenever she’s around. He’s not stupid, actually he has one of the rare great minds left in the world.

Chloe rolled her eyes in disbelief, “I know”, she said.

“You want to talk about something?” JD reversed it. But after he said that, he could tell that she was pissed off.

“I wouldn’t press it if not?” Chloe said without looking at JD.

“So, I’m here”, he said.

“Yeah, I noticed”, Chloe said, but she didn’t look at him. She snubbed him.

JD knew he was mad by just looking at the way she was moving. He knew why. “Look”, he said. Chloe looked at him, “I’m not good at this stuff, I’m not good reading you, your body language, but I know you’re mad at me about something”.

She just stared at him, “you have the courage to ask other girls out, but….” She stopped. “I’m sorry, maybe I just woke up from the other side of my bed”.

JD knew what she was about to say, “what do you mean?”, but he still acted unaware of what was happening. They’ve reached the 5th floor, the elevator opened, it was a fellow detective of them, Andrew Tucker.

“Hey”, Andrew greeted JD. JD responded by raising his brows.

Andrew pressed the 7th floor button. “Hey”, Andrew greeted Chloe.

“Hey Andrew”, Chloe tried to smile at him. Her smile will brighten up any man’s day.

“I was wondering if we could go out sometimes”, Andrew said, “its ok if you don’t want to”.

Chloe looked at JD, trying to prove something to her, or maybe she was trying to diss him. “I would love to”, she said.

“It’ s ok if you don’t want to you know. I mean, I’m not forcing you or something”, Andrew tried to stay on the ground, tried to be humble.

“No, no, I want to”, she said. “How’s tonight sound?”

JD didn’t like it. She was acting like a total bitch that time, but JD thought he deserved it.

“Tonight? Already? I mean um, only if you want to”, Andrew said.

Chloe humbly nodded. “ I would love to”, she said.

Andrew always had interest with Chloe. Thought she was all a man could ever dream off, but he never tried to court her, he respected the mutual understanding between her and JD.

“So uh, I’ll um….” Andrew became speechless.

“We’ll figure it out later”, Chloe said.

“So, I’ll see you later then?” Andrew asked.

Then JD banged his head to the wall of the elevator. It created a loud bang sound. Andrew and Chloe heard it. “Ouch….” JD whispered.

“You ok JD?” Andrew asked.

JD nodded, “yeah…gravity”, he said.

The elevator opened. It was the 7th floor, Andrew’s floor.

“My floor”, Andrew got out. “So dismissal?”

Chloe just nodded with a smile as the door closes. They were alone once again. JD can’t believe what just happened.

“Hmmmm”, JD murmured. It was a subliminal message to Chloe.

Chloe looked at him, “what?” she asked. She knew that sound meant something.

“You? You do that, every time?” JD sarcastically asked.

Chloe knew what he was talking about. “Well maybe if you get to your point sooner, I wouldn’t have needed to do that”, she said.

JD chuckled. “What do you think I was going to say?” he asked.

“You were about to ask me out”, she confidently said.

JD chuckled once more. “What?” he said. “You assumed I was going to ask you out?”

“I didn’t assumed, I was sure”, Chloe said.

“Am not”, he said.

“Are too!” she said.

“Am not!” he said. they were fighting like pre-schoolers. But in the middle of their kiddy fight, the elevator door opened again. It was getting occupied many times that day. It was yet another fellow detective of them. Det. Emily Santos, an attractive girl.

JD and Chloe stopped their little fight for their dignity’s sake. Emily went in and pressed the 3rd floor button.

JD looked at Chloe. Chloe looked at him at the same time. JD wanted revenge; Chloe knew what was on his mind and was planning to stop it.

“Hey”, JD called Emily. Emily gracefully looked back at him.

“Hi JD”, Emily said.

“How’s it going?” JD asked.

“I’m good. Thanks for asking. You?” Emily asked.

“I’m fine” ,JD said. then JD looked at Chloe again. Chloe was looking elsewhere but she was obviously eavesdropping.

“Um, Emily…” JD was planning to ask her out on a date, trying to get the exact revenge on Chloe.

“Yup?” Emily asked.

“I uh, I was wondering if you’re doing something tonight? Maybe we could have dinner or something?” JD said. Chloe shook her head.

“Not really, no. why’d you ask me out?” Emily felt praised.

