Status: Just starting out...

Smile For The Paparazzi


Amelia Parker Mia for short is a 3rd year dental student at the University of Pittsburgh that has the life that every girl dreams of; she’s on the path to an amazing career and is dating the Captain of the Pittsburgh Penguins Sidney Crosby. But in reality Mia doesn’t have time for a relationship and neither does Sidney and this is where the two of them come up with a master plan that would help both Sidney and Mia in the eyes of the Media.
Two years ago Mia’s roommate Liz had invited her to go out to a club because she had heard some of the Penguins and Liz was in love with the local hockey team and would do anything to meet them, Mia on the other hand had no time to pay attention to anything outside of school but this week was a short exception it was Thanksgiving break which meant for a short 4 days where she didn’t have to think about school.
Clubs weren’t really the place Mia liked to go but Liz was not only her roommate but also her best friend and she felt really bad for her friend because she had been so caught up in school that she hadn’t just spent time with her friend in months there was always something in the way which is what happens when you decided to get to school all year round and not take summer vacation.
“Mia come on we need to get going!” Liz yelled through the apartment.
“I’m almost ready calm down; I doubt the hockey players if they’re there are going anywhere.” I say walking out of my room and towards the living room. As soon as I make it to the living room Liz is walking out the door so I grab my clutch and jacket and run as fast as my 5 inch heels will allow. When we get outside we hail a cab and about 5 minutes later we’re rolling up to Diesel Liz’s night club of choice tonight.
Once we make it into the club Liz runs of somewhere she probably saw a hockey player and left me standing all alone. I make my way over to the bar and get myself a drink and then search for a corner to stand in as I wasn’t much of a club goer.
“Are you alright?” I hear a voice ask as I look up.
“Oh yeah, I’m fine my friend just left me to go mingle with some hockey players and clubs aren’t really my thing.” I say then taking a sip from my drink.
“Oh I’m sorry we’ll you’re welcome to come join my friends and I at our table.” The stranger says.
“You know what I think I will it’s time for me to live a little and by the way I Amelia but you can call me Mia.” I say extending my hand out to the guy standing in front of me.
“Nice to meet you Mia, I’m Sidney,” he says shaking my hand and then turning and motioning me to follow him.
The two of us walk through the club which is pretty jammed packed so Sidney and I were walking pretty much pressed together and it was pretty awkward as I just met the guy but he seemed like a decent guy and we were just walking not like we we’re doing what some others do at a club. We make it to a table in the VIP section where a few guys and some girls were sitting and Sidney introduces me to the table.
“Guys this is Mia, and Mia these are the guys.” Sidney says as I wave.
I sit with Sidney and his friends for a while when I spot Liz and some guy making out in the corner.
“Holy shit what the fuck is Liz doing?” I ask allowed.
“Looks like Nealer found a chick.” One of the guys says.
“Well the chick I guess his name Nealer found is my roommate and best friend Liz.” I say and the guys just laugh.
Some more time passes and I have a few more drinks and let’s just say I got a little tipsy.
“Sid I like this girl, she’s funny.” A guy I now knows name is Kris and he’s Sidney’s teammate and that Sidney is a hockey player and that I’ve lost Liz again.
“I like you too.” I say slightly slurring.
“You guys I think maybe Mia should go home she’s looking a little drunk.” Sidney says and I pout.
“Aww come on I’m having fun and I never have fun and you know what I think I want another drink.” I say standing up and falling straight into Sidney’s lap.
“I think my point has just been proven, let me get you home plus I was thinking it was time for me to get home myself.” He says standing up and saying his goodbyes to his friends and I just wave like a stupid person I guess I really was that drunk.
Sidney and I walk out of the club well I guess I more like stumble out of the club and Sidney wraps his arm around me to keep me stable I somehow manage to tell him address and he gets me home safely and his programs his number into my phone in case I ever want to hang out with him again. He makes sure I’m inside with the door locked before I hear him drive away. I somehow make it to my room and pass out. Not knowing that the events that happened tonight would change the rest of my life.
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This is just a story I came up with yesterday at work I don't really know how much time I'll have to write with working 40+ hours a week.
I wrote this on my phone so please ignore any errors I'm sitting at a hospital all day so all I have is my phone which isn't fun to write on.
