Status: Finished =)

I Have but Two Faces

Smarten Up Please

Zane and I ended up sleeping on the couch together. If it wasn't for the fact that we were extremely tired, we probably wouldn't have slept at all. However, I slept like a baby until the doorbell rang and I was startled away. I fell off the couch, dragging Zane with me.
"What the Hell?" Zane automatically popped up and looked around bewildered.
"Sorry, the doorbell rang and I jumped." I untangled our legs and got up.
"Just be careful next time. Who's at the door?"
"Most likely our friends. I told you yesterday that they were coming over." I walked over to the door and swung it open. "Welcome honored guests to House Bronte where the kids are crazy and you are always welcome."
"Hey, Sonya." Lyla hugged. "What are you doing still in your pajamas?"
I looked down at my shorts and tank. "I just woke up actually. Make yourself at home and I'll quickly change." After I said hi to everyone, I scurried off to change. Just as I was opening my door, Zane was coming out of his. "Living room." He nodded and I closed my door. Once I changed into baggy jeans and a Nightwish t-shirt, I walked into the living room where all my friends had gathered. They were talking about a Rise Against concert in the summer and how everyone should go. Everyone turned when I walked into the room.
"There she is! We thought you found the door to Narnia!" -Sven
"I wish, if I did ya'll would be the first to know." I laughed. We talking a little more before Luke interrupted.
"Okay, enough pussyfooting around please and tell us what's up." Don't think Luke is being mean or anything, but if he hadn't of done this neither Zane nor I would have brought it up. We aren't the type to be like 'Hey guess what guys my mom's in a coma. Want some Ice tea?' It just doesn't work like that for us.
I looked at Zane and went to open my mouth when my pocket vibrated. I fetched it out of my pocket and saw DAD in the window. I flipped it open and signaled Zane to tell our friends. "Hi dad." I walked into the kitchen to talk without background noise.
"Hi, sweetie. How are you?"
"Okay. We have our friends over to keep us company."
"That's good." I could hear his sad smile. "How's Zane doing? Last time I talked to him he sounded... distant."
"He's less than okay, but not bad. It's hit him hard."
"I can imagine, he was always close with your mother."
"Yeah... How is she doing?"
"Same old same old. Nothing has changed over the week." The heartbreak was evident, but I could sense some type of hope.
"I see." I knew that sounded lame, but I couldn't think of anything else to say. "Keep us updated."
"Will do. Your uncle wants to talk to you. Is that okay?"
"Yes. I'll talk to you later. Make sure to eat and sleep."
"Will do, and you too. Love you Sonya. Tell Zane I love him too."
"I will." I waited for my uncle to speak before saying anything.
"Hello, Sonya."
"Hi, uncle. How are you?"
"I'm fairing. You?"
"I've had better weeks, but I'm not terrible."
"That's good."
"How's dad doing? He doesn't sound that great."
"He's lost some weight. I have to keep reminding him to eat and sleep. If I or the nurses don't then he'd forget."
"Yeah, I can see that. You should try taking him out to see local sights for a little bit at a time. That should relieve some stress and he can tell mom all about it."
"Good idea, lil one. I'll try."
"Okay, I'll talk to you later, I have guests over that I should go attend to." I laughed lightly.
"Alright, dear. I'll talk to you later and try to get your da out of this deary place."
"Thank you Uncle. Bye."
"Bye, Sonya." We hung up and I walked into the living room. From the feeling in the room, Zane definitely told everyone what had been going on in our lives.
"Who was that?" Zane asked.
"Dad and then uncle. Nothing has changed with mom and uncle is going to try and get dad out of the hospital for a few hours so he doesn't go insane."
"Okay." I could tell Zane was withdrawing into himself a little to prevent himself from falling apart. For the rest of the day our friends kept us busy so we couldn't dwell on the depressingness that is our life. I was greatful for what they were doing for us, especially since Micky was going through something tough too but if either of us needed to express something we did. If he wanted to talk a little about his Trina problem we did. If Zane or I needed to talk about our mom we did. It was best for all of us because keeping our sadness locked up was doing no one any good.
9:30pm rolled around and Sven, Marco, and Kat had to leave. Lyla, Micky, and Luke decided to stay the night and keep us company so the house wasn't so lonely. Some point during the night everyone fell asleep. However, I once again woke up in the middle of the night to find Zane gone. I quietly got up and looked around for him. He wasn't in the bathroom, his room, or the kitchen. I stood int he dark kitchen until I saw movement on the patio. "Zane, you alright?"
"Yeah." he was sitting on a double seat we had; one of the wicker ones that are white.
"Have you been sleeping much?" I sat next to him and gently grabbed his hand.
"Not really. Maybe an hour or two at a time." We were quiet for a while, staring out into the star filled dark. Suddenly Zane burst from the seat and paced aggressively.
"Zane what's wrong?" I asked startled.
"How can dad be like this!" He continued pace back and forth in front of me. "I understand that his wife is in a coma, but what about us! He's over in Ireland wasting away. How can he let himself go when he has kids that are depending on him and freaking out just as much as him! You can't tell me I'm wrong Sonya, and don't try to say it's not true because I know it is. He's being so bloody selfish. What happens if something bad does happen to mom? Is he just gunna waste away and die to join her? Why can't he think a little about what he does have? I'd be heart broken and worried too if my significant other was in a coma, but if I had kids I'd at least Live for them. He calls to 'make' sure we are okay, but I get the feeling that he doesn't get that we are freaking out too! What The Hell!" He swiped his arm across the railing, sending a few plants soaring over the edge. I quickly got up and hugged him. He struggled to get out of my grip, but I kept him restrained from breaking anything more and to comfort him. I started whispering to him to calm him down, I wasn't sure if it helped at all. Finally he let out a roar of frustration and collapsed into my embrace. Tears were once again dripping down his face.
I understood why he was angry. I was a little mad at dad too for behaving like this. I totally understand that he's worried about mom, but since he was forgetting to eat and losing weight that added to our stresses and worries. We are 17 year old kids and we have to worry about school, working, bills, and now Trina, mom, and unfortunately our dad. If dad didn't smarten up, I'm afraid either Zane or I or both of us were going to break. Dad needed to think about his children. Just because we weren't in the hospital doesn't mean we were okay.
About an hour later I lead Zane back into the house and walked him to his room. After making sure he actually made it into his bed, I walked back out into the living room and settled back down for the night. Micky's head rose and looked at me. I merely shook my head and we both went to sleep for the rest of the night.
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I hope how everyone is reacting is believable.