Demon's Waltz

When you're ugly on the inside people hardly ever take notice. It's hard for them to see, the ugly underneath. When you're good on the inside people hardly ever notice either. They always seem too involved in their own lives, with their own needs to worry about someone else. When you're beautiful on the outside people notice. They stop and look at you lovingly, longingly, but never stop to take a look beneath, never ask themselves "Is this person lovely all the way down?" When you're ugly people always notice, they stop and stare, but not with love or longing, but fear and disgust. They never once ask themselves "Is that person really like that morbid, decrepit being before me in the depths of their soul?"

This is a type of beauty and the beast tale, if you will. A tale of a man, and a monster, and a girl and an everlasting beauty. The tale of one who has the face of an angel but the black soul of a devil. And one whose face is that of a demon but their soul, is yet to be tested.

This is the tale of a man whose skin was pale and his eyes were odd, this is the tale of Sweeney Todd...