“I don’t see why not, I mean, you’re a beautiful and talented girl, who wouldn’t want to have dinner with you?” JD said, a little flirty, but he meant all that he said.

Emily smiled and blushes. The sweet words JD said got into her. Chloe can’t take it anymore.

“Do you really want to JD?” Chloe asked.

“Of course. I wouldn’t ask her if not. I’m not that kind of guy you know”, JD said.

Emily can’t help but think if the two was fighting.

“So Emily? What do you say?” JD asked.

Emily didn’t think it through, “of course I would”, she admired JD.

“Great! So I’ll see you later dismissal at the lobby”, JD said.

“Sure”, Emily was excited on their date, first time she had for a long time.

Soon enough, they’ve reached the 10th floor. The elevator door opened. No one wanted to come out, it was not their floor.

“Chloe, your floor”, JD said. Grinning like Cheshire cat.

Chloe stepped out, but she grabbed JD on her way out. “No, our floor”, she said. She managed to grab JD out before the door closed.

“Hey, my floors 3rd”, JD said.

“What the fuck was that?” Chloe said. She looked at him with a very teary eye. She was always that sensitive to those kinds of things. JD knew she was that sensitive and felt guilty on what he done. But she did something too. “You were obviously rubbing it to my face!”

“You did the same thing”, JD pointed out his point.

Chloe looked at him once more, but this time, the tear was inches away from falling out. “You just don’t get it do you?” she said.

But JD completely get it, he was just acting clueless. “What did I do wrong?” he said.

“Next time just speak up”, Chloe said very silently while looking down and wiping her tears away.

“Well, what should I say?” JD asked.

Chloe looked at him, her tears were gone, and “your point…” she said.

Then they noticed a man was watching them. It was the Chief of Department of the NYPD ;their boss, Liam Kim. “This, this is my place…” he said. The whole 10th floor was his office space, it’s a bit big for one man.

“Sorry, we’ll be on our way”, JD said.

“No, no. Stay. I was just about to go to you two anyway. Please take a seat”, Liam said. “How are you two?”

“Good, I guess”, JD said.

Liam noticed Chloe’s eyes. “You ok Det. Billson?” he asked.

Chloe looked at him and smiled. “Yes of course sir”, she said.

“Oh, it’s just your eyes. It looks different”, Liam said. “So you two are probably wondering why you are up here”

“We took the elevator…” JD seriously said.

Liam looked dead serious at him. Chloe couldn’t help but smile. JD saw it, at least Chloe smiled.

“Well obviously that”, but Liam was the boss you want to have to. He was cool and democratic. He just smiled. “But, I just read the attendance sheet of the department, and what I saw was, a perfect attendance of you two for a straight year”

“Is it bad? Is that why you call us?” JD said.

“No, but it’s the reason I wanted to talk to you two”, Liam said. “You see, a man has its limit, you two are here every day, working your ass out to sustain your life and help the society. I might be wrong but, I think you and Emma had no time to spend together because of your work that you and she broke up? Am I wrong?” Liam said.

“You’re partly right”, JD said.

“Thought you like her. What happened?” Liam asked.

JD looked at him. He thought it was creepy for an old man like Liam to ask those kinds of questions. “Like, is far from love”, JD simplified it.

“So you don’t love her?” Liam asked.

Chloe was listening very carefully. “I did”, JD said.

“So? Why’d it ended?” Liam asked.

“Maybe because I love her”, JD said.

Liam was confused. “Because you love her?” he asked.

“Yeah”, JD said. “I don’t think I’m ready for that kind of commitment yet”

“Let me guess…Denn…” just when Liam was about to say something…

“…yes…” JD already stopped him.

Liam and Chloe felt the awkwardness.

“Um, where was I?” Liam asked. Lost track of time.

“Vacation…” Chloe said.

“Oh yes yes. I almost forgot”, Liam said.

Chloe looked at JD. He didn’t seem happy about Liam bringing the issue regarding his past girlfriend 2 years ago.

“So I was saying, you two are officially relieved of your duties temporarily for a month effective tomorrow. Hope you two enjoy it, and you may go…” Liam said.

As the two was ready to head straight to the elevator, Liam stopped them… “oh yes. Detectives?” Liam called them. The two looked back at him. “Actually it has a catch. But it’s a little catch. Whenever I needed you two for a big, history changing crime for you two to solve, your vacation is immediately ineffective, and you must come back to work”.

“How did that became a vacation?” JD asked.

“Because I said it so…” Liam said. “You may go…”

So Chloe and JD went to the elevator. They didn’t know what to say to each other, they didn’t know what to feel. The vacation didn’t seem to excite them. They got in the elevator. Chloe pressed the 3rd floor button. They didn’t talk to each other, they got insecured.

“Emma was a nice girl. Thought you two are going to last…” Chloe said.

JD looked at her, “I’d rather not talk about it”, he said.

“I’m your friend, you’re supposed to be telling me this kind of problems”, she said.

“Chloe, I think we both know, we like each other more than friends. I think our relationship is between friends and a couple. We’re not friends”, JD said.

“Then how would you label it?” Chloe asked.

“I think it’s best if we keep, whatever is between us, professional”, JD said, confused on what is the real state of their relationship.

“You know its not going to work”, Chloe said.

“Well I’m trying to make it work…” JD said. “Maybe a month not seeing you, could be a great start”

Chloe tried to understand what JD said. Since knowing each other, they became the good of friends. So good, it surpassed the boundary of it. They tried to avoid each other’s feeling to get the best of them, but they can’t, they kept on falling for each other. Sure they can be together, but it would be tough, realizing that they are both detectives of the same department. They tried to stay friends, but it was too late. Whenever they look at each other, their hearts beats faster than normal. It seemed that fate has something different planned to them.

The elevator opened, JD immediately went out, Chloe looked at him walk, with disbelief in mind. JD headed straight to his office, closed the door, removed his coat. His office had a great view of the outside; downtown Manhattan. It was dark, the rain was starting to pour down. He just stared outside, he has nothing else to do but spectate the people walking around the busy streets of New York. His office was filled with his awards and recognitions from various people, organizations and some came from the government. Just goes to show that he is doing his best to fulfill his job. He was well known, but he doesn’t feel like it. In the eyes of God, he’s not special, he’s just another man, living in New York city.

He grabbed the box of cigarette on his pocket, grabbed one and ignited it. As he placed the box on his desk, he catch a glimpse of the photo frame with a photo of him with Emma, while hugging her as the sun sets. Such a sweet photo, he put it down, never want to look at it again.

A knock came to his door, “hey JD, got a minute?” it was Toby, Det. Toby parker.

“Yeah sure. Come in”, JD said. Toby closed the door, “what you got?” JD asked.

“There was a call from the F.B.I. homicide department”, Toby said.

“For me?” JD asked.

“Yeah. Multiple homicides”, Toby said.

“What does it have to do with me?” JD asked.

“You know the killer…” Toby said. JD now know why he was involve, the killer was the killer that killed the girlfriend he had 2 years ago, Dennise McAdams. The one he loved the most, the one he thought was the one he will live forever with. That killer was on the loose for the past 2 years now, he was never caught when he killed Dennise. He was too slick even for JD. “They asked if you want to take part of their investigation”, Toby asked.

JD sipped a smoke from the cigarette, for a brief moment, it lessened the tension on his chest. He remembered Dennise again, he was trying to become busy to avoid thinking of her again. But he simply just can’t. His therapist was trying to make him forget, but so far, it’s not going so well.

Dennise McAdams, JD’s one true love. He met her back in high school; she was his lab partner back then. Ever since, he fell for her and her vice versa. An unknown and unidentified killer killed her back then with her friend Abigail Pangilinan, back at her home back in Los Angeles. She was stabbed 6 times at the chest and 7 times at the back, while her friend was traumatized on what happened. JD was the first one to saw her lying dead back then, he rescued Abigail. Ever since, he decided to make a transfer to the NYPD to escape the tragic past he had. Today, that killer is still on the loose…

JD thought about it, “it’s my vacation…” but he tried not to take part. He’s trying to forget her.

“I can take over if you want. I’ve studied few regarding Dennise case, think I can, handle the job”, Toby wanted to help. He heard a lot about that Dennise McAdams murder case.

“No, no, please. Although it might be a very, very big help, but let’s hand it over to the experts. And it’s kind of a personal thing”, JD said. “But thanks for the support by the way…”

“No problem…so I’ll just day…” Toby asked.

“Vacation break”, JD said.

“Ok”, then Toby went out. JD then brought out his wallet and took out a photo of Dennise. He missed her even more.

It was evening, 7pm to be exact; dismissal time. Along exhausting day is over. JD was getting ready to go out. The weather was still rainy. He wore his coat once again. He saw Chloe at the hallway of the 3rd floor. He approached her.

“Hey…” JD said.

Chloe saw him, but she didn’t look at him, she just continued walking. “Hey…” she just said.

“Wait”, JD yelled at her. Chloe stopped walking. The whole office floor was empty; they were always the last ones to come down. “I said we keep it professional, not to ignore each other”, he said.

“Thought you don’t want to see me?” Chloe said.

“You’re still my friend”, JD said.

“Thought were not friends?” Chloe said. All the words JD threw at her, well, he threw it back.

JD didn’t know what to say, she was right. “I don’t know what I said back there…I don’t know the break up just…”

“JD”, Chloe stopped him, “you’re not acting like this because of the break up, you’re acting like this, because of Dennise. Ever since you got here, you’ve been acting like this. It’s hard to communicate with you when something is blocking your mind from acting normal. You’re always the depressed one I saw 2 years ago. You’ve never changed. The whole therapist thing was just an excuse to say that you’re trying to move on from Dennise’s death. JD, you need to move on…she’s dead”, Chloe said.

it’s hard to live with a bunch of detectives; they’ll always know what you’re thinking about, what you’re feeling. They will always figure you out.

“You’ve been blaming me and Emma on why you’re acting like this, when all you need to blame is yourself…maybe your right, maybe this vacation could clear up your mind”, Chloe said.

“I guess so…” JD said, he took all what Chloe said with respect.

“You better get going, Emily’s probably waiting at the lobby”, Chloe said.

They went down together at the elevator. Andrew and Emily was sitting together at the lobby chairs, talking to each other. They approached them.

“How bout we celebrate? To the vacationers”, Emily heard about the news.

“How’d you know?” Chloe asked.

“You know the rumor mill around here. There’s not safe secret”, Emily said.

“How bout we go on a drink? All of us?” Andrew asked.

“Sounds great. What do you say JD?” Chloe asked him.

JD just smiled, “sounds great”, he said. “I know a pub…”

They went to a pub named ‘Broken Hearts Ville’ located in upper Manhattan, they went there, it was a mere walking distance to JD’s condominium. It was normal pub, not to crowd. They drank and drank, they enjoyed singing in the karaoke as the people inside cheer them, except JD. He was sitting at the chairs at the bartender’s corner. He was busy thinking about what Toby said, that the killer that killed Dennise is back to work.

Andrew sat beside him, “you’re alone once again my friend”, he said.

JD tried to smile, “just thinking”, he said.

“You know you think a lot. Have fun, enjoy, relax”, Andrew said. He was young, mid-20’s, he’s not as busy as JD, not as haggard as JD.

“I don’t know, life’s just keep bringing me things to think about, and if I don’t think, it just keeps piling up, you know, it keeps stacking up that I need to think about all of it all in once”, JD sipped a drink.

“Well you seem to do a great job”, Andrew said.

“Maybe, but it’s not fun as you think it is”, JD said.

“You kidding? Might be a great life to have a mind like yours. I mean, you solve crime after crime, you make it look so easy. I literally envy you”, Andrew said.

JD smiled, took the compliment well. “With great powers comes great responsibilities, you know”, JD said.

“Maybe your right”, Andrew said. “Forgive me if I’m asking you this, but why you broke up with Emma?”

JD smiled for a brief moment, “I don’t know, when I started to, love her, I just felt that it’s not yet the time for me to, fall again for someone…” he said.

“Dennise?”, Andrew asked. JD just nodded. “You know, you were always quiet since then. Some of the girls find it sexy, but why?”

“I get that a lot, maybe it’s just me you know? I don’t talk a lot, I just think a lot.” JD said. “You want to know why I transferred.”

“About Dennise’s death, right?” Andrew asked.

“She was stabbed 13 times by a killer that is still roaming around the states”, JD said.

“So, let me guess, that’s why you’re always thinking. You’re thinking on how to get this man?” Andrew asked.

“Mostly, but I’m always thinking about her, it’s the only way that I could see her again”, JD said.

Midnight came, they decided to go home, JD would just walk home, he was sober. He left his Sudan back in the headquarters. Andrew called a cab. JD just waited for them to enter the cab, then left…

End of Chapter One


John Daniel™
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“Chloe, I think we both know, we like each other more than friends. I think our relationship is between friends and a couple. We’re not friends”

-JD Avila