Status: Finished =)

I Have but Two Faces

Empty Feelings

Around 5am the next day my phone went off. "Hello?" I mumbled into the receiver.
"Did I wake you?" My dad asked .
"It's fine. How are you?"
"Not so good, but better than when I left. I'm about to go see your mother." I could here him fighting tears.
"I understand. Let us know how she's doing, okay?"
"Will do. I just wanted to see how you two were doing."
"We've been sleeping since we dropped you off. Did you sleep?"
"On the plane and I woke up about an hour ago. What time is it?"
I looked at my digital clock. "5 something in the morning."
"Oh I'm sorry. I'll let you get back to sleep. If you need me call and I'll check up on you soon."
"Okay, Night dad."
"Morning, dear." I hung up my phone and passed out once again.
11am rolled around and Zane gently bounced on me. "Sonya, wakey wakey."
"I'm hungry and we already slept a day away. Get up." I grumbled incoherently and rolled on my back. "Let's go darlin'."
"Alright I'm up." Zane helped me up and we headed to the kitchen. I made us omelets and we sat down to eat. We ended up mostly picking at the eggs and both having heavy thoughts. "Dad called this morning. He made it to Dublin alright and was going to visit mom."
"Oh, is he okay?"
"Kinda, or as okay as he can be." I placed the last bit of egg in my mouth and glanced down at my plate.
"I'm gunna go for a walk. I'll see ya later?" Zane put his plate away and headed to his room.
I went to the bathroom and stripped of my pajamas. I climbed into the warm water and stood there with my head tilted down. How was I suppose to feel at the fact that my mother was in a coma in another country? Maybe I was in disbelief or it was outta sight outta mind kind of deal, but right now I just felt empty. I suppose I was in denial, but really I just couldn't wrap my mind around it. I shook my head and washed away the grime of sleeping for an entire day. I quickly dressed and got my phone to call Micky. It rang a few times before Micky answered. "Hey, how are you doing?" I flopped back on my back and waited.
"Alright. The guys, excluding Zane, are here trying to cheer me up." He chuckled.
"Aww that's nice of them." I smiled.
"We texted you a few times, but you didn't answer me."
"Oh, Zane and I were sleeping. We didn't get to sleep until about 10 yesterday morning."
"Really? Was your dad that mad?"
I sighed and placed my arm over my eyes. "No, Zane and I will tell ya later. Can we come over later tonight?"
"Sure, is everything okay?"
"Yeah, don't worry about. Worry about yourself, Mr. Micky. Where are the girls?"
"They're, ah... seeing how Trina's fairing."
"I see. Need anything?"
"No, I'm okay for now. I'll see you later?"
"Yeah, later. Tell everyone I said hi."
"Will do. Later, Son." I hung up and tried to call Trina; she didn't pick up. Next I texted Lyla to see what was happening. Apparently Trina still was pissed at me for 'taking' Micky's side. She wanted nothing to do with me as long as I was friends with him, which didn't make sense since Lyla and Kat were still friends with but whatever.
After texting Lyla, I cleaned up the house and checked dad's garden. For the rest of the day I kept busy and realized I had school in three days. This was going to be rough.
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Not a very good chapter... =/ Next one should be